Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1548: Meet Zhi Ye (10)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu's car skills are okay.

It just floats occasionally.

Zong Yu has never been brought like this, even if he knew no one.

He lowered his eyes and hugged the girl's slender waist in front of her.

Zong Yu probably didn't expect that one day he would be taken back like this.

When getting off, Zong Yu was obviously angry.

Increase the font on the phone.

"No more self-assertion!!!"

The enlarged font indicates the anger of the host, and several exclamation marks profoundly reflect the central idea emphasized by the host.

Mingshu took off his helmet, "Why are you doing so much?"

Zong Yu dragged her out of the car, parked it again, and went straight upstairs.

Mingshu: "..."

The goblin is pretty hard to serve.

When Mingshu went up, Zong Yu had already returned to the upstairs.

Hey, so sleepy.


Say tomorrow.

Mingshu took a bath and came out and was startled by Zong Yu who was standing outside.

"Mr. Landlord, what are you doing?" Ming Shu clutched his bathrobe and stood in front of the girl's bathroom most of the night!

Zong Yu's eyes weren't messing around, and the clothes on his body had also been changed. He had obviously taken a bath.

He showed his mobile phone to Mingshu.

Mingshu glanced.

"Don't tell anyone that I live here? Why?"

Zong Yu quickly typed: "No permission means no permission."

Mingshu: "Is this the third article?"

Zong Yu: "Not counted."

Ming Shu: "Aren't you playing rogue?"

Zong Yu: "You can move out."

Mingshu: "..."

You are the host, you won!

I don't care about a dumb, go to sleep!

"Xing Xing Xing, you know." Mingshu pushed her away and entered her room, shutting Zong Yu's eyes out.

Zong Yu retracted his phone and looked at the direction of the bathroom.

Just now the girl came out with water vapor, and the whole person was rosy white, as if the ripe peach was to be picked, it was tempting and delicious.

Zong Yu lowered her head slightly, and the light on her phone gradually dimmed.

About a minute later, he reached out and turned off the bathroom lights, and went back to the living room to write a note on the bathroom door.

Mingshu came together the next day and saw the sticky note posted on the bathroom door——

Turn off the lights, don't waste.

Mingshu: "..."

Grandma drops legs! !

Which god-man takes a bath twice a day?

Who is wasting? !

Mingshu squeezed the note and said, "The words are pretty."

When Ming Shu went out to eat breakfast and came back, Zong Yu had not yet come downstairs.

There is no need to go to work this weekend.

Ming Shuwo recalled what happened last night on the sofa.

What do those who chase her want to do?

She had planned to slip them around last night and find a place to hit them again.

Who knew Zong Yu suddenly appeared, disrupting her plan.

They will not be so lucky next time.

Mingshu spent a day at home, but at night Zong Yu returned from outside.

Mingshu looked upstairs with a brutal look, didn't he not go downstairs?

When did you go out?

Zong Yu glanced at him and went straight upstairs.

"Mr. Landlord." Mingshu stopped him.

Zong Yu stopped, slender fingers holding the handrail, looking sideways.

"When did you go out?"

It is estimated that Zong Yu did not want to answer this question, and continued to walk upward.

Mingshu jumped from the sofa, walked to the stairs, and looked at him on the armrest, "Are you still angry?"

Zong Yu stopped, took out his phone, and typed a few words. Mingshu saw him type it again, then deleted it, and finally presented such a sentence in front of Mingshu.

"I don't like other people making good claims."

Then he typed another sentence.

"no next time."

After reading it to Ming Shu, Zong Yu collected his mobile phone and stepped up the stairs until his figure disappeared on the stairs, then Ming Shu thoughtfully touched his chin.

Don't like other people to make claims...

Wouldn't it be good to anger him?

The last plane made me angry.

How can this plane find its place?

Otherwise, where does my face go?


Zong Yu didn't show up all day.

Going to work on Monday, when Ming Shu got up, I was slightly surprised to see Zong Yu sitting on the sofa and watching the news.

"Mr. Landlord got up so early today?"

Zong Yu was unheard of and watched TV very well.

That posture...

Don’t know that he thought he was attending a national conference.

"..." The goblin ignored me!

Mingshu glanced at the TV and was broadcasting a news.

"Recently, the new president of Ruijin Group Wen Yun appeared at the airport. According to reliable information, President Wen will hold a press conference..."

Zong Yu saw this and was about to turn off the TV.

A hand came out from behind and grabbed the remote control.

With warm fingers, he put it on his hand.

The skin contact made Zong Yu feel like an electric shock. He quickly released his hand and the remote control fell into the hands of Ming Shu.

Zong Yu looked back and bumped into a pair of clear eyes.

The two were very close together and they could feel each other's breathing.

However, Ming Shu's eyes were fixed on TV, and he didn't seem to notice.

Ming Shu's lips were slightly picked, "Mr. Landlord, do you think this Wen Yun is very handsome?"

She lowered her eyes slightly, and the two eyes were facing each other, and the posture was even more ambiguous.

Zong Yu didn't move either, as if he was being held still.

He wanted to move, but he didn't know why his body was a little indifferent.

The heartbeat also became irregular.

Poo Poo-

He was a little scared that she heard her abnormal heartbeat and her body was tense.

Mingshu blinked his eyes, and the ghost sent the **** to kiss.

Zong Yu suddenly moved aside, and Mingshu only kissed the air.

Zong Yu stood up quickly on the sofa and hurried upstairs.

Mingshu: "..."



When you ask me!

Mingshu continued to look at the people on TV, surrounded by men walking out of the airport, with a dazzling X on it.

Little naughty.



As soon as Ming Shu arrived at the company, she was caught by Director Zhou and asked her to quickly hand in the design draft.

This time because of Qin Yi's relationship, it has been delayed for a long time, and it will be too late to continue this way.

Mingshu handed over the design draft and U disk to Director Zhou.

"Not bad……"

Director Zhou was very satisfied after reading it.

"Xiaoye, do it well. If the company is satisfied, the chief designer will be you in the future."

Mingshu is not interested in this chief designer. It is not enough to make more money and buy more snacks. It is still very good.

Mingshu and Director Zhou said a few words, ready to go out.

"That's right." Director Zhou called Mingshu and took a letter from the drawer. "This is an invitation letter from the Asian New Jewelry Competition. You work hard to get the top three."

Ming Shu froze.

Jewelry contest...

The original owner was planning to participate, but Qin Yi also wanted to participate. Under the threat of Qin Yi, she finally gave up.

And this time the registration is over?

"Don't all registrations end?"

"My friend has an invitation in her hand, and she happened to be useless, so I brought it to you."

"Director Zhou... You are so good to me, wouldn't there be any attempts?"

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