Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1549: Meet Zhi Ye (11)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"You child." Director Zhou filled her invitation letter, "I like the talented young people, you should fight together this time, like we used to be too fearful... "

Director Zhou sighed and waved.

"Okay, go ahead."

This is a director with a story!

Mingshu dizzy came out of the office.

The invitation letter contains the website address and an invitation code.

The original owner has checked before. This competition network and other registration channels need to submit the work first, and confirm that it is not a mixed fish. Only then will the registration be passed, which is equivalent to the person who has registered already participated in the preliminary round.

But if you get this invitation letter, you can directly participate in the official competition.

Such invitations are usually sent to major jewelry companies, or famous designers, to let them recommend their students, or young people who value them.

The quota of the company before was taken away by Qin Yi.

Mingshu login website, enter the invitation code, fill in your own information, the page jumps to the theme page.

The theme is eternity.

The deadline for submission is two months.


Mingshu was busy with work and competition, and he had less time to meet Zong Yu.

On the WeChat account, Liu Zhihan fell in love with her from time to time, either asking her or asking where Zong Yu lived.

Mingshu certainly would not tell him.

Although I want to be angry with him, sometimes I have to measure a degree.

If you really get angry, don't you have to coax yourself?

I have that time, it is better to eat two more snacks.

"Ai Ye, go to a dinner with me at night."

When Ming Shu was about to leave work, Director Zhou suddenly appeared.

"Dinner?" Mingshu's eyes shone slightly. "Are there any delicious food?"

"How do you know to eat?"

"People take food as the sky and don't eat the dead director Zhou."

"Shaobozui." Director Zhou asked, "Do you have a dress?"

"No." In the past, Qin Yi participated in this kind of activity, and the original owner could only drive her.

"I happen to want to buy it, you go with me."

Director Zhou left with Ming Shu, and the people in the office immediately gathered together to discuss.

"Ai Ye is now the celebrity around Director Zhou, and she has taken her to the dinner."

"Huh, now Director Zhou still lets her be a designer, a little assistant, and doesn't know what can be drawn."

"Just don't know what she used to climb so fast."

"Now the young and young, coaxing people, is also a set, we people, let's work honestly."


The dinner was held in the hotel. When Ming Shu and Director Zhou arrived, there were many reporters and fans outside.

Director Zhou said: "This dinner, I heard that the famous jewelry design master Mr. Cade will also come, and will share some things, take you to see the master."

Ming Shu's mouth twitched, "Director Zhou, I thought you wanted to bring me to know the master, so will you show me?"

Director Zhou poked her head with a finger, "What do you want? It's good to take a look, get off."

Mingshu pushed the car door down.

"Ahhh... Yueyue, Yueyue!!!"

"Yueyue, look at me!"

"Yueyue, I love you!"

A group of fans yelled in the distance, and there was a car in the middle, slowly moving towards the entrance of the hotel.

"Wen Yueyue." Seeing Mingshu looking over there, Director Zhou explained, "I just got into the entertainment circle and got fired."

"She's also named Wen?"

"Well, yeah." Director Zhou nodded, "What's wrong?"

"A surname with Wen Yun." Ming Shu closed the door.

"Wen Yun? The new president of Ruijin Group?"

"Well, it's him." My little naughty.

"Coincidentally, I haven't heard of any relationship between them." Director Zhou was also a little suspicious, but soon revealed: "Okay, these entertainment circles have nothing to do with us."


Mingshu and Director Zhou are preparing to go inside.

Several bodyguards stepped forward suddenly, blocking them on both sides, "Let one let... let one..."

Director Zhou has no expression. There are more cases like this, and there is nothing to worry about.

Mingshu looked at the girl who was surrounded by people. She looked pretty, and she was very temperamental.

"Your house opened here? You let me let it go?" A squeamish voice suddenly sounded beside Mingshu.

She turned her head and saw that the girl was standing in front of a car with her arms akimbo and a bodyguard theory.

Today there is no red carpet in the hotel and there are many cars. Many people can only park outside and walk in by themselves.

This little girl's parking position is a bit tricky, it is estimated that it is blocking the road, as a public figure, naturally can not detour the price.

So the bodyguard used to let her move.

Anyone who knows inside will swell.

"Sorry, we..."

"Who is the young lady? Who is the young lady? You are the young lady!"

The little girl quarreled directly with the bodyguard.

Mingshu thought the little girl was familiar.

It took me a while to remember that this was a scolding little girl.

Wen Yueyue has approached here, the bodyguard is a bit anxious.

"Wen Yueyue." Jiang Xiaocai slammed the door of the car, with a small waist and a disdainful face, "Who do I say, such a big show."

Wen Yueyue is gentle and polite, "Miss Jiang."

"Your bodyguard made me give way?"

Wen Yueyue looked at the bodyguard and said softly, "It must have been a misunderstanding."

Mingshu leaned his head and said to Director Zhou, "Today is not our designer circle's business, how did it involve the entertainment circle?"

"For this banquet, several people from jewelry companies have invited them. It's a big banquet in the circle. Wen Yueyue has jewelry endorsements. In addition to her, many artists will also come."

People from their company will also come. People like Director Zhou are naturally not qualified to be with the top management and can only come by themselves.

Mingshu and Director Zhou talked for a while, and Jiang Xiaocai had already quarreled with Wen Yueyue.

Of course, it's just a unilateral noise.

Wen Yueyue has always behaved very politely, and it seems that Jiang Xiaocai was unreasonably making trouble.

However, Jiang Xiaocai is not a person in the entertainment industry. She is not too arrogant and selfish in the circle, so she does not care about her image at all.

Jiang Xiaocai has been blocking Wen Yueyue.


"so hot!"

"The President of Ruijin Group!!!"

"Oh my god!! It's really him. I heard that it was a big deal just after taking over the group."

"Young and promising, handsome, no girlfriend, Diamond King!"

The man in a suit and leather shoes was surrounded by bodyguards. He might be that his aura was too strong, and everyone voluntarily gave way.

Wen Yueyue looked back.

The man stepped forward without squinting. When passing by Yueyueyue, there was no expression.

Instead, he walked to Jiang Xiaocai, and he paused a little, "Jiang Xiaocai, your dad never taught you rules?"

Jiang Xiaocai's face suddenly turned green.

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