Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1552: Meet Zhi Ye (14)

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Jiang Xiaocai was furious again.

Mingshu couldn't help but sigh: "Just want to chase people like this?"

Run away when you are angry, and don't want to catch up with people for eight lifetimes.

Zong Yu responded with silence.

Mingshu turned his head to look at him, following his white and clean chin, and fell on his lashes: "What a coincidence, why are you here?"

Zong Yu's eyelashes twitched slightly and her eyes dropped.

It hits Mingshu's eyes, and the indifferent and detached eyes flash a strange emotion.

Zong Yu quickly withdrew her eyes and led her out.

Mingshu was forced to follow him.

"Eh, Mr. landlord, Peach Blossom has run away, what are you doing with your arms around me?"

Zong Yu was unheard of until she walked out of the hotel.

The neon lights are shining brightly, and Zong Yu takes her on the road without hurrying.

The overlapping figures were thrown on the side of the road, and were run over by the car whistling past.

Mingshu glanced across the shadow, and the temperature in him kept passing.

She looked sideways: "Mr. landlord, where are you taking me?"

After hearing the words, Zong Yu finally found out her mobile phone and typed a few words with one hand to show her.

"Just walk around."

"You can let me go first, men and women don't accept love!"

While Zong Yu was typing, some passers-by passed their faces by covering their faces.

"Look, look, this boy is so handsome!"

"Really, my mother, I came out today and met such a nice little brother!!"

"Unfortunately I have a girlfriend."

"Woo, woo, his girlfriend is really happy..."

"Hey, don't think about it now, boys are not only robbed by girls, but also robbed by boys. Where have people like us robbed, be single all your life!"

Zong Yu's words just finished.

"Trouble, give money." The translation is that there are too many onlookers, fearing that passers-by will go ahead and commit crimes, and give her money to help her stop.

Mingshu: "..."

Am I the kind of person who can buy with money?

"Invite me to eat."

Zong Yu's eyes were drooping, and his eyelashes printed a shadow on the lower eyelid.

He tapped the next word with his fingertips: "Okay."

Zong Yu took Mingshu to a store on foot.

The store is not big, and the environment is good. At this time, it seems more lonely at night, with only a few places.

Zong Yu was obviously a regular visitor, and as soon as he entered, the waiter asked him nothing, and took him in directly.

"Mister is still the same?"

Zong Yu shook his head and motioned the waiter to ask Ming Shu.

The waiter handed the menu to Mingshu.

Mingshu ordered some delicious dishes.

"do you need anything else?"

Zong Yu wrote a string of English with a pen and handed it to the waiter.

The waiter politely said: "Wait a minute."

The wine was delivered first, and Zong Yu pours the wine skillfully-it didn't mean to share it with Ming Shu.

"Zong Yu?"

Zong Yu looked up, and his eyes were even deeper in the dim light.

Ming Shu propped his chin: "Are you in a bad mood?"

Zong Yu's fingers pinched the glass slightly, and he turned on the phone.

"Don't bother me, eat by yourself."

"I will drink with you."

Zong Yu withdrew his mobile phone, and for a while, he didn't respond. After a long time, he took a new glass, poured the wine for Mingshu, and pushed it to her.

He looked straight at her, as if waiting for something.

Mingshu took the glass and took a sip.

"Cough..." Mingshu was choked, and the burning sensation burned all the way to his stomach.

What kind of wine is this?


Zong Yu withdrew his eyes, and his lips evoked a very shallow arc.

Ming Shu watched Zong Yu drink the wine as white water without any change on his face.

I admire you.

Mingshu drank and drank while drinking, Zong Yu occasionally poured her wine, but refused to have any eye contact or other communication with her.

Mingshu bit his chopsticks, took the phone and sent messages to Liu Zhihan.

[Ai Ye: Is there something wrong with Zong Yu? ]

[Liu Zhihan: He's got a lot of problems, which one do you ask? ]

[AI Ye: He seems to be in a bad mood. ]

[Liu Zhihan: He is in a bad mood every day. ]

[Ai Ye:...]

This is a brother!

[Liu Zhihan: Are you with him? Where are you? ]

Mingshu issued a positioning.

[Liu Zhihan: You must not let him drink! ]

Mingshu looked at the empty wine bottle opposite.


is there time?

[Ai Ye: Picture]

[Liu Zhihan: The hero takes care. ]

[Ai Ye:? ? ? ]

Liu Zhihan did not reply.

Mingshu is a little uncomfortable, won't this guy get crazy?

However she observed for a while.

Zong Yu keeps the same frequency and the same movements, looks calmly drinking wine, and can't see drunk at all, or wants to be drunk.

"Zong Yu?"

Mingshu reached out and shook his hand.

The latter gave her a cool look.

On the face are the three big words "Don't bother me" in bold and bold.

So is it drunk or not drunk?

After Ming Shu finished eating, Zong Yu rang the bell to check out, everything behaved very normal, completely unlike a person who drank a lot of wine.

What exactly does Liu Zhihan mean?

On the way back, Zong Yu walked alone, with his hands in his trousers pockets, which was a little more wild than the usual ascetic cadres.

Back at the apartment, when the door was closed, Mingshu felt that the breath of Zong Yu had changed.

She hadn't had time to see it, and the ornaments at the porch were the first to be planted.

Zong Yu was directly lifted to the ground.

The shattered sound frightened Ming Shu.

This is just the beginning.

Zong Yu suddenly began to destroy everything and smashed it to the ground, but he didn't make a sound, only the sound of smashing things.

It seemed that the depressed emotions on weekdays suddenly burst out.

Mingshu stood at the entrance and watched Zong Yu smash things.

Fortunately, the house has good sound insulation.

Smash it, it's not my thing anyway.

It's better to eat a little snack.

Mingshu was thinking that the person who smashed something over there seemed to be aware of someone and suddenly walked towards her.

The tall figure overturned and blocked her in the narrow space between the door and the wall.

The man's deep eyes fixed on her.

At that moment, it seemed to be stared at by some large beast.

It makes people numb.

Mingshu leaned back: "Zong Yu... I'm a human being and I can't smash it."

Zong Yu held her shoulder with her right hand, and wrapped her other hand around her waist, pulling Mingshu into his arms, and with a strong alcoholic kiss, she fell without warning.

Where Zong Yu is a pro, this is the bite.

Mingshu felt pain, opened his lips slightly, Zong Yu took the opportunity to enter, and began to attack the city with a brutal attitude, occupying all of her.

The air became thinner and thinner, and Mingshu's body gradually softened, leaning on Zong Yu's strong and spacious chest.

Zong Yu suddenly picked up Mingshu and put it on the sofa, proceeding to the next step.

Mingshu thought of resistance.

The goblin dare to borrow wine and go crazy!


However, the man's tall body was pressed down, and she was imprisoned directly under her. The kiss fell again. Mingshu pushed his hand and gradually lost power.

The wine smelled with his taste seemed to become sweet.

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