Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1553: Meet Zhi Ye (15)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu pushed the man down, looked at the messy ground, and slightly supported his forehead with a headache.

Damn, the waist is about to break.

This is nothing.

She glanced at the person who had fallen asleep, sighed, cleaned the person, and took the blanket over to cover him.

She sat on the ground and lay beside to watch Zong Yu.

She reached out and touched Zong Yu's cheek, her index finger rubbing a few times on his lips.

For a long time, Ming Shu leaned over and pecked at his lips.

Zong Yu's chest tattoo was also exposed at this time.

Is that a... fish?

Mingshu pulled out the corner of his mouth.

Is this good luck to forward Koi?

Mingshu carefully studied for a while, it should be a koi... head towards the chest, tail spread to the shoulder.

I have seen Zuoqinglongyoubaihu, but I haven't seen a striped fish on my body.

Social people's ideas are really strange.

After sitting on the ground for a while, Mingshu packed up the things on the ground and returned to the room by himself.


A ray of morning light slipped in by the window, dyeing the entire room a pale gold.

The man's hand on his forehead slowly moved away.

A pair of eyes stared quietly at the ceiling.

last night……

He sat up on the sofa, the sunlight fell on his chest, and the tattoo became more three-dimensional, lifelike, as if he would come to life.

He lifted the blanket and glanced, his calm eyes squinting slightly.

Wasn't it a dream last night?

Zong Yu lay back and closed his eyes.

After a minute, he sat up and rubbed a little, breathing slightly.

Zong Yu glanced at the messy room, and he didn't know where to throw his clothes.

That person last night...

Zong Yu's eyes followed the messy ground to the closed door.

I don't know why, if it was her, he even thought he could accept it.

Zong Yu calmed down a little, wrapped up a blanket and went upstairs, quickly stuffed himself into the bathroom to wash it, and put on clean clothes.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his wet hair.

[Zong Yu: Liu Zhihan. ]

[Zong Yu: Liu Zhihan. ]

[Zong Yu: Liu Zhihan. ]

Liu Zhihan was screened by Zong Yu early in the morning. He touched his phone, glanced at it, and then continued to sleep.

Awake for a few minutes.

Sit up from the bed and hug the phone.

[Liu Zhihan: A Yu? No one else, we are not killing and setting fire, we can all solve it! ]

[Zong Yu: I want to ask you something. ]

[Liu Zhihan:? ? ]

[Zong Yu: If...]

[Zong Yu: I don’t hate being in close contact with yourself, why? ]

[Liu Zhihan:! ! ! ]

[Liu Zhihan: Ah Yu, do you have someone you like? Oh my God! Really, is the stone about to bloom? Finally, there is no need to be told that I am a broken sleeve! ! ]

[Zong Yu: Why? ]

[Liu Zhihan: Why else, you like her chanting. Tell me quickly, who is that person? ]

and many more! last night……

Liu Zhihan suddenly had a bad hunch.

Won't it be that woman?

He checked the woman's information, nothing special.

It is an ordinary employee of a jewelry company. The background is not complicated, and the family environment is harmonious, but I don’t know why it has a relationship with A Yu.

[Zong Yu: Ai Ye. ]

Zong Yu's answer sat on the guess of Shiliu Zhihan.

He cried with his cellphone.

It's really her!

Since she appeared, she felt it was not simple.

In a short time, it turned Ayu into this!


It must be a vixen!

[Zong Yu: What should I do now? ]

[Liu Zhihan: A woman likes clothes, bags, and jewellery. ]

[Liu Zhihan: Ah Yu, although I really want you to be able to fall in love normally, but I still have to remind you that this woman seems to be out of luck. Why not consider Jiang Xiaocai? Know the roots and the bottom of your heart! ]

[Zong Yu: No feeling. ]

[Liu Zhihan: ...]

Zong Yu put down his phone and opened the door to go out. He hesitated at the stairs for almost a minute before stepping out.

The downstairs was very quiet, still the mess.

He glanced in the direction of Mingshu's door, which was already open...

Zong Yu's heart jumped wildly, almost out of his control.

He held the handrail and walked slowly downstairs.

The girl was well-dressed, sitting at the dining table, eating a sandwich, and her legs were very irregularly bent on the chair next to it.

He seemed to hear him moving downstairs and looked up.

"Mr. landlord, early."

Zong Yu squeezed the armrest, and his figure froze.

However, the girl just called him and then bowed her head to continue eating her own food.

What is her reaction?

Zong Yu walked across from her.

Still no response.

Zong Yu bypassed the table and stood beside her.

The light was dim, and the girl finally raised her head, her tone clear and crisp: "Mr. Landlord, is something wrong?"

Zong Yu's eyes went straight into Mingshu's pupils, as if to analyze something stripped from it.

"Last night..." Zong Yu typed a few words, and some pictures appeared repeatedly in his mind.

"What happened last night?" Ming Shu's innocent face said: "You said these things? It was you who smashed it yourself, it has nothing to do with me."

Zong Yu was a little overwhelmed by Mingshu's reaction.

"I still have to go to work, Mr. landlord, find someone to tidy up." Mingshu got up and was ready to leave.

Zong Yu reached out and held her wrist,

He played slowly, as if very difficult: "Last night, did we..."

He gave a slight pause.

Take a deep breath.

Finish the last few words: "Have you done it?"

"Mr. landlord, are you drinking and confusing?" Ming Shu broke his hand: "I'm going to work, I won't mess with you."


Do not……


Why doesn't she admit it? Do you want to deny it?

Zong Yu's eyes were slightly dark, and she was retrieved again, and re-edited: "I remember, it's you."

His eyes were fixed on Mingshu, and he was sure.

Mingshu: "..."

Ya's drunk memory is so good.

Didn’t you say that after drinking, you will wake up and forget all about it?

The TV series is so wrong!

Ming Shu said: "What if it is?"

Zong Yu played much faster this time: "You admit it?"

Zong Yu's fingers were slightly loose, and Mingshu dragged his hand back: "Don't you remember all? I deny what use?"

Zong Yu lost his temperature in the palm of his hand, and he was a little disappointed.

She seems a little... hate herself?

Zong Yu drew a card from his pocket and stuffed it with Mingshu. When he just typed a word, Mingshu's voice rang.

"Mr. landlord, is this my mouth?"

Zong Yu's eyelashes twitched slightly, his fingers squatted above the screen of the mobile phone, and the lips opened and closed...

"Thank you so much, I won't talk nonsense, everyone is an adult, I understand." Ming Shu smiled brightly, picked up the bag next to him, and left quickly.

Zong Yu stretched out his hand, only to pull Ming Shu a piece of clothing corner.


The door closed.

Zong Yu looked at the door a little nervously.

He didn't mean that.


Mingshu went downstairs and patted his chest.

Scared to death.

Fortunately, he ran fast.

Otherwise, the goblin must be held responsible again.


Daily tasks **** one **** √

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