Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 812: Dawn Hunt (28)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Ever since everyone found out that Mingshu and the wilderness were not right, the wilderness began to release himself.

Anyway, he just wants to treat her well!

Not convinced?

Hold back!

Several people from Sutai made an unannounced visit in Ancheng, but found many things.

The wilderness didn't know what to look for, and turned the documents around all day long.

"Xia Wei!"

Ming Shu, who was squatting on the ground to talk to the little zombie, suddenly heard the wilderness calling himself, with a very loud voice.

She peered out of the study and glanced.

The wilderness came to her by holding the file, "You help me see this."

"Zombies are illiterate and can't understand." Mingshu refused.

"Daughter-in-law, help me see." The wilderness squatted down in front of the little zombies and smiled at her.

"Who is your daughter-in-law?" Ming Shu looked at him, "Don't scream, don't want your tongue?"

The wilderness nodded, "Good wife, help me see."

"Bite him." Mingshu gave the little zombie a look.

The little zombies were all happy with a small face, and murmured into the wilderness.

The field was thrown to the ground, and the documents fell to the ground.

Mingshu picked up the file.

It was still the zombie whose brain was sick before, but this document records... the corpse change? ? ?

Grandma drops a bear, what the **** are these people doing.


Not even the younger brother of the body.

"So he was really dead." Mingshu threw the document to him. "What the **** are you looking for?"

The wilderness pressed the little zombie to the side, and the little zombie's teeth roared and roared.

What a roar!

"Roar roar!"

Shout to strangle you again! !

"Roar roar!

The wilderness threw the little zombie out of the room with a black face, and slammed the door.


Snake's disease does not know how to pity Xiangxixiyu, what should I do if I break the beautiful face of Laozi.

Um... there seems to be something wrong.

The field shook his head and concentrated.

"This eschatology may be related to their research."

"So?" Mingshu leaned on the table. "Are you going to save the world?"

The wilderness suddenly approached Mingshu, holding the table behind her with both hands, holding her in his arms.

A refreshing breath swept in, and he brought a bit of seriousness between his brows and eyes, "Do you remember what happened?"

"It's not important to remember." Mingshu's eyelashes fell, "I'm fine now."

"is it."

The wilderness touched Mingshu's cheek in his hand. His slightly hot fingertips seemed to be on fire. Every cell was ignited, and the heat spread from the limbs to the heart.

The heart that had stopped for a long time seemed to beating at the moment.

Yuan Ye's face continued to enlarge, Ming Shu slightly tilted her head, and her soft lips fell on her cheeks.

"If..." the breath of the wilderness sprayed on Ming Shu's face, "I tell you, are you also their test subject?"


"..." What are you doing! !

What is your reaction? Hey! !

You should unbelievably question why this is so to you! !

The field almost clapped Mingshu on the table.

The field was angry, but with Minshu's face broken, he kissed him fiercely. Before Mingshu could recover, he had released her.

"I think you are not afraid of death." Mingshu raised his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth.

He flicked it a few more times, and she really wanted to bite him.

The wilderness is still close, and there is a soft color in the eyes, "Will you let me die?"

Mingshu smirked, "Yes."

The wilderness picked up a pair of rusty scissors from the table behind Mingshu and forced it into Mingshu's hands. "Then kill me, die in your hands, I will."

Ming Shu: "..." You little goblin! !

Mingshu didn't move for a while, and the wilderness approached her, as if there was temptation in her voice, "Look, you can't bear me."

Ming Shu laughed, "Kill a silly X and lower my identity!"

Wilderness: "..." You are silly X, your whole family is silly X! !

The wilderness was ruthless, and he kissed his lips shamelessly.

Let you scold Lao Tzu! !

"I saw your information at the company." Yoshino Hara just let her go, a little bit hated to continue the previous topic, "but you bombed the building very quickly, I didn't bring anything out."

He can still remember the stubble of the last explosion.

Ming Shu Youyou said: "If I am an experimental object, it also proves that I am a very successful experimental object."

The wilderness ripped the corner of his mouth and dismantled the platform mercilessly, "No, you are a failure."


Ming Shu looked at him.

The wilderness stretched his face, you looked at me, you are also a failure.

The two looked at each other.

The air in the room seemed to stop flowing.

The wilderness defeated first, "Your file is written this way, failed product."

Mingshu hummed inexplicably and asked casually, "What are they going to study?"

"If I knew, I would still..." The wilderness paused, swallowing back the words that were not very friendly, "I don't need to check if I know."

"I still fail like this." Ming Shu smiled, "a bunch of stupid forks."

Wilderness: "..."

In fact, according to the original owner's situation, she is indeed like a failed product, and her IQ is too low.

The employees of the pharmaceutical company seem to be dead, and now there is only the zombie with a sick brain. I don’t know if I am still alive.


at night.

Ye Xiangsi, Su Tai and others went out as soon as it was dark. The people in the field were called away by poisonous spiders. The room was left with only Ming Shu, two zombies, and the children in the room.

The two zombies and large pets squatted on the sofa, staring at Mingshu.

They haven't eaten anything since they came in, so they want to eat.


The door was suddenly kicked open.

Mingshu looked up, and several big men appeared at the door, glancing fiercely at the room, his eyes fixed on Mingshu and the two zombies.

"You are Xia Wei?" The leading Dahan took out a piece of paper to compare with Mingshu.

Mingshu calmly tilted his legs, "No one has taught you, do you have to knock on the door before coming in?"

The big man didn't even listen to Mingshu's words and waved, "Take me away."

"Roar!!!" Little Zombie and Li Jianren stood up at the same time and stopped in front of them.

The two just squatted back to them.

Li Jianren turned around at this time, the big men changed their faces and took two steps back.


The little zombie can't be seen at all, but Li Jianren doesn't wear a mask, he can see at a glance that he is a zombie.

The big men panicked for only a moment. After calming down, they immediately pointed their guns at the two zombies and pulled the trigger.

"Roar!" Fool, hide!

The little zombie roared, Li Jianren understood, and immediately evaded towards the side.

The little zombie is fighting for his smallness. Don’t aim. Instead, he rolls directly over the ground and hits one of the big men’s legs with an open mouth.


The big man lifted his foot to kick away the little zombie.

The little zombie was kicked and hit the wall of the room. He glared hard at the wall and threw it over again.

The big man gave up his gun, moved his fingers slightly, and an iron cage appeared from the sky, knocking down the small zombie inside.

But Dahan Mingming only saw one zombie, but his blink of an eye suddenly turned into dozens of identical zombies.

The zombies rushed towards them at the same time.

"I depend!"

"What the **** is this horse riding."

The big chaotic chaos, the sound of gunshots and skills are constantly echoing on the floor.


I don't know who screamed.

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