Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 813: Dawn Hunt (29)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

In the chaotic room, the furniture was riddled with holes and the decorations shattered.

The big men were lying on the ground, daring not to move, even cold sweat on their foreheads.

The little zombie and Li Jianren crouched beside them, licking the corners of their mouths constantly.

"Roar?" When is the meal open?

Li Jianren grabbed Dahan's head.

"Roar!" The little zombie shot in Li Jianren's claws. The emperor didn't say anything, what claws did you move! !

Mingshu was still sitting on the sofa without even moving his posture. "Why are you coming to see me?"

The big man looked at the zombies in close proximity, swallowed, and shuddered, "Xia...Miss Xia, we...we just acted on orders."

I knew it was so hard to live, and they wouldn’t say anything.

So scary! !

No one is raising zombies!

Zombies are so obedient! !

"Whose order? The crawling insect that can't be eaten?"

Crawling insects? ?

can not eat?

It took a while for the big guys to respond, "'s the boss."

"If you invite someone, you have to be courteous." Ming Shu smiled. "Go out and knock on the door and come back."

Dahan: "..."

The notice they received was not an invitation...yes! !

What courtesy is needed to catch people?

"Roar!" The little zombies roared fiercely at them.

The big men immediately endured the pain, got up from the ground, and tremblingly knocked on the door again.

Ooo...Mother, there is snake disease here.


The poisonous spider is waiting for the good news of his men. He deliberately opened the wilderness and inquired about it. The people brought back from the wilderness went out.

It should be easy to catch a Xia Wei.

"Sir, are you sure?"

A man with glasses on the opposite side of the poisonous spider showed a strange color, "She is not an ordinary person."

"Relax, all I send are good hands, even if she is a zombie emperor, in my place, she can't turn any waves." Poison Spider is very confident.

Zombie Emperor...


The wilderness also brought himself such a big gift.

He decided to make him die more happy.


The door was knocked.

The poisonous spider raised an eyebrow, "Come."

The door of the room was slowly pushed open, and the first came a few big men, some with sullen faces, panic in their expressions.

The poisonous spider frowned, "What's the matter, man?"

The big men looked out of the door.

A figure walked in slowly outside the door. She walked extremely leisurely and looked around at will.

That posture, as if she was invited to be a guest.

Mingshu walked into the room, and the corner of his mouth slowly rose, and the crisp and agile voice circulated away in the room, "Is that you please me?"

The poisonous spider's brow twisted into a Sichuan word, and his body pressure was horrible. "How did you do it?"

He asked to arrest someone, who said she was going to be invited?

A group of waste, it is not possible to do such a thing.

...But it doesn't matter, all come, all his people everywhere, can she still run away?

"Xia Wei? Really the same as humans..." Poison spider looked at Ming Shu, that is a greedy, excited, excited eyes.

"I thought you were going to invite me to dinner." Mingshu was slightly disappointed looking at the large empty table. "Fortunately, such a large organization doesn't understand the hospitality at all. You will not do it this time."

Poisonous Spider: "..." How did he feel that they were not on a channel?

The big man standing next to him suddenly shivered and fell to the ground, convulsing.

"What's going on!" The poisonous spider roared, "A bunch of waste."

The big man who had not been bitten was now far away from the two who fell, crying with a sad face: "Boss... they... they were bitten."


The poisonous spider stood up with the spectacled man on the sofa at the same time, his shocked expression on his face.

The poisonous spider roared, "What else do you bring back after being bitten!"

"Meeting ceremony." Ming Shu smiled softly, "Why don't you bring a gift when you visit, I'm not as irregular as you."


The poisonous spider's breathing is not smooth.

The **** the opposite side had a shallow smile and clear and bright eyes, which was not in line with any scene he thought.

"Kill them, kill them!!" The poisonous spider roared.

The big guys who didn't bite didn't dare to move one by one.

What happened before was impressive, they didn't dare.

Seeing that the big men were still, the poisonous spider took out his gun and fired several shots at the people on the ground.

The blood splattered to the ground and blossomed out of the enchanted blood.

The poison spider's hand shivered a little, and he gasped for a few moments before he stabilized the uncontrollable fear he had just made.

He was afraid.


"Man!" the poisonous spider roared, "come!"

Some people came in and saw the situation in the room, most people were a little unclear.

With more people, the poisonous spider came back a few points, pointing at Mingshu, and ordered fiercely, "grab me this woman."

Mingshu squeezed his wrist and turned his head to look at the trembling big man. "Give me something ready, I will let you go."

"Okay." They were relieved and left the room in a group of unknown men.

Everyone: "..." Where are they from?


The people underneath the building were anxious as they listened to the constant voices upstairs.

"What's going on upstairs? How did it fight?"

"I don't know, what will happen?"

"Just now I saw many people go upstairs, something must have happened..."

"Dazhu Dazhu, what are you doing?" Someone saw the big man coming downstairs and immediately stopped them, "What happened upstairs?"

Dazhu wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. "It's going to change."

No matter what the rest of the people said, he ran to the cafeteria.

Dazhu and others came back with the food, and the upstairs was nearing the end.

The poisonous spider was stepped on her feet by Ming Shu. She was sitting on the poisonous spider's previous exclusive swivel chair, and she was still smiling on her delicate face, as if the expression was fixed on her face.

The rest were lying on the ground with blood, but everyone was still intact.

The little zombie and Li Jianren crouched aside, staring straight at the food on the ground.

Dazhu and others swallowed their saliva, carrying food, and trembling next to Mingshu, "Xia...Miss Xia, please use it."

"Traitor!" The poisonous spider scolded the pillar.

Dazhu: "..."

Traitors are better than dead!

In this world, life is most important.

Mingshu said cheerfully, "I will talk to you when I have fun."

Poisonous spider: "..."

The poisonous spider's eyes were flamboyant, and he wished to stare at the hole in Mingshu.

He never imagined that he would be so inexplicably planted, and the other party did not even take him seriously.

So...contempt...self! !



Mingshu: You will not be able to vote this time, and you will not vote anymore. ! (Find out the little zombie)

Little angel: vote, vote.

Ming Shu: Good.

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