Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 814: Dawn Hunt (30)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Half an hour later, Mingshu put down his chopsticks.

She dragged her chair into the middle of the room and stared at the poisonous spider on the ground. "Tell me, what do you invite me to do? Do you inherit your snacks?"

Who invited you to come! !

"Do you think you're tied to me, can you leave here safely?" The poisonous spider suffocated, and the abdomen draft just now crackled out. "It's all my people outside. Let me know and let me go!"

"I don't plan to leave here." Mingshu smiled. "I plan to inherit your snacks."

The poisonous spider was dumbfounded.

What do you mean?

"I will talk about this later. What do you invite me to do?"

"Bah!" said the poisonous spider's mouth.

Mingshu stepped on the poisonous spider and buried his face on the ground, completely unable to move.

She pointed to the spectacled man who had been shrinking on the sofa. "So you."

Under the direction of the little zombies, Li Jianren stepped forward and dragged people to Mingshu.

He glanced at Mingshu, and at the poison spider that wasn't struggling on the ground.

Then he pulled the glasses man's hair and slammed it down.

Ming Shu heard the sound of the glasses man's forehead hitting the ground.

She couldn't help but smoked, "Who are you to kill the person to answer the question?"

Who learned from such violence?

What did the little zombie teach him all day?

"Roar?" Li Jianren dragged people a little puzzled. Was he doing something wrong?

The little zombie rolled his eyes next to him, idiot.

The spectacled man's forehead was already red, his spectacles were broken, and his vision was blurred. He only vaguely saw the person in front of him...zombies.

"...I said, I said I said."

The spectacled man's brain confessed to the different openings.


He said that the zombie emperor was not easy to deal with, and the poisonous spider did not believe it.

Spectacled men were also employees of pharmaceutical companies before the end of life. They graduated from prestigious schools and were also regarded as technical talents in the company.

However, the project he is responsible for is just the usual drug development. He only knows that pharmaceutical companies are doing some kind of research.

When the end of the world came, they were trapped in the company, and the survivors went all the way up to save their lives.

It was at that time that he discovered what the company was studying-evolutionary people.

The theory is that everyone has a potential in the body. This potential can be stimulated. After the excitation is what they call special skills, also called abilities.

The company does not know where this theory came from and has been experimenting.

There is an independent laboratory, which is all about Xia Wei.

She is the closest evolutionary to their ideal.

But I don't know why it was still judged as a failure.

"He... where did he have some of the information I brought out."

Spectacled male pointing at poisonous spider.

After the poisonous spider was beaten up, he finally handed over the information.

Name: Xia Wei

Age: 17

Gender: Female


The beginning is ordinary data, followed by some observation records.

Observation for 16 days: physical function declines, and symptoms of pausing heartbeat appear...

Observation for 35 days: the degree of body corruption is 45%, the signs are normal, and there is no abnormality.

Observation for 46 days: physical recovery is complete, no heartbeat, normal signs, no abnormalities.

Most of the following observations are normal, with no abnormalities.

What is the normal data of this sign, which is not written above, the laboratory must have its own set of judgments.

Observation for 78 days: memory confusion, low power fluctuations, failure.

There is no observation record after the word failure.

But after the irrelevant records on the following pages, the observation diary appeared again.

Finally, there is a conclusion: leadership growth type, rarity, 23% memory retention, ability fluctuations continue to rise, failure products.

Still a failure.

Leadership growth... so they are judged as failures?

"How to judge the successful product?" Ming Shu asked the glasses man.

The glasses man pointed to another file.

There is only one piece of information in it, a boy about the size of Xia Wei.

In the same observation diary, Mingshu directly turned to the final conclusion: ordinary, memory remains 0, power fluctuation is high, the first successful product.

Memory remains 0...

So what has memory is a failure?

Because what they want is... a completely obedient puppet?

Humans are terrible.

Mingshu took out a piece of sugar and put it in his mouth, and continued to look down.

Some messy things written below, this successful product was unexpected and died.

The time when the boy was judged as a successful product was the time when the original owner did not observe the log.

It is about that they have abandoned the failed product and are ready to study the successful product.

Who knows that the successful product is fragile, and there is no failure product to live long, and finally only the failure product can be observed.

"So why are you looking for me?" Mingshu threw away the information in his hand.

"Uh..." The glasses man trembles, "Because...because a lot of experimental data has been destroyed, I plan to catch...please study."

Speaking of the glasses behind, the voice of men is getting smaller.

Poisonous spiders are very interested in this information, and they are interested in the evolutionary person who is completely theoretically obedient to himself.

If he can have such a team, zombies or something, there is no need to fear.

Domination of the world is a matter of time.

How do poisonous spiders not move?

Two days ago, I accidentally heard about the woman brought back by the wilderness, and found that it was Xia Weihou, and the poisonous spider hit this idea.

It doesn't matter if there is no experimental data, you can grab the ready-made research.

So there is today.

How do you know that stealing chickens is not going to kill rice.

"Give you two choices." Mingshu stretched out **** and shook, "The person who took you out of Ancheng, or I throw you out of Ancheng to feed the zombies."

My little cuties are very hungry.

"You don't want to bully people too much!" The poisonous spider blushed.

Ming Shu smiled, "I don't deceive others, do I still deceive zombies? They are all of the same kind. Why are you too anxious? Of course, you can only wrong you."

Poisonous spider: "..."

Mingshu propped his chin on his palm, and intoxicated ripples in his eyes, "You still have half an hour to order, and I will help you choose when the time has passed."

Poisonous spider: "..."

Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!

Poisonous Spider Kong has the heart to kill Mingshu, but not the ability to kill Mingshu.

He gasped angrily, and after a few minutes, he suddenly sneered and said viciously: "Don't you want to know where the wilderness is?"

He still has wilderness in his hand, and he still has a chance.

Mingshu didn't raise his eyebrows and said softly: "He's dead, I will mince you."

Poisonous spider: "..." This response is wrong! !

Minutes and seconds passed and Mingshu was eating snacks confiscated by the little zombies, shaking his toes and relaxing.

But asking where the wilderness is, but also asking him what happened.

Not at all worried about the wilderness.

It doesn't seem to care about his life.

The cold sweat on the poisonous spider's forehead ran down his cheeks, and the ground was wet with a small patch.

"Last three minutes."

The string stretched in the poison spider's brain seemed to be cut off by this voice, his eyes closed, and he roared, "I'm going!"

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