Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 815: Dawn Hunt (31)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The poisonous spider's people want to evacuate Ancheng, naturally causing a lot of commotion.

This includes the group of people at the southern base.

Just as they guessed something, the poison spider suddenly came to the door.

"What's wrong with this?" The chief received the poison spider himself.

If it was in the past, someone like a poisonous spider, where can I see him.

But now people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

"..." The poisonous spider's heart burned with anger, and he gritted his teeth: "Ancheng has been handed over to Xia... The zombie emperor Xia Wei, you also need to withdraw from Ancheng."

"What?" The zombie emperor? Xia Wei?

The chief looked at the poison spider seriously, "Mr. Gong, what do you mean?"

The poisonous spider roared angrily, "It means literally, you don't want to withdraw, wait for the zombies to enter the city, you should give them food."

"Mr. Gong."

"It's all right." The poisonous spider didn't stop for a moment, and turned away.

Poisonous spiders come and go quickly.

But he had left people, and was staring to watch them retreat.

"What's going on? Chief, what's going on outside?"


Liang Xuan and others also arrived later, "Why did the poisonous spider suddenly withdraw from Ancheng? Ancheng is still safe for the time being, what happened?"

The chief raised his eyebrows, "The zombie emperor wants Ancheng"

The lively room suddenly fell silent.

Liang Xuan's heart jumped wildly, and it was Xia Wei...

The rest looked at each other.

Zombie Emperor... Want Ancheng?

So the poisonous spider gave it?

When did this happen?

"Is that Xia Wei?"

"Who can have the zombie besides her?"

"No zombie activity was found outside Ancheng. How did the zombie emperor contact the poison spider?"

"Poisonous spiders have occupied Ancheng for so long, the zombie emperor said it was necessary? He has such a good talk?"

Who is the poisonous spider? Desperado, a villain who does nothing.

"Wouldn't he just make an excuse to drive us away?" someone said weakly.

Everyone discussed it and thought it was possible. After all, it was too quiet outside. Where is there any zombie?

Poisonous spiders made such a big movement, maybe they just showed them.

However, this time the poisonous spiders subverted their cognition, withdrew very quickly, and took very little.

Almost lightly.

The people left by the poisonous spider kept urging them, and finally fired directly.

It wasn't until the first batch of zombies entered the city that people screamed again and again.

What the poison spider said is true.

The zombie really entered the city.

It is also a zombie after armed.


"Sutai... We have been doing this for a long time, and we have been arrested. Xia Wei directly gave us his old nest, are we stupid?"

In a building, the mouse and Sutai sat back to back.

Huang Zheng was tied to the other side.

"I'll tell her a while, if you don't tell me, I already knew she was going to do this, what are we doing for ourselves." The mouse continued to wailing.

Huang Zheng: "..."

Sutai: "..."

I didn't know who was going to do it.

There were still many people in the room. They found this and happened to meet these survivors who had been tied up. They had intended to save them.

Who knows that it shocked people and hit the other party's institution, they were also locked in.

At this time, there was a lot of noise outside, and the fact that Mingshu took care of the others' nest was also heard from the conversation of those outside.


The door was suddenly opened.

"Take it away, quickly..." someone shouted outside, "load it into the car."

Someone rushed in and dragged the survivors out.

"What about these?"

"Slay it."

After a brief exchange, someone came towards them.


The sound of the gun was loaded, and the dark muzzle was facing them.

At the colleague who shot the gun, Su Tai jumped up and kicked the person to the ground. When the person next to him changed, he immediately stepped forward to help.

There are many people outside. Su Tai didn't dare to delay. He first untied Huang Zheng and kicked the window beside him.

Huang Zheng grabbed the mouse and jumped down.

There was chaos in the street, and not a few shots.

"Brother Su, here!"

Su Tai turned his head and Ye Xiangsi was standing at a corner not far away beckoning at them.

Sutai took Huang Zheng and ran to Ye Xiangsi.

"Slay them!" There was a roar behind.

Bullets generally shot towards them without money, and a passer-by was shot and fell directly.


The scream of the mouse pierced the sound of the gun.

Sutai stumbled, and he grunted, covering his arms, "Go!"

Ye Xiangsi helped them disperse some firepower, and several people successfully merged.

But the people behind were like lunatics, biting them and holding on.

"I saw Miss Xia's zombie when I came here, and we went over there." Ye Xiangsi said quickly.

Several people ran a certain distance along the flow of people. Sure enough, when they turned, they saw a group of zombies, and the crowd gave them a way.

They rushed into the group of zombies, and the survivors who hid far away screamed one after another.

But the zombies were not at all chaotic, and let those few people mix among them.

The people who came after seemed to be frightened by this scene. They looked at each other and immediately withdrew.

Ye Xiangsi made sure that those people were gone, gasping: "I'm planning to save you, you just come out, are you all right?"

"It's okay." Huang Zheng exhaled. "It was those people who were taken away by them."

"Sutai is injured." The mouse supported Sutai next to him.

The zombies next to him came together and stared at Sutai.

As if he were dead, they would divide him up immediately.

Huang Zheng and Ye Xiangsi rushed to stop bleeding for Sutai. Now Xia Weiwei is not there. These zombies will be miserable if they are confused by blood and attack them uncontrollably.

The zombie army stopped outside the poison spider's office building.

At this time, the people of the poisonous spider were withdrawn, the whole office building was in chaos, and a group of zombies suddenly appeared, and all the people outside were scared into the inside.

Huang Zheng helped Sutai in, the people in the hall huddled together, and some people pointed their guns at them.

The zombies also followed them in, and the people in the hall were so scared that they were too afraid to breathe, so they could hide wherever they could.

Mingshu is on the 7th floor.

On the 7th floor, there were no more people at this time, and Dazhu was guarding the door of the elevator and stairwell.

There was a sudden sound in the stairwell. They looked down the stairs. When they saw someone, they asked cautiously, "Who are you? You are not allowed to come up here."

Then they saw the army of zombies coming up one after the other.

Dazhu directly frightened his legs.

Oh my!

Armed zombies, is this treadmill a zombie? Also equipped with a gun! !

"Where is Xia Wei?" Huang Zheng asked Dazhu.

It's the zombie king... are these people also zombie? Why are the zombies now the same as people! !

"In... in the front room." Dazhu pointed to the front tremblingly.

There were zombies, and they couldn’t think of anyone other than the zombies, so they didn’t hesitate to give directions.

Dazhu, they betrayed the poisonous spider, and dare to follow him, so they stayed here.

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