Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 827: Interstellar Year (5)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The technology star is also called the technology city. There is only one technology city on the whole planet.

As the most technologically developed place, the buildings here are full of magic.

Wonderful buildings floating in the air, buildings built upside down contrary to common sense, buildings flooded by water...

It's not normal to look at it.

I'm afraid I entered a cult.

The Science and Technology City is divided into seven major sectors, and the Shenwei Fleet is a separate sector. Mingshu is now in the Shenwei Fleet.

The entire Kamui fleet was very shocking from the air, and the battleships were lined up neatly.

"Domain owner."

The head of the Shenwei Fleet is outside the battleship.

The person in charge is similar in appearance to humans, but there is a large bag on his forehead and two whiskers on his head.

The person in charge had a smile on his face, and both eyes were almost gone.

The person in charge led Mingshu to walk inside while introducing the fleet. There are resident members in the fleet. Curly and Xiaozhu are not resident members of the fleet, but they will come if the fleet needs it.

"I told you last time why you can't remember. You made this mistake once, and you made it a second time. Do you think this is a school?"

A scolding sound came from the front. The person in charge was obviously stunned. He stopped introducing and looked forward.

I saw a tall man with bare arms, and the skin of wheat color still seemed to shine with sweat.

The man was poking a boy's forehead, looking angry, and the boy apologized.

"Luke!" the person in charge called out.

The man turned his head, "Meddy."

The person in charge nodded, "Come here."

Luke glanced at Mingshu and slowly walked over.

"This is our domain master, domain master, this is the most powerful Luke in our fleet..." The person in charge said cracklingly about Luke's glorious deeds.

This is the man who was betrayed by the original owner in the future?

"Eject him from the Technology City."

"Luke's best record..." The voice of the person in charge stopped abruptly, and he looked at Mingshu in amazement.

What did he hear just now?

Expelled from the Technology City?

"Why should I be expelled from the Technology City?" Lu Jia's eyes glared and asked sharply.

why? Of course, because you have to collude with the false heroine in the future, this kind of thing must be strangled in the cradle.

Do you still have to wait for you to hook up with the false heroine and run with my fleet?

"I think about it..." Mingshu supported his chin to think.

Luke: "..."


Didn't even think about the reason, you want to expel people?

Are you here for fun?

Mingshu pondered for a moment and tried hard to think of a reason, " grow too tall."

Person in charge: "..." Is this just a bullshit? Who believes! !

Luke's mouth twitched, and his anger was unbearable. He said sharply: "Domain, I think I have contributed a lot to the fleet. You will expel me for no reason. Is it too much."

Mingshu slightly tilted his head and chuckled with a smirk, "The fleet is mine, whoever I want to expel will expel, who do you have any opinion?"

"Meddy." Luke roared the insidious person in charge.

The person in charge then recovered and hurriedly spoke for Luke. "Domain, Luke is the captain of the fleet. You cannot just expel him."

"Then how to expel? Another expulsion meeting?" Ming Shu said: "Shame is not shame."

Person in charge: "..." I don't mean that.

Mingshu slapped it on the shoulder of the person in charge. "This is so settled. The opportunity to show talent to the following people is not. Without him, the Shenwei Fleet is still the Shenwei Fleet."

The Shenwei fleet is not famous for Luke.

Talent is the most indispensable part of the Technology City.

People like Curly Hair and Xiao Zhu are all-round talents, and Luke is at most a genius in the fleet.

Mingshu said with a smile, it didn't sound threatening at all, but the person in charge felt that the moment he was photographed, there was no resistance in his heart.

The person in charge turned around and looked at Luke with some regret.

Luke's face turned slightly red, his body shivering with anger, "You guys..."

The person in charge is helpless, this is the domain master's decision.


Luke packed his things in anger, and McGrady stood behind with a slightly embarrassed look. "Luke, do you really not remember where you offended the domain master?"

The domain owner turned around in the fleet to see who was smiling and Yan Yue, how come to him like this?

"I've never seen her." Luke gritted his teeth. "Who knows what's going on with her."

McGrady was startled and quickly closed the door. "This is in the fleet, speak carefully and pass it to the domain master. You can't eat it."

Luke's hands twitched with blue muscles, and he would be expelled when he came up, not a lunatic?

"Have you never seen the domain owner? Before? When the domain owner was not the domain owner, did you see it? Did you offend her, don't you remember?"

"No, I said no." Luke growled.

"...Okay." McGrady sighed. "I will go through the formalities for you and try to make you as beautiful as possible. If you leave the Technology City, you will have a good development."

"No need!"

Luke tightened things in the space, and left the room angrily.

Luke left the fleet all the way, he was afraid to slow down, the news spread throughout the fleet, when he saw his joke...

Luke was blocked by someone. He was about to get angry, but he heard a familiar voice.

"Luke, what's wrong with you?"

Standing in front of him was a girl with short hair, dressed in a neutral look, and looked very handsome. She stopped Luke, and was looking at him in doubt.

"Aino..." The anger on Luke's face dissipated and screamed.

"What's wrong?" Aino looked concerned.

"I..." How could such a thing tell her? Will she look down on herself? In the future, he will not be in the Technology City.

"What's the matter, you say." Ainol anxiously grabbed Luke's arm.

Luke bowed his head, he dared not look at Aino, "I'm leaving the city of technology."

"What? Why? You are well in the Science and Technology City. Why did you leave? Are you going to do things?" Ainol asked.


Aino approached him with an anxious tone, "Then why did you leave the Technology City?"

Luke couldn't tell him about his expulsion.

"Aino, don't ask."

"Aren't we friends? Can't you tell me?" Aino's expression was slightly dim. "Or, you never thought of me as a friend?"

"Isn't it... I didn't mean that." A big man showed a panicked expression, and he waved his hand, "I am just..."

"What is it?"

Lu Jian took a deep breath and said, "I was expelled from the Technology City."

Aino showed a shocked expression, "Why... why? You are so powerful in the fleet, why should you be expelled from the Technology City, is there any misunderstanding?"

She had a good relationship with Luke, and now he was about to be deported?

"I don't know. Today, the domain master is here, she baffled me inexplicably."

Domain Master...

West Yang!

She is coming!

Aino was shocked with cold sweat.

"Don't worry..." Aino calmed down and appeased Luke. "We're thinking of ways."

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