Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 828: Interstellar Year (6)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Meddy, Maddie, it's not good. They chased them back with a strange thing." The little man less than a meter flew from a distance.

It is flutter.

No feet touched the ground.

The dwarf hugged Tracy McGrady's long legs, "Go and see."

McGrady twitched his mouth and gritted his teeth, "I knew I shouldn't let those lunatics go up."

McGrady paid a salute to Mingshu, "Lord Master, let me see."

McGrady hurried away with the dwarf, bored, and glanced at it.

The curls they brought back were something similar to a freezing compartment, especially worn.

Like the product of many years ago.

Curly and Xiaozhu pushed the freezing compartment down together, and the sloppy man hugged his fake cat and followed slowly.

"What is this?" Tracy McGrady rushed over, "I said that you should not bring unknown things to the fleet, what did you fish for!!"

"Dear Maddie, don't be angry, angry will grow wrinkles, you see that you have so many wrinkles." Curly said that was a polite, but that said McGrady kicked him directly.

Curl hair loose, can not bear one by one, the freezer slides a distance directly behind, hit the large maintenance robot passing by behind.


The freezing compartment is already worn out, so a collision will directly knock off a layer of metal outside.

Curly hurried back to take a look, and then looked at Maddie, "Dear Maddie, you are so rude, but you can't find a partner."

Maddie wanted to kick the curls again.

Curly hurried to greet Xiao Zhu, the two pushed the freezing compartment and ran away from the other side quickly.


There are individuals in the freezer compartment.

And he is a particularly good-looking person.

Wearing a pure white suit, he lay quietly in the freezer, as if asleep.

Mingshu bent over and looked at the people inside, "He is dead?"

"No." Curly pointed to the beating curve on the freezer compartment. "I'm not going to take him back if I die, well... what the old master often said..."

"Saving one's life is better than making a seven-level float." Xiao Zhu added.

"Yes, yes!" Curly nodded. He suddenly smiled shyly at Mingshu. "We also want to be a good person."

Ming Shu turned around and asked Xiao Zhu, "Did he forget to take the medicine?"

"Hahahaha he never took the right medicine."

"court death!"

"Ouch, you let go, my hair is almost bald by you!!"

Curly hair and Xiao Zhu are tumbling again.

The sloppy man with the fake cat suddenly came over, "He seems to be dying."

The curve on the freezing compartment is straight down.

Curly hair immediately released Xiao Zhu and flew over, operating in the freezing cabin for a while. For a long time, he was disappointed, "This is to be gene activated."

"What now?" Xiao Zhu asked.

He made a nondescript prayer gesture, "Pray."

After praying, Curly sighed, "White saved."

"Domain Master, what are you doing!" Xiao Zhu exclaimed suddenly.

Ming Shu was holding a cutting machine that he didn't know what to cut, and was heading towards the freezing compartment.

"Domain Master is merciful!!!" Curly shouted, "I drive, I don't want to impulse, Master, let go, let go!!"

"Is it not open?"

Curly coughed, "I just thought of a way."

"You saved him back, wouldn't it be for this freezing cabin?" McGrady, who watched the play for a long time, said the truth.

"Dear McGrady, you really don't like it, it's so annoying."

McGrady: "..."

Ming Shu: "..." The cult is terrible, my snacks! !

Curly hair is once again operating on the freezing compartment for a while, it may be really a bit of a trouble, then the curve will soon drop to the lowest.



Two voices sounded simultaneously.

There was a white mist in the freezing compartment, the door opened slowly, and a cold air spread from the compartment.

Xiao Zhu held out a medical box from somewhere, turned over a few things, and pierced directly on the person inside.

Seeing that the needle was about to pierce the opponent's body, his pale, almost transparent hand, suddenly grasped Xiao Ju's wrist, and the needle was just next to his clothes.

Xiao Zhu tilted his head and said to him: "You have just sobered from the freezing compartment, you must give a gene revival agent."

The other party didn't know if it was understood, and his fingers slowly slipped down.

Xiao Zhu pierced the needle directly, pushed the gene resurrection agent, and then got up, all in one go.

Curly grasped the man's arm and pulled him out.

The man was awake, his eyes were half-open, his breathing was uneven, and there was no trace of normal human blood on his pale face, just like a beautiful white jade.

At this time, he was so weak that it seemed to shatter.

The curly hair was let go without warning, and the man fell slowly.

Mingshu stretched out his hand to catch people without weight, she felt she was holding a piece of cotton.

Shanyin stepped forward two steps, and was a little worried that the person's origin was unknown, and it was unknown whether he carried strange things on his body.

"Owner of the domain, let's go first, someone will give you a gift."

Curly Hair and Xiao Zhu were pushing the freezer compartment and ran away. The sloppy man saw that the two had slipped away, and he left slowly.

Everyone: "..."

"What's so special about the freezer?" Ming Shu turned around and asked Shan Yin.

Shanyin shook his head, "It's not clear. But...they can bring it back from outside, it shouldn't be easy."

"Cough cough..." The person around Mingshu suddenly coughed violently.

"Take him to check." Mingshu handed over to Shanyin.



People are fine, their bodies are normal, and their strength is also restored after the gene rejuvenator has been beaten.

But this person has not spoken, he just looked at everything around him in silence.

Mingshu stood outside the glass and looked at the people inside, "Shan Yin, do you think this person is familiar?"

Shan Yin wondered, "Does the domain owner ever see this person?"

Mingshu carefully pulled the original owner's memory several times, but there was no such person in the memory, but he felt familiar.

"I asked Xiaochao just now that the freezing chamber was discovered outside the battlefield. Coincidentally, it was very close to the transition point we skipped by the magnetic field interference. It may be the cause of the magnetic field interference. We jumped together."

Ming Shu narrowed his eyes. "You mean, can that freezing chamber release the magnetic field that affects the spacecraft?"

"Domain Master, they care about this freezing cabin." Shanyin reminded.

If there is nothing special, they will not care so much.

"Domain master, it's okay. But it still takes a while to fully recover. He has been in the freezing compartment for too long, and the reaction seems to be a bit slow." The people inside came out to report to Mingshu.

"Too long? How long?"

The other party said a conservative number, "At least fifty years."

The average lifespan of the interstellar is 400 years old, and it is not a matter of living a long time to reach five or six hundred years old. The average age is one hundred years old.

Fifty years' time is actually nothing.

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