Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 829: Interstellar Year (7)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Domain...Domain, are you looking for me?"

He didn't seem to make any mistakes... if he did, he must be the curly dog's fault.

"That freezer compartment..."

"I don't know, domain owner, I don't know the freezing compartment, he has to get it back." Xiao Min sold the curls in minutes.

Die...why not die by yourself?

Anyway, he doesn't carry this pot.

"What about people?"

Xiao Zhu scratched his head, "Lab. He doesn't come out by himself, and we can't get in."

Curly spent several days in the laboratory, and the spirits of the people who recovered were better, but he still didn't speak.

Sitting silently in the room all day, either in a daze or sleeping.

However, according to daily inspections, this person's mental strength is growing at a strange rate.

Initially tested his mental strength was only B level, this level can only be considered average, but within a few days, the mental strength has reached A +.

Even Xiaochao said that he had never seen such a situation.

The spiritual power of any species should be fixed. Unless there are unusual opportunities, the spiritual power will not change for a lifetime.

Not to mention growing like this.

"This person is of great research value." Xiao Zhu supported his small face with a serious face. "Domain Master, can I take him back, will I not give it to you?"

Mingshu lowered his eyebrows, "Dream."

"Oh." Xiao Zhu lay on the glass, staring at the people inside, and wanted to study.

Why should the curly dog ​​say to give him to the domain master! !

Obviously they picked it up!

Even if the body was picked up by them!

This is one-way. They can see the inside, but the inside can't see the outside. Xiao Zhu lay drooling on the glass to the people inside, and the people inside looked sideways.

His eyes seemed to pierce through the glass and saw people outside.

His eyes were stained with a very pale red, like the red mist smudged in the glass, which was particularly beautiful, but there was no emotion in it, and it felt a bit strange.

"Hiss..." Xiao Zhu stepped back suddenly, and he rubbed the goose bumps on his arm.

This person is so strange.

Ming Shu opened the door and entered, the one-way glass turned black, prohibiting prying outside.

Mingshu dragged his chair and sat across from him, "What's your name?"

The latter did not respond.

Ming Shu asked again: "Where did you come from?"

The latter remained unresponsive.

Ming Shu asked several questions in a row, but the other party was silent.

Just when Mingshu thought he could not speak, he suddenly raised his head, "Now, which year?"

Xu hasn't said for a long time, and his voice is a little rough.

"Interstellar 4723. I thought you wouldn't speak."

"4...723..." The man murmured, and then there was no movement.

"Domain Master, come out soon." Shan Yin's voice suddenly sounded, "His mental power is exploding, has broken through the S level, and continues to go up."

Mingshu looked at the man, who seemed calm.

"Domain Master!" The voice of Shanyin was anxious, and he directly broke into the door and brought Mingshu out.

The data on the outside screen is chaotic, high and low, it looks very thrilling, but the inside is really too calm.

"He will die if he goes on like this." Xiao Zhu looked at the screen. "It's a pity."

Just as the word "Ah" fell down, the screen stabilized and the mental power jumped between SS and S levels. After a few seconds, it stabilized at S level, but then fell back to A+ after a while.

After stabilizing at A+, it does not move.

"What kind of monster is this..." Little looked up and saw the man standing in front of the glass. He was frightened and swept the small parts on the table to the ground.

When did he come?

What is he doing to me?

The chase is full of question marks.

The situation of this man is too weird. For safety, Shanyin banned Mingshu from contacting him again, and he could only look outside every day.

But after that accident, he has always behaved calmly, and he can even simply answer the doctor's inquiry.

However, he kept silent about his name and origin.


"Domain owner."

Curly hair with a mess of hair on the top, walked in with no frills, a nutrient in his mouth, and a dark black under the eyelid, haggard, as if being possessed by a sloppy male.

"Are you squeezed out?" The small surprise.

"Go to you." Curly cursed, "What do you think?"

He raised his head and glanced at the glass, the person inside had already hung his head.

"What's up with him?"

"You don't know, this person is a monster..." Xiao Zhu told Curly about what happened in these days, "What the **** do you mean?"

Curly sucked in nutrients in one breath, "If I'm not mistaken, I should know where he came from."

The people present looked at curls at the same time.

"You know? Who is he? We asked him, and he didn't say it." Xiao Zhu was curious.

The curly hair was thrown into the empty nutrient, and the finger passed through the hair of the forehead, and then pushed back, "Xi years, the missing young master of Ji family."

"Ji...Ji Family?" The little tone was a little weird.

Ji family.


Some memories in Mingshu's brain began to emerge automatically.

Does she think this person is familiar.

The father of the original owner was particularly embarrassed for a while. In order to protect the original owner, she was sent to China Starland. Originally, she was sent to take refuge, and she did not want to have an accident midway.

She was separated from her, and she was adopted by the Ji family.

The one who took her back to Ji's house was called Ji Nian.

But the sunny and cheerful years in memory are completely different from the eccentric years in front of me.

The original owner was only adopted for half a year, and half a year later the original owner's father resolved the trouble and took her back.

The original owner was very impressed at the beginning of the year, but as time passed, there was a star field, and that memory slowly faded.

Small chase: "How could he be in the freezer for fifty years?"

Curly hair: "Ji Jia was originally a famous family in China, and later married to the Heavenly Serpent, the eldest lady of the Jones family, Ji Jia was very prosperous, and Ji Nian was the son of the eldest lady of the Jones family. It is heard that it is SS level, but there are rumors that the level is higher than SS level, but there is no evidence to show."

The little master of the Ji family was born with a golden spoon in it, and is the most dazzling young master of the Ji family.

But he was dazzling and obscured.

From small to large, there have been countless assassinations he has experienced.

Then one day, the little master suddenly disappeared, and no one was seen dead or dead.

In order to find him, his parents also both had trouble.

As for why it was in the freezing cabin, outsiders did not know the inside story.

"This incident was quite loud at the time. I remember that the old domain owner had also helped find it." Curly sighed, "If we picked it up, it was the most classic freezing cabin once used by the Ji family, I really guess Not coming out."

Jijia's mechas and freezing cabins have always been the first choice of China Astral, and even are used throughout the interstellar.

But this glory has now begun to decline.

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