Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 834: Interstellar Year (12)

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Three years later.

Mingshu was holding a nutrient over a ruin, and Shanyin was directing people to detect any abnormalities below.

The dripping sounds of various instruments are endless.



The following people came back one after another, and Shanyin went down with Mingshu.

This is a wild star.

The whole planet was lifeless, with no green spots visible, the ground half sandy, mixed with some large stones.

Mingshu kicked off the stone at his feet and put his palm over his eyebrows, making a looking position.

"It's so bad."

"Sha Qi?" Shan Yin hadn't heard it this time, and didn't understand, "What is Sha Qi?"

A few fresh words popped up from time to time in his home domain, and he was used to it.

Those who have offended the domain master for the past three years do not say that they will spare the universe once, and that there will be a half circle of the universe.

Shanyin sometimes wondered whether he didn't know enough about the domain master, or whether the domain master had changed.

"Sha Qi is... a kind of qi." I don't understand after I told you, wasting my energy.


"Come on, look for it, maybe there is any clue." Mingshu lifted his foot and walked forward.

She came here because of the Hai Ruixing people's sale.

In three years, they found a lot of things, but in the end they found that it had nothing to do with Shenshi.

On the contrary, Ming Shu accidentally discovered what was left by the old domain master. His **** stone seemed to be obtained from this desolate star.

In order not to work, Mingshu brought Shanyin out to run the business, and Shanyin could not force her to work.

You can also eat nutrients with different tastes from other planets.


"What's the name of this planet?" Ming Shu asked Shan Yin as he walked.

"The number is β345-5823423. However, it has an alias called Earth, and it is said that it is the parent star of the Cathaysia."

Shanyin looked around, and they are now illegally landing. If they were discovered by Hua Xingyu, they might have caused a dispute between the two domains.

"Earth..." The earth exists in many of the worlds she went to, that is a blue planet, very beautiful.

But no earth is like this.


A deafening voice came from a distance.

Shan Yin immediately waved, "Alert."

In the distance is a valley, they are at the top of the valley at this time, the pedestrians approached carefully.

There were two monsters in the valley like hills. The slightly stronger one bit the other's neck, covered with blood.

This kind of thing interstellar is called interstellar beast, thick skin and thick meat, very difficult to fight.

Ming Shu narrowed his eyes, watching the strong interstellar beast bite another, it crunched and chewed, and soon the interstellar was solved by it, and there was no bone residue left.

This stuff... don't know if it's delicious.

Large interstellar beasts generally do not live in groups, so if there are many people, it is not difficult to deal with it.

Mingshu and Shanyin brought down this intergalactic beast.

The huge star beast fell to the ground, and Mingshu stepped on the star beast only to remember an important question, "Is this thing poisonous?"

In addition to nutrients in the interstellar can be used as food, only these interstellar beasts.

But most of the interstellar beasts are highly toxic and cannot be eaten.

Eatable interstellar beasts can also cause gene collapse.

So you have to take an inhibitor every time you eat.

"Non-toxic." Someone reported it to Mingshu after the test.

"Then let's barbecue!"


What is it like to have a foodie owner?

Shanyin selected the tenderer part of the meat, cut it down and cleaned up quickly, and began to barbecue.

As a versatile follower, it is hard for him to barbecue or something.

These interstellar beasts are often smelling incense, and it is hard to eat.

Mingshu has been fooled several times, this time she picked a small piece and tried the It was not bad.

The meat is tender and has no odor.

This is probably the best thing she ate in the interstellar.


"Domain, you don't want to eat too much." Shanyin couldn't help persuading her when she saw Mingshu's meaning.

Mingshu held the meat and moved to the other side.

Hugh wants to deceive my flesh.

Shan Yin: "..."

He could only prepare inhibitors, wait until Ming Shu finished eating, and then try to coax her to drink.

"This meat tastes different. I haven't eaten such delicious meat." Someone handed Shanyin a piece of meat.

Shan Yin was suspicious and tried to bite a piece.

Shan Yin: "!!!"

Is this the flesh of the Star Beast?

Even the most famous restaurant in Star World, he has never eaten such delicious meat.


Just when everyone was immersed in the interstellar, there would be such delicious meat, the other end of the valley suddenly sounded a rushing sound, the ground was shaking, like something ran towards them.


"Leave here!" Shan Yin ordered calmly, no matter what it was, it was definitely not a good thing.

"Domain, go away!"

Someone pulled Mingshu.

Mingshu was staggered, she quickly grabbed the last piece of meat, but unfortunately grabbed the empty.

She was dragged and climbed up the valley, and all the people behind her surrounded her in case she was in danger.

Mingshu could only stare at himself and the barbecue farther and farther.

They had just climbed halfway and saw a large group of the same star beasts roasted by them at the entrance of the valley.

"It turned out to be a rare large gregarious interstellar beast. When it's over, the domain master hurry up, don't eat it. We can't deal with so many interstellar beasts. We must go back to the battleship first."

The people beside howled.

The group of interstellar beasts had run to the corpse, and they were roaring angrily.

Then one of them looked at them, and with a roar, all the interstellar beasts chased towards them.

Mingshu was pulled by someone and ran fast. Let me finish eating and then run. If it doesn't work, I'll just kill it and eat it. !

The interstellar animal is huge and does not run slowly.

The distance between them kept shrinking.

They are now like a group of ants facing an elephant.


"Quick, get on the battleship!!"

The battleship was in front, and Mingshu was almost pushed up, giving her no chance to play.

After breaking off quickly, he quickly rushed into the battleship, and once the battleship's transmission device was received, the interstellar beast could not be helped.

They can only roar at them below.

The valley in the distance can also be seen from the battleship.

My flesh!

"This kind of large interstellar beast is rare."

"What breed is that?"

"I checked before, there is no relevant information on Xingwang, it may be a type that has not been found."

"Almost caught up by them..."

A group of people are panting around, so many large interstellar beasts, if they are really caught up, I am afraid they can't run away.

"Domain master, inhibitor." Shanyin has calmly taken out the inhibitor.

The rest of the people were reminded by Shanyin and started taking it one after another.

Although the meat was delicious just now, it would be troublesome if it caused a gene breakdown.

In the interstellar, any species suffering from gene collapse can only wait to die.

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