Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 835: Interstellar Year (13)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The interstellar beast does not mean to leave below.

Mingshu wanted to catch one and continue to eat barbecue, but Shanyin didn't give her the opportunity to show her dignity.

There are more than one kind of interstellar beast on the parent star of the Cathay star field.

I met a lot along the way, and they are all large interstellar beasts.

"really weird."

"I haven't seen so many horoscope stars... still on a planet."

Everyone was whispering a discussion.

Mingshu looked at the interstellar beast below.

Want to eat...

Let me have a quiet meal, won't it! !

Shanyin finally found a place to stop, but it was very empty, and it was estimated that there was nothing to live for a few hundred miles.

The entire planet can no longer see any buildings, only occasionally you can see something buried like a building under your feet.

"Domain, come and see."

Mingshu walked feebly and looked in the direction of Shan Yinzhi.

I saw a plain in the distance, there was a gully every distance, as if someone drew a horizontal line on the plain.

In these gullies, the buildings are dense and dense, and those buildings seem to be embedded in the ground.

They are now standing above these buildings.

There has been no activity for a long time, and there is a breath of death in the building, just like this planet.

I don’t know what happened here, which caused all the buildings to be underground. The deepest of these buildings already has five or six hundred floors.

It may even be deeper.

Such a huge project cannot be built overnight.

Mingshu supported his chin, his eyes staring at the deep gully.

Why is a planet full of grievances, the interstellar beasts bred, but not at all grievous?

This unscientific!

"Go." Mingshu waved his hand.

"Domain, where are you going?"

"Catch the beast."

"..." Catch it to eat?

Can the domain master not make trouble?

With so many large interstellar beasts, we will be chased all over the ground! !

Mingshu chose a group that didn't seem so large.

However, there are many of them, and Shanyin is still building an arrest plan in his mind.

Mingshu has dragged one back, followed by a group of fierce gods called Astral Beast.

The person beside Shan Yin stared at you, didn't he let you look at the domain master?

The man looked at the side again, didn't you show it to you?

The other party stared back, didn't you watch it? It's not my business!

"Run!" Ming Shu dragged the Star Beast past them.

Everyone's mouth twitched and hurried away.

By the time they got rid of the group of interstellar beasts, they no longer knew where they were.

The beast caught by Mingshu is still alive, and is a young interstellar beast.

Mingshu stepped it on the ground, resting his hands on his knees, and the bandits were imposing. "Where do you usually like to be active?"

"Aoao..." Mom saves her life! !

Mingshu approached it and smiled very softly, "If you don't say it, I'll eat you."

"Aoao Aoao..." Help life, not a beast! !

"What's the domain master doing?" Guard No. 1 poked Guard No. 2.

"I don't know." Guard No. 2 was ignorant.

"Can the domain master communicate with the Star Beast?" Guard No. 3 wondered.

"How is it possible..." Guardian IV refuted with little force.

"Aoao!" The sound of the interstellar beast changed its tone, like begging for mercy, it pointed in a certain direction.

Mingshu dragged it away.

The interstellar beast is like a dead pig, dragging his head and letting himself be dragged away.

The interstellar beast pointed north all the way, and Mingshu didn't know how long he had walked, and there was greenery in the desert.

That is a very clear dividing line.

The forest stands not far away.

Endless, almost no end.

"How could there be such a large forest?" Guard No. 1 was wary. "How could it not be detected before?"

After meeting those interstellar beasts, they tested the entire planet, but what came back was all barren, without any vegetation.

Now there is such a huge forest.

What they saw was the forest, but what Mingshu saw was that they stopped at the periphery of the forest and could not invade the forest.



A violent explosion came from the forest, thick smoke rose, and the roar of the interstellar beast sounded from all corners of the forest.

Ming Shu stopped and looked in the direction of the sound source.

They have been walking in the forest for two days.

In the past two days, apart from meeting the Star Beast, the rest have not met.

"Someone inside." Shan Yin said.

Most of the interstellar beasts are destroyed by the surrounding trees. There will never be an explosion.

"Go and see." Mingshu bit a piece of meat.

"Domain Master..." Shanyin Yu tried to block it.

However, Mingshu relied on his petiteness and flashed past Shanyin.

Shan Yin was furious and could not speak, so he shouted at the guard group behind him, "Protect the domain master."

Guards: "..."

The place of fighting is not far away. The fighting has broken or burned the surrounding trees, forming a large open space.

The two mechas, one white and one black, are rapidly overlapping, colliding, dodge, and separating...

On the other side stood a few mechas, as well as people with weapons, watching the battle.

Mingshu did not rush out and stood outside to watch the battle.

Shanyin watched it carefully for a while, frowning slightly, "It's the person in the Chinese star field."

"If they see us, they will definitely have to trouble us, domain master, we still avoid it." Guard No. 3 proposed.

Mingshu hadn't spoken yet. The black mech in mid-air was kicked, gliding on the ground for a distance, and happened to stop not far in front of Mingshu.

"Hand over things." The white mech fell, and the barrel in his hand was facing the black mech.

The black mech climbed slowly, and his arm cracked because of the impact just now.

"Don't bother, you won't be able to get out of here today." The white mech is very confident. "If you want to die more quickly, hand over the things."

A whirlwind appeared under the black mech, and the white mech took a step back.

"Want to die?" The white mech sneered.

The whirlwind wrapped the black mecha, the air was full of wind, the surrounding trees were driven, and the rustling of the turbulent noise kept.

The black mech rushed out like a ghost in the wind.

The white mecha obviously didn't care, and blocked it casually.

However, it was directly lifted out and turned around twice in the air to stabilize.

"You..." The white mech seemed a little unbelievable, but then laughed again, "It seems that I can't let you leave here alive today."

There was wind all around the black mech, and the wind accelerated his speed.

Let him not fall under the wind even if the mech is damaged.



Star Beast: Hum, let me go, I'm not good

Mingshu: delicious.

Star Beast: I am poisonous!

Mingshu: Not afraid, Shennong tastes baicao, Uncle Ming tastes 100 foods, for snacks, for justice!

Little fairy: vote first.

Ming Shu: Don't interrupt my speech.

Little fairy: buy you snacks.

Ming Shu: Vote first!

Little Angel: What about the morality?

Mingshu: (smile) Eat it.

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