Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 837: Interstellar Year (15)

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Shanyin didn't know what Mingshu did, she ran away secretly.

He is still looking for people everywhere.

To meet her in the year, Shanyin could only try to send a message to Mingshu.

After a few minutes, Mingshu came out of nowhere.

"Domain Master..." Shanyin greeted him, "Master Ji didn't eat anything."

Mingshu dangled a piece of grass and waved his hand. "Let's rest."

Shan Yin's eyes moved back and forth two circles, reverently retreated to the side, arranged for the vigil, and the rest were all gone.

Ji Nian was still standing in front of his sleeping bag. Even though he was freezing, he didn't go in.

Mingshu walked slowly, and threw him back to his sleeping bag. "If you want to die, don't die with me. I have to dig you."

He was injured during the years and was frozen for a long time, and he didn't have much energy at all.

After falling into the sleeping bag, he couldn't get up.

"What do you want?" He supported the soft blanket and looked up at the person outside the sleeping bag.

Mingshu ignored him and turned to the other side, frowning at the vast night outside.

After a while, Mingshu returned, holding a bowl of broth in his hand.

She stooped into her sleeping bag and sat cross-legged in front of him, "Well."

The years receded back.

"You can eat it if you don't eat it."

The year is still missing.

Ming Shu directly took a spoon to feed himself a bite, and the broth made of the Star Beast's meat tasted very fresh.

Eat it yourself.

Mingshu was about to take a second bite, and suddenly grabbed the bowl in his year.

It may be hungry, and a bowl of soup will come to an end.

"I thought you wanted to starve to death and blackmail me." Mingshu suddenly approached, and they almost face each other, "You don't think I'm poisoned?"

"The first time you said you would throw me back into space, the second time you said you would hand me over to the group of people."

The subtext of this sentence is that he suspected something wrong?

Ming Shu smiled, "I have no relationship with you for no reason. It's no excuse to do this. Are you dissatisfied?"

"...No." Ji Nian said: "I just want to save my life, cough cough cough..."

He coughed badly throughout the years, and his fingers were covered with blood stains.

Mingshu pulled up his sleeping bag to prevent the cold wind from coming in, and then pressed the person rudely to lie down, "Then you better not die here, I don't care about the corpse."

Years rolled into a ball, trying to suppress the cough.

Mingshu let the doctors of the guards come in for examination, but was swept away by the years, he was on alert, like a little wolf cub under attack.

"Domain Master..."

"It's okay, let things go, you go out first."


Mingshu took out the checked things and pulled the quilt from him.

Years of struggle struggling for a while, in the end is not like the doctor flicked away.

The interstellar examination is very simple. Mingshu took an instrument and scanned it on his side, and then took the things out to the doctor.

The doctor looked at the results and frowned slightly. "Domain, the situation is not very good... I have to go back to the ship and do a check again."

"Get ready."

Mingshu folded back and lay in a vague sense of years.

Xu Shi noticed that someone was pulling him, and he suddenly struggled, "Don't touch me..."

Mingshu grabbed his hands, "Good boy, I'll take you to check."

Years of age want to break away, Mingshu is afraid of hurting him, and dare not use too much force.

"I'm not going..." He gasped slightly, his face flushed because of his struggle.

He suddenly started biting his lips, as if in a nightmare.


The lips have been stained with blood.

Mingshu reached out and pinched his chin, trying to let him loose, but he bite particularly tightly.

Mingshu thought for a moment, and directly stunned the person.

The year passed by and softened.

What kind of script did the goblin get? This stepping horse is too dedicated.


Ming Shu brought the years back to the battleship, and the doctor made a comprehensive examination of him.

"Owner of the domain, it's a little strange. Master Ji's body suffered a serious loss, and the long-term injection of inhibitors, plus the previous serious injury, it is a bit difficult to maintain it."

"What inhibitor?"

The doctor said: "What specific inhibitor... I still have to analyze it, but from the current data, I have not seen such an inhibitor."


A strange sound suddenly broke out in the adjacent medical room.

The people inside screamed and ran out.

The lights in the medical room went out.

Mingshu immediately walked towards the medical room.

[Alarm, there is abnormal mental power invasion. 】

[Alarm, there is abnormal mental power invasion. 】

The lights of the entire battleship suddenly began to flash, the battleship leaned to the left, and Ming Shu was almost thrown into the corridor.

The sense of weightlessness strikes in the next second.

The battleship is falling.

Mingshu rushed into the medical room, and there was a mess in it, only the emergency light flashed.

Mingshu finds the year leaning on the medical cabin.


Sharp things touched her throat.


"Want to kill me, you don't have that skill yet." Mingshu quickly seized the things in his hand.

The murder weapon was seized, froze for a while, and after a moment he gave up struggling.

[Alarm, the battleship is about to crash, the battleship is about to crash...]

"Collect your spiritual power, or the battleship will crash."

"Can't take it." Ji Nian twisted the beginning.

Mingshu frowned, pulled his arm around his neck, and put his hand through his waist and knees to easily hug the person.

Suddenly vacated during the year, subconsciously hug Mingshu, his face was close to Mingshu's neck.

Things around retreated quickly, and there was chaos in the hallway.

He was taken to the escape pod, surrounded by people, but nobody looked at him, as if the warship crash was not what he did.

Ji Nian suddenly tightened his arms, "I let your warship crash, will you still take me to escape?"

"Who will compensate me for not taking you out?"

[Two minutes after the crash...]

"Are you all here?"

No one answered, but the escape hatch was closing slowly.

The escape capsule was ejected and undulated in the air for a while, like a roller coaster ride.

The warship in the distance was falling slowly, touching the mountain range, and the silent fire rose into the sky.

The air waves shook their escape cabin back a while.

The escape capsule slowly fell to the ground.

The hatch opened, and a continuous explosion came from afar.

Guardian No. 1 wiped cold sweat, "The fleet is cutting corners, and I went back to them this time and talked to them, almost hung up."

Guard No. 2: "Deduct their project funds!"

Guard Three: "Must be deducted!"

"Domain Master, are you okay?" Shanyin squeezed in from the **** group. "I have contacted the Science and Technology City, and soon a new warship will pick us up."

Mingshu put the people down and stood a little unstable during the years. He didn't intentionally lean on Mingshu, but he really had no strength.

Mingshu had to help him, "Find a place to rest first."

Shanyin glanced over the years quickly, "Yes."

No one asked why the battleship crashed, and no one looked at the age, doing their own thing.

Years of gaze looked at the fire that could still be seen there.

A brilliant light cluster formed in his eyes, exploding and disappearing.

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