Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 838: Interstellar Year (16)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

It took time for the battleship to come over, and Mingshu decided to go inside the forest again.

The route I took this time was different from last time, but the scenery in the forest did not change much.

Years of health recovered quickly, and now he was walking behind himself.

Mingshu is a little faster.

For the first time since the battleship crashed during the year, "I will pay you."

Mingshu walked a bit, turned slightly, and smiled in the corner of his mouth, "Pay? You know how many undisclosed technologies and weapons are on the battleship, what do you pay?"

Chronicle: "..."

"You can't afford to see you." Mingshu turned back. "Just when I pity you, let you go this time."

Chronicle: "..."

There was a slight change in the look of the year, but in the end he swallowed it back.

He hanged his head and continued to move forward. There were fallen leaves in the forest, which stepped on softly and made a rustling noise.

He didn't notice when Mingshu slowed down and walked side by side with himself.

"What's your mental strength?"

The voice of the year is low, "That's what happened."

"What's going on?"

"It has nothing to do with you."

The air suddenly fell silent, Ming Shu stared at him and smiled.

As soon as he looked up, he bumped into her smiling eyes.

"It's a lot of business."

Mingshu left, "Don't follow us, there are people who want you to die, I don't want to die."

Paid for a long time, really did not keep up.

The people in front did not stop, and the group of people disappeared into the forest very quickly.

Years of fingers pressed against the chest, the burning sensation was slowly fading.

He rubbed his face.

Let you do it.

Offend her!

What is this?

It's all this man's fault!

I'm right! No relationship with Lao Tzu!

She really didn't remember Lao Tzu, otherwise how could she throw him here alone...

Years of the brain completed a big show, looked around, where is this?



Several people jumped out of the jungle, and one of the men looked at him extremely angry.

"It's okay to run. I've been hurting you for so long." The man yelled, "Last time you were lucky, you ran fast, but today you don't have such good luck."

Years looked at them silently.

"Look what!" The man was furiously watched.

It is this look, no matter what others say, he is the same.

"You are a monster, you should not come back, why should you come back, you should die outside!"

The man didn't know what he thought of, and at this time he looked at Ji Nian with a bit of hatred in his eyes.

"You stunned what you did and killed me!!!" The man shouted at the person next to him.

"That mech..." Someone hesitated.

"Is he afraid that he won't get it?" The man looked grim.

Even if he can't get it, he will never let him go back alive.

Since the monster returned to Ji's family three years ago, he has not had a good day.

Several people looked at each other, and finally chose to attack the year.

Standing still for years, when several people rushed up, they hit a transparent layer at the same time and were forced to retreat for several steps.

Raising his hands during the year, those people suddenly seemed to be holding their throats by something, and their feet were off the ground.



Several people hung in the air, and the man seemed to be scared, his face blue and white for a while.

With the waving of his arms during the year, several people flipped around in the air and smashed into the woods behind, "roll."

The man touches the space button, he still has a nail...

However, as soon as he touched the space button with his finger, the whole person was lifted off by a strange force, "Go!"

The man was stunned and turned around. The followers could no longer care for so much. He hurriedly dragged people up and quickly disappeared in front of the year.

Ji Nian's face instantly lost his blood, and he stumbled and fell to the ground.

Rustle ——

Rustling rustling ——

There was obviously no wind, but the surrounding vegetation kept rustling.

During the year, he took out a needle from the space button, picked up a dead branch and bit it, pierced towards his arm, and pushed the liquid into the body.

Rustling rustling ——

Rustle ——

The voice was quieter, the trees gradually stood still, his body was shrouded in light and shadow, and the dry branches mottled with blood fell into the fallen leaves.


Deep in the forest.

Shanyin hangs his hands next to Mingshu, "It's the Ji family. Recently, the Ji family seems to be no good. The heir will choose among the current ones. I heard that the way to choose is who made the mech more powerful. The mecha making technique is not comparable to ordinary people, so..."

Only this chase.

Three years ago, when he returned to Ji's family, the domain master asked them to pay close attention to Ji's family.

After going back in time, the performance was also outstanding.

But he disappeared for so many years, and his parents were not there. In Ji's family, he belonged to people with no foundation.

Zeng Jin's distinguished identity became the handle of being laughed at.

Where does the Ji family make a person who has disappeared for many years master the Ji family?

But this year's man... is brave and aggressive, and very cruel.

Shanyin feels that even if they don't do it sometimes, they can solve those problems by themselves.

Mingshu casually looked at his fingers, "How many people?"


Mingshu's five fingers slowly grasped and smiled and said: "Don't let them go back, obscured."

"..." Shanyin hesitated. After all, he was not a doom star. If they did this, they might cause trouble in the future.

Not afraid, but very troublesome.

Trouble literally.

Mingshu seemed to know what Shanyin was thinking, and said: "I didn't let you kill him, just throw a place and let them experience the joy of working."


Where is the young master, who has done some work.

This is worse than killing them?

"This is Master Ji's use." Shanyin took out the empty needle tube, and the inner wall of the needle tube was still stained with some green residual liquid. "Master Ji went out of the forest and should be planning to leave here."

"Shut it up first, take it back and test it."


Ming Shu stretched his waist, "There is a star beast in front of him, catch it."

meat! I'm here!

The battleship arrived at noon the next day.

Just stopped above Mingshu.

The teleporter transports the people above.

"Hey, I thought there was no vegetation on the planet." Xiao Zhu was surprised, and then waved at Mingshu, "Master, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Good day, dear domain master." Curly was one step behind.

"Why are you here?"

Sloppy man hugged his fake cat and walked slowly.

"I heard that there are delicious interstellar beasts, I'll study it." Xiao Zhu leaned in front of Mingshu and reached for the barbecue.

Mingshu slapped in the past.

"Domain, you can't finish eating so much, let me try it."

"No!" Mingshu refused to be justified.

"Grab something with the domain master to eat, you're living impatiently." Curly hair pulls back the chase, "Go, Master, give you the interstellar beast."

"It would be nice if you were not beaten by the Star Beast. I told you that you will be beaten in a while, and I will not save you."

"How can I say it, my lord is great!" Curly asked the guard next to him and dragged the chase away.

"...They are social, be careful."

The **** froze back with words.

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