Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 852: Interstellar Year (30)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The people in the major star fields tried to find the warships hanging above their main star, but no matter how they were found, they ended in failure.

The battleship didn't seem to exist, but in order to let them know that it was still there, it would let them catch the signal every once in a while.

It's so shameless! !

Mingshu now just wants to finish the work quickly and grab a few earth specialties to fill his stomach.

It is too tiring to dominate the universe or something.

Mingshu walked towards the mecha cabin, and was stopped by the year in half.


In the recent years, he has nothing to do on the battleship, Mingshu will not let him go, of course, he does not want to go.

Years asked: "On the opposite side, only the China Stars are left. What do you want to do?"

Mingshu raised his eyebrows slightly, "What are your good opinions?"

"Will you listen to what I said?"

"will not."

"..." I said a fart!

Years of age followed Ming Shu to the cabin where she lived, and there was only a silent light in the corridor.

The two figures were dragged to the elders, and the shadows were intertwined.

"I heard that you are going to see Jijing?"

Ming Shu suddenly turned his head, "Who told you?"

Ji Nian did not answer, just asked, "Is it?"

Mingshu stared at him for a few seconds, "Uh."

Silent for a while, he said sullenly: "He is not a good person, don't believe what he says."

"What do you mean?"

The lips opened slightly during the years, "Don't believe anything anyway."

When he finished speaking, he turned away.

Luo Yan deliberately sent a message to provoke him, didn't he rely on him to score more points? !

What a great point! !

[Nine less, more points are really amazing. 】

Chronicle: "..."

The system is very heartwarming. He used to think that points were useless and he didn't care. If you can't enter the mission without points, he won't go. Three months later, he is a good guy.

Now I suddenly found that points... is really a good thing.

For example, Luo Yan can exchange points for props to know his identity.

For example, the points can be exchanged for an OOC season card, and people will randomly collapse.

[So nine less, work hard to earn points. 】

"Go and kill the bug." Ji Nian earnestly said, "Where is that bug?"


The place where Luo Yanyue Mingshu met was on a nearby star.

There are many black, stalagmites-like rocks on the star, and the ground is sand.

The sky is also gray, and it feels very depressed.

There is no life on this planet.

Mingshu stopped the armor, jumped off the armor, and looked at the person sitting opposite the arm of the arm.

"I thought you wouldn't come." Luo Yan straightened up slowly and said slowly: "It seems that I don't know enough about you."

Speaking of which, he really didn't know much about her.

The data he gathered up, in addition to knowing that she likes to eat, there is a buff resurrected on the spot, and there are only other breeds of miscellaneous beasts, the rest are unknown.

This woman...

It’s not a common thing to speak. She’s talking about whether it’s true or not, and she can’t tell from her face.

Ming Shu said: "I have something to ask you."

Luo Yan snorted, and seemed a little curious, "I don't know what you want to ask me?"

Mingshu dragged things out of his neck, shaking and colliding with a clear sound.

Luo Yan's eyes changed.

Mingshu pinched the gold coin, "Did you take my things."

She tried so many times and couldn't start it as the goblin said.

But what Qi Yu did on the last plane, but it still felt strange to her.

Not the same as what he said before.

She thought about why she would give her two, if they were paired, should he keep one?

This thing was only touched by Luo Yan, something went wrong, and it must have something to do with him.

"your things?"

Luo Yan jumped from the mech and glanced at Ming Shu.

He said word by word: "This is not your thing."

Luo Yan admitted this.

"It's in my hand, that's mine." Mingshu looked at the person opposite, "What did you take away?"

"I can't tell you this." Luo Yan groaned, groaning, "Tell you, I will be out of luck."

Mingshu raised a bright smile, "You don't tell me, now you will be unlucky."

Luo Yan gloated, "The things are no longer on me, even if you kill me, you won't get it."

Will he be so stupid, with such important things?

"However, you have to give this thing to me." Luo Yan's tongue licked the lower lip. "You are dangerous to hold."

"It depends on whether you have that ability." Ming Shu stuffed his clothes back.

"It's tiring to fight with you." Luo Yan complained, but jumped onto the mecha and sat into it.

Mingshu stood still.

I don't know when the wind started, the sand on the ground formed a small spiral, and was walking against the ground.

Luo Yan narrowed his eyes and looked ahead.

The woman stood quietly in the wind and sand, and the black stalagmites that stood around her seemed to protrude from the ground like ghost claws.

There seemed to be a flame burning behind the woman, like all the karma burning in hell.

Luo Yan's pupils dilated slightly, and the flames were attacking him at a very rapid rate.

The tall mech flickered awkwardly.

The flames swept over, hitting the stalagmites behind, and the rumbling sound mixed with the yellow sand flying in the sky and fell.

"Say a good person, and you should bring someone over." Luo Yan stabilized the mecha, because she was angry, and her voice was a little distorted.

Mingshu didn't know when to return to the mecha, and control the mecha suspended in midair.

In the distance, successive organic nails fell.

Mingshu chuckled, "reasonably, I didn't promise you to come alone, it was your own naivety."

Luo Yan asked her to come alone, would she want to come alone?

Don’t you want to be a host as a domain owner

I want a face!


He thought she came alone last time, and this time she will come alone, so he only reminded that she did not force her to agree.

Who knew she would not follow the routine.

This is all you force me! !

Luo Yan's mech shot a beam of light.

The sky whizzed a few times, and the mechas marked with the Chinese star land fell.

The two camps drew crossbows.

Mingshu: "..." So what did he have to question me? Didn't you bring someone too!

Ming Shu smiled slightly and said, "Beat me to death."


The next day, many people heard that a barren star suddenly exploded. The owner of the doom star domain and the general of the China star field are both on that star.


The things in his hand fell to the ground.

He grabbed people passing by him, "What did you just say?"

"Master Ji..." The man was startled.

Grabbing him hard for years, "What did you just say?"

The man felt that his arm was about to be broken and replied with pain: "Domain Master...Domain Master is missing."

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