Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 853: Interstellar Year (31)

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The two missing words are like one, turning on the spiky switch that has recently converged on the year.

The man caught by the years looked at the flashing lights around him with some shock.


What's wrong?

"Master Ji, calm down!"

Curly and Xiaozhu found that the anomaly ran from not far away.

Years of age seem to be unable to hear them, and the whole person exudes an uncontrolled murderous air.

Mental spillovers have affected them all.

Headache is split.

"What's going on?" Xiao Zhu covered his head and asked the man who was caught by Ji Nian.

"Just... Master Ji just asked me... Domain Master... I don't know..." The man bent over, obviously because Ji Nian was holding him, he couldn't help the pain.

[Alarm, abnormal mental power invasion...]

Xiao Zhuchong shouted, "Master Ji, please calm down."

"Ah, what did the domain master do again." Curly hair scratched his head, worried, and threw such a time bomb here.


The sirens of the battleship stopped abruptly.

As the year passed, the body fell down, rushing up one by one to catch people.

But his head was dizzy and he was turning around, and he also fell to the ground.

Years hit him, he was even more dizzy.

In the blurry vision, he seemed to see Yaxing holding an iron bar, the iron bar glowing in the cold light, holding the cat in the other hand, and calmly throwing away the iron bar when he looked over.

There was a loud bang.

Small chase: "..."

Curly Mao stepped up and raised the year to Yaxing, and then helped Xiao Zhu, "Are you all right?"

"Halo." There were still small stars in front of Xiao Zhu's eyes. Both curls had two heads.

Curly hair hugs Xiao Zhu and turns his head to face the line: "Take him to find the domain master, I will take Xiao Zhu to check."

Yaxing wants to throw away the years, but think about it as the domain master's treasure. For research and money, he can only barely pinch people away.

Where is he going to take the baby to find the domain owner?

Ya walked a distance before thinking of it, and took the year to find curls.

Medical room.

Yaxing went in without knocking on the door, but curls upset the chair like a fright, and lay on the medical cabin with a pale face.

"Where is the domain master?" Yaxing glanced back and looked away.

Curly pushes Xiao Zhu into the medical cabin, closes the door, and presses to automatically check.

"Mecha has automatic positioning, you check."

Yaxing called up the screen and raised his head with two operations. "Which mech does the domain master use?"

"..." Curly whispered.

He glanced at Yaxing's screen, which was scattered, and some moved towards them. They should be on the way back, but some were still.

Which one is the domain owner?

The two were silent at the screen.

For a long time, Curly said: "Master Ji's mental strength is very strange, or should we take advantage of the absence of the domain master, study it?"

Yayuki pushed the year to him, "Go away."

Curly: "..."

Curly hair said so, where did he dare to start with the year, he took the line, "Don’t, this little ancestor woke up, and began to attack indiscriminately? What should you do to contact other people to see if the domain master Where is it."

Yaxing thinks about it too, contacting the nearest mecha.

"Domain master? I don't know. The master said let's come back first, she took that... Ji Jing left."

"Domain Master and Ji Jing left."

"I don't know where to go."

"The domain owner is fine."

One after another, I got so few answers, but no one knew where Mingshu went.

At this moment, Shanyin pushed open the door of the medical room, his eyes fell on Ji Nian, and the words turned, "What happened to Master Ji?"

"Halo." Curly said: "He just had a mental riot."

The alarm sound of the warship just now was heard.

"The domain master has gone to the earth, you should send Master Ji to the past, I will stay and solve the matter here."

The other star domains have been resolved, and there is one Chinese star domain that has not been resolved.

"What does the domain master do to the earth?"

Shan Yin's expressionless face was a little weird. "Don't ask too much, send Master Ji to the past."

"Go, go, I have to wait for the chase." Curly pointed to the medical cabin.

Xiao Zhu's spiritual power is the weakest among them, and he can't bear the strong spiritual power of his age.



Luo Yan stood on a pile of corpses and looked at the people not far away, "You are a bit too much."

"It's okay." Mingshu smiled. "Compared to the calculation behind you, I'm tossing you positively and don't think it's too much."


On that barren star, there were obviously more people in Mingshu than him.

His super-powerful mecha is obviously very powerful, but still can't do her.

So in the end he was tied here-as bait.

If he didn't run fast, he would have been eaten by those interstellar beasts.

"just kill me!"

"That's not dirty my hands." Mingshu shook his head, "Don't."

Luo Yan stopped talking, and a voice came from a distance. He took a deep breath and ran away when the Star Beast appeared.

Mingshu did not stop him, anyway, he had to come back by himself.

Mingshu dragged one from the edge of the interstellar beast, and before those interstellar beasts were found, he rolled down the hill next to it.

When Luo Yan returned, Mingshu had already roasted the meat.

He gasped on his knees, his clothes were dirty and his face was black and white.

He sat cross-legged across from Mingshu and reached out to pick something on his wrist. I didn't know what it was and I couldn't get it.

As long as you run out of a certain range, your body will be uncomfortable.

The further you go, the heavier you are, and you won't be able to move at all.

But as long as he returned to the safe range, he could move freely.

"You can cut off your hands." Ming Shu smiled, "Of course there are feet."

Luo Yan: "..."

It sounded dark, and she could laugh so happy.

Luo Yan had never been so stubborn, even in front of Qi Yu, he had not been so stubborn.

Not losing, but suffocating.

"I don't have a hobby of self-harm." Luo Yan gave up competing with that thing.

For things that can't be changed, don't bother, stay focused, and find a way out.

Luo Yan couldn't help but watch her eating, "Are you a pig?"

"If you don't have enough to eat, how can you adjust your strength." Mingshu took it for granted.

"..." Although it makes sense, he didn't want to admit it at all.

Luo Yan is also a bit hungry. The barbecue looks slightly miserable, but you should be able to eat...

He stretched out his hand to take it, and there was a sudden pain on the back of his hand.

"What are you doing?" Dare to **** my flesh and want to die! !

"You starved to death, who will go?"

"You have nutrients yourself." Shi Shi stared at him.

Luo Yan said, "The space button was not taken by you."

Mingshu was unmoved, "You still have space"

Luo Yan: "..."

Speaking of this Luo Yan, "How did you break my space last time?"

Ming Shu smiled, and his eyes seemed to be filled with stars, "Guess."

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