Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 858: Xiaofanwai (End)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

When reporting, Xiao Zhu knew that Cheng Yu was the best freshman of the year.

Xiao Zhu sighed, "So you are so powerful?"

Cheng Yu snorted, "That is."

There was another one named Yaxing. He told Cheng Yu at the time that the name was strange.

"You blame?" Cheng Yu looked at him funny.

Xiao Zhu looked dimmed.

"What do you want to eat today, I invite you, lord."

"No... no need."

"Hurry up and think about something delicious. It takes ten minutes to walk from here to the place where you can eat."


Along the way, many people turned back.

Xiao Zhu poked him, "Your hair is really dazzling."

"You just don't get used to my hair?"

"Well!" Xiao Zhuo worked very hard.

He didn't like blue and protested with him many times.

Curly hummed, "Then you can't care, you are not my girlfriend."

"Then you don't come so close to me, I don't want to be onlookers." Xiao Zhu hid to the side.

"Hey, you're going to heaven if you give you a pole." Curly grabbed Xiao Zhu back and hooked his neck. "Do you want something delicious?"

Xiao Zhu couldn't make it, he could only helplessly say: "Everything will do."

Curly prickled his hair, "Stupid."


They are all freshmen. Although the majors are different, the dormitory is smoothly allocated according to the registration, so Xiao Zhu and Cheng Yu are divided into a dormitory.

After seeing Yaxing in the dormitory, Xiao Zhu realized that this person was not only strangely named, but the whole person was very strange.

At that time, Yaxing was sloppy in his clothes, holding a cat in his hand.

The cat looked lifelike, and he thought it was real.

However, Yaxing did not seem to get along well at that time, and he dared not talk to Yaxing.

Yaxing lives in a dormitory with them. If he didn't see him, he would think it was an invisible person.

He did not know when Yaxing left the dormitory or when he would return.

Fortunately, Cheng Yu took him all day, both in and out of the dormitory.

That day, when he arrived in the classroom, he found that he had forgotten his things, and hurried back to the dormitory, because he was a little afraid of going in the dormitory, so he looked carefully at the dormitory.

Did not see Yaxing, but saw Cheng Yu.

He opened the door and called, "Cheng Yu..."

Cheng Yu paused and asked casually, "What's wrong?"

"You... fight again?" Xiao Zhu stood at the door, his eyes falling on the blood stains on the table.

"Meet a few who don't have long eyes, give a lesson." Cheng Yu said: "Aren't you going to class?"

"Forgot to take things." Xiao Zhu came in from the door and took the skillful bandaging of the things in his hand.

In recent years, due to Cheng Yu's relationship, his bandaging techniques have become more and more proficient.

"Don't you promise me not to fight?"

Cheng Yu didn't care much, "You're not my girlfriend anymore. What do you do so wide, let's say that everyone else is bullying, I haven't fought back yet?"

"You thought I wanted to control you." Xiao Zhu suddenly got angry.

Cheng Yu didn't expect Xiao Zhu to react so much, he stood a little helpless.

Cheng Yu said: "How can I lose my temper, so please do not fight in the future."

"You say this every time." Xiao Zhan went to his desk to pick up something. "Cheng Yu, I really worry about you. I only have you as a friend."

The door of the dormitory opened, and Yaxing stood at the door. I didn't know how long he listened, and his expression did not change at all.

Xiaozhan stepped back subconsciously, but Yaxing took the initiative to make way for him.

Xiao Zhu gritted his teeth and trot past him.

After that quarrel, Cheng Yu really never fought.

"Do you know why he was fighting that day?" Yaxing asked Xiaozhu.

Xiao Zhu looked at Yaxing a little dazedly.

"Someone said you that day, he heard, and there was a conflict with others." Yao said: "I saw it with my own eyes."

Xiao opened his mouth one by one without making a sound for a while.

"A few times before, it should also be related to you. Did you find that when you enrolled in school, the eyes of your classmates looked completely different from your eyes afterwards?"

A long time ago in Xiao Zhu's brain flashed his classmates.

What did they look like when they entered school?

Taunting, sneering, not good intentions...

But after the semester passed, those eyes seemed to disappear gradually, because he had come over like this since he was a child, and he didn't care about the eyes of those people, so he never found out...

"He hasn't fought after, but he didn't dare to let you know." Yaxing said: "Every time I fought, I ran to my laboratory to overturn the box and the cabinet. I was afraid you might see him hurt."

Xiao Zhu looked down at the ground without speaking for a long time.

Yayuki didn't say anything, holding his cat and walked slowly, but was quickly caught by Mingshu, let him find a way to catch the Star Beast.

"Domain, not suitable for hunting at night."

"Whether hunting is suitable or not, you take out your new weapon."


There was a burst of laughter over there.

Then Yaxing was dragged away.

Xiao Zhu heard that the person next to him mentioned Cheng Yu, and he subconsciously raised his ears to listen.

"... Cheng Yu went back to the blind date."

"Blind date? Really fake? Will the girl be scared to death, ha ha ha ha..."

"The boss is not small, I heard that the family has been urging, and I am still forced to die, but this is not unreasonable, but leave to go back."

Xiao Zhu's face was a bit ugly.

Blind date...

He pulled his hair grinningly when he left, not even mentioning his return to the blind date.

Xiao Yu subconsciously opened the personal terminal. The first person was Cheng Yu. This was forced by Cheng Yu when he first entered school...

"You are so stupid, there is a danger to call the young man, the young man covers you."

Xiao Zhu thinks, for so many years, he will always be the first, why did he not change it?

For a while, no results.

When the finger touches the name, the screen immediately changes to show that the call is in progress.

Xiao Zhu wanted to hang up in a panic, but it was already connected there.

Cheng Yu's face appeared on the screen, and the back was chaotic. A group of people chased after him, and the surrounding buildings kept receding.

Cheng Yu ran fast and gasped and asked, "What happened?"

"No..." Xiao Zhu didn't know what to say.

"Then I won't tell you." Cheng Yu seemed anxious.

"Cheng Yu." Xiao Zhu suddenly called out.

"Huh?" Cheng Yu's blue hair was particularly striking in the sunlight. He turned around and shouted at the people behind, "Don't chase me, will you!"

Cheng Yu and Xiao Zhu talked, and a large group of people behind him blocked him.

Cheng Yu seemed a little irritable.

"What about you at night?" Cheng Yu looked at the screen. "I told you later."

When Cheng Yu hung up, Xiao Zhu heard someone scolding over there.

"Lu Chengyu, you little rabbit, the Lu family will be destroyed in your hands. Is it so difficult for you to bring an object back?"



His surname is Lu?

Xiao Zhun stared at the personal terminal that restored the correspondent's interface.

He sat stiffly for a long time, and the people around him were almost scattered, and the fire was dark.

Yaxing helped Mingshu to catch the interstellar beast and saw Xiaoju still sitting here and came over, "Xiaozhu..."

Xiao Zhu raised his head, "Ya Xing, what is Cheng Yu's surname?"

"Lu." Yaxing answered without thinking, "What's wrong?"


He always thought his last name was Cheng.

Obviously everywhere... Cheng Yu.

"Cheng is his mother's surname, Lu, you don't know?"

he does not know.

He knew nothing.

Because he never asked.

——You will be called a small chase and a chase after a deer.

The young man stood on the rooftop and looked at the suspended vehicle passing by the sky, whispering softly, "I don't have a surname."

The teenager smiled and said, "Follow me with the last name."

The young chase was disgusted, "Cheng Cha? It's hard to hear."

The teenager looked at him meaningfully, "It's not unpleasant."

At that time he just thought his taste was special.

Lu Zhu.

It's really not bad.

Little by little stood up.

"What are you doing?"

"Find him."

"Do you know where his family is?"

Suddenly stopped.

Yaxing sighed.


A certain planet.

Lu Chengyu was locked in the room and walked around irritably, "Hey, when will you let me go!!"

"Master, when do you want to make a blind date, just let you go."

"You have species!"

Lu Chengyu kicked the door.

The people outside were unmoved.

"Yes, let me go on a blind date!" Lu Chengyu decided to compromise first and then find a chance to run, "Let me go."

The Lu family determined that Lu Chengyu was going to a blind date, and then he was released.

He was surrounded by a group of people, or he was escorted to a blind date.

The Lu family mansion opened slowly, and Lu Chengyu looked slightly surprised at the people outside, "How come you are here?"

People outside whispered: "Don't you say, my last name? Now, is it too late?"

Lu Chengyu looked from doubt to ecstasy.

"It's too late."

Little by little sigh of relief, "I thought..."

"Why? I thought I wanted a blind date to marry someone?" Lu Chengyu walked through the circle of the Lu family, "Xiao Zhu, how can I marry someone when I have been waiting for you for so many years."

"I'm sorry..." Xiao Zhu's eyes were red, "I never knew."

"It's not too late to know now." Lu Chengyu hugged him. "Otherwise I would really be taken to blind date."

How can he give up so easily for the people he has been protecting for so many years.

Lu Chengyu pulled Xiao Zhu around and shouted at an old man in the crowd: "Old man, I've found your daughter-in-law for you."

Lu Family: "..." Master likes men? MMP said earlier! !

Xiao Zhu hugged Cheng Yu's neck, and his soft lips fell on his lips.

The sun is just right.

The figure overlapped with a lingering sweetness.

"When did you like me?"

"Can not remember."


"Just count when you give your name."

"it is good."

"I don't like your blue hair, can it be dyed?"

"It's too small! This is born!!"

Later, the Lu family found out that their young master dazzled that blue, he was a baby, and whoever touched a hair that was desperately dyed black.

"It makes you too dazzling, and I'm afraid I can't hold it." He finally knew why he hated the color at first, "but... why are you still so dazzling?"

Lu Chengyu flicked his black hair. "No matter how dazzling, it's yours, you're alone."

The name comes from, the heart belongs to, and the fate returns. -Lu Zhu.


This chapter is 3000 words.

A total of 5000 words, this is what I have written about the longest plane figure.

I really like Lu Chengyu hahahaha! Although he had a name at the end.

If it is not necessary for the plot, I do not intend to give him a name.

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