Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 859: Sword breaking sky (1)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

#魔修头条: If you don’t agree in July, you can make a fake#

"Demon, quickly hand over Xixie, otherwise don't blame us for being polite!!"

"You have no way out, demon girl, hand over Xixie, and spare you not to die."

As soon as Ming Shu opened his eyes, he was snarled.

She was sitting cross-legged in a cave at this time. The gate of the cave was filled with black mist, which just blocked the entrance.

A demon girl shouted very loudly outside.

Except for this word, Xixie appears most often.

What is Xixie?

Did you eat it?

She didn't even have a ghost around her, and she was still very unwell. She should have been injured.

She was wearing a fiery red dress with blood on her skirt and several mouths. She was very embarrassed.

Hey, a little hungry.

Mingshu touched his belly and found another circle on his body. He couldn't even find a bun.

There was light flashing outside, and someone was attacking the hole.

The black mist at the entrance of the cave became unstable and could be broken at any time.

The top priority now is to leave here.

Mingshu touched the little beast.


The little animal shook his hair, opened his eyes a little confused, hummed, such a rich aura...

The little beast's eyes lit up suddenly.

But immediately climbed back, not to go.

I knew it was calling me.

The beast also needs face.

"Good." Mingshu touched his head. "One table is full of Han."

The little animal rolled over and exposed his belly to play the rogue.

Don't go if you don't say it.

Not to mention a table full of Han people, even if it is ten tables... then it went.

The black mist at the entrance of the cave spreads faster and is about to be broken.

Mingshu directly threw the beast towards the hole.

Ah ah ah **** you bastard! !

The scream of the little animal accompanied it through the black mist, but the little animal didn't move after going out.

Mingshu: "..."

Mingshu reluctantly stood up. There were a total of six people outside the hole. Four people wore the same robe. The other two looked like a gang.

The people saw Mingshu coming out, and four of them wore the same paragraph, and quickly rushed towards her, "The demon girl died!"

Mingshu was depressed and knew that so many people would not come out.

I didn’t even eat. It’s too inhumane for you to want to fight me!

"Wait a minute!" Mingshu raised his hand and yelled.

"Why, think about it, willing to hand over Xixie?" One of them stopped them. "As long as you are willing to hand over Xixie, we will not care about it."

"Xi Xie." Although I don't know what it's a thing, Ming Shu smiled with a soft tone. "Only I know where Xi Xie is. You promise me a condition. I tell you where Xi Xie is. Otherwise, You killed me, and you won't get Xixie."

So what exactly is Xixie?

"What conditions?" The other party was very cautious. "You don't want to make any crooked ideas. You can't run away if you are seriously injured!"

Finally, don't forget to threaten Mingshu.

"It's not difficult, get me some food."

"..." What about this demon girl playing with them?

"Stop talking to her and kill her!" One of them was impatient. "This demon girl may not be doing anything wrong, don't be fooled by her."

"Kill me, Xixie will be gone." Mingshu smiled calmly, "I just want to order something, but not a panacea for healing, what are you doing so nervous?"


The group of people discussed it and thought it was a try.

Of course, the main reason is that they did not see Xixie. If she really hid Xixie, then she died. Where would they go?

They cobbled together and had some food on their bodies.

One of them also has a roast duck.

Roast Duck……

Grandma Dripping Bear finally eats what normal people eat.

She felt it was a long, long time ago.

Mingshu gave a big smile to the person who contributed the roast duck, and beat you twice in a while.

"Oh, uh..."

Mingshu finished eating the roast duck, and although he was still hungry, it was much better than before.

Six people surrounded Mingshu. She sat in the middle, sitting casually on the ground, with red clothes spread on the ground.

Her posture is casual, her body is unprepared, and there are flaws everywhere.

I always feel that this demon girl is different from before.

They looked at each other, do not relax their vigilance, and must not let the demon run away.

When Mingshu finished eating, someone immediately scolded, "Eat and eat, let's say, where is Xixie?"

"I want to ask a question."

"..." Why is this sorceress so much! !

"What is Xixie?" Mingshu asked with humility.


She is not much talk, she is just looking for death.

The sword glowed with cold light pointed directly at the tip of the nose, "Demon, hurry up and hand over Xi evil!"

"I don't have one." Mingshu's fingers were leaning on the tip of the sword and moved to the side. "Don't be so fierce, if you have something to say, say something."

"...How dare you play us!"

"I really don't have it." Mingshu laughed harmlessly. "Isn't it angry? Get angry and kill me!"


"Don't be afraid, just poke, just poke here." Mingshu pointed to his chest and took the initiative to move to their side.

"Do you think I dare?"

"Well, come on!"

The man holding the sword was shaking tremendously, probably angry, blowing his beard and glaring, stunned without saying a word.

This demon girl...

It's so popular! !

It is expected that he did not get Xixie, and dare not kill her! !


The sword in his hand suddenly gained weight, and Mingshu threw himself on the tip of the sword. The tip of the sword sank into her chest, the blood overflowed, and the red shirt grew dull.

The smiling face of the woman in red came into her eyes.

In an instant, like blood fainting.


The red clothes swayed through the barren grass and left slowly. Jin Wuxi sank and cast a light and shadow around her.

Several people on the ground gasped, staring at the direction she left.

how come……

So terrible.

The plane's pseudo-female caller Fang Wan, who was a child of Wuji Sect, was a close disciple of Elder Wuji Sect.

Because Wuji Jianzong has few women and her talent is extremely high, Fang Wan is extremely favored in Jianzong.

Up to the head, down to the younger brother and sister.

Therefore Fang Wan's temperament is extremely arrogant.

Until another year, Jianzong accepted new disciples, and the heroine appeared.

The appearance of the hostess broke Fang Wan's position in Jianzong, and the preference of the brothers and brothers was distributed to the hostess.

And her previous small willfulness suddenly became irrational in the eyes of brothers and brothers.

The person she likes also has a special preference for the heroine, so Fang Wan began to die and made herself dead.

After dying it was discovered that she was born again.

Reborn to the time when the hostess first entered the door, but she was no longer a disciple of Zongmen, but was reborn to the same name of Fang Wan, a new disciple who had just entered the door.

But she who should have Zongmen did not exist after her rebirth, and Zongmen did not have a favored party night.

Although I don't know what is going on, Fang Wan will naturally seize this opportunity once again.

Fang Wan learns to be smart, she is more kind than the hostess.

Coupled with her knowing what happened later, every time she grabbed a good thing in front of the hostess, or saved the sect.

Fang Wan's counterattack succeeded and became Zongmen's pride, and the mistress was repeatedly framed by Fang Wan because she missed her golden finger, which made her life in Zongmen not easy.

It's not so good in the end.


I updated 11,000 words today~

One thousand more words~

Do you really not vote? Pang Pang Pang~~


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