Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 860: Sword breaking sky (2)

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The original female caller is July.


There is nothing special about it, because her father and mother are Moxiu, so she was born Moxiu.

In the eyes of Zhengdao people, Moxiu is a crooked evil spirit. No one will believe even if he has never done anything bad.

In this world, Moxiu represents evil.

Anyway, it is not good to touch the magic word in the eyes of the world.

In July and Fang Wan did not know, there is no grudge.

Not long ago, someone discovered a secret realm, she just slipped in to join in the excitement.

Seeing Fang Wan killing treasure in the secret realm, she taunted two sentences.

But because this is the case in this world, whoever is a treasure is who she is, who just mocks the self-righteous person will do this kind of thing.

After taunting her, she left.

Who knew that out of the secret realm, someone suddenly said that she had a Xi evil sword on her body.

Xixie is a sword.

Where did the original owner know what Xixie had never seen?

Later, when I remembered Fang Wan's murder and treasure, they were fighting for a sword.

But everyone at the time felt that Xi Xian Jian was on her.

As a demon, she had all kinds of legitimate reasons to threaten her to surrender Xi.

The original master was half-dead, and he went to Fang Wan in a fierce manner.

Let Fang Wan clarify for yourself?

No no no!

What she thought was that Fang Wan said that Xi Xiejian was robbed by her, then she went to grab it.

Who knows that Xixian sword was not snatched and was seriously injured.

Fang Wan became a victim and the original owner was chased and killed.

The original owner has since embarked on the road of blackening.

The original owner deliberately gave the Xixian sword to the original owner in order to use the Xixian sword for Zhengda bright.

However, the Xixian sword has already recognized the Lord, and the original Lord is useless.

Fang Wan took the righteous people of various factions to encircle and suppress the original owner. Finally, Fang Wan shattered the meridian and repaired it to a complete abolition.

In the current timeline, it happened that the original owner came out of the secret realm and passed the evil sword on her.


Can not eat, there is nothing controversial.

Mingshu looked at the barren mountains nearby, what to eat in this wild countryside?

Mingshu picked a few fruits on the mountain and went to the nearest city according to the memory of the original owner.


This continent is called Shenwu Continent, and there are various monks.

The second is sword cultivation. Sword cultivation conditions are harsh, and not everyone can do it.

However, Jianxiu can leapfrog, and his strength is very powerful. He belongs to the person who can't offend.

The Promise Sword Sect is the only ancestor on the Shenwu Continent that reaches the ancestors and descends to the sweeping boys. They are all schools of sword repair.

Mingshu found a restaurant that looked tall, and asked them to bring up their signature dishes.

Although the store saw Mingshu, it was a bit embarrassing, but the clothes were very good. Unlike the customers who had no money, they quickly brought things up.

"I heard that Promise Sword Sect received a lot of good things in the secret realm."

"The other two Zongmen's gains are not small."

Shenwu Continent is divided into three schools and six schools.

The Promise Sword Sect is full of sword repairs, and it is also a big gate that has been spread for thousands of years. Its popularity is naturally not low.

However, because of the harshness of receiving disciples, the Promise Sword Sect is not as good as the other two Zongmen who collected everything.

Among the three major sects, if not ranked by strength, Promise Sword Sect can only be ranked last.

The six factions also have different levels, but this ranking changes every year.

Of course, it is not to say that the three schools and six schools are all the martial schools on the Shenwu Continent. In addition to the nine most famous ones, there are many small celebrities or clans attached to the major schools and schools.

"Actually let Moxiu mix in, **** it!"

"I heard that Xixie Sword was robbed by Moxiu. I don't know how much evil I will do."

Mingshu glanced over there, glanced at the food in front of him, and continued to eat.

When the decent is finished, it is naturally an evil.

There are a lot of magic repairs in this continent, but they are not organized.

Um... nothing to say.

"Xi Xie Jian is so powerful?"

"You don't know about this? Although Xixian Sword is not an ancient sword, but he once defeated Lingxiao, an ancient sword. Can Lingling be defeated, do you say that Xixie is not powerful?"

"Who is this Xixie in now?"

"I heard it was Moxiu July."

"Just the July that slaughtered a city overnight?"

Mingshu squeezed his hand with chopsticks. Does the original owner still have such great achievements? Awesome!

She thinks about it carefully. This happened six months ago.

The city of Tucheng didn't do anything like this. She just blamed the people. At that time, she was the only one in the city, and she was the demon repairer. Those people couldn't help but shove the city's hat on her head.

As for who did it, the original owner did not know.

When she went, the whole city died.

The death was strange, the body blood was drained, leaving only a shrivelled body.

"Demon! You dare to show up!"

Suddenly screamed at the door, several figures rushed toward Mingshu quickly.

Mingshu quickly finished the last dish on the plate, put down the chopsticks with a "snap", and wiped his mouth gracefully in a sitting position.


"Red clothes...July..." The diners in the restaurant instantly connected her with the recently raging July, and got up and backed away.

Mingshu was surrounded by people.

"What are you doing here, demon girl!" The leading clothes are embroidered with fire-like totems and are the disciples of Chiyang Sect.

Ming Shu looked at a few disciples of the Red Sun Sect, and smiled, "Of course, to come to the restaurant is to eat, or can I still have a baby?"

Her voice was soft and very comfortable.

"You are a demon girl. The purpose here is impure. Hurry! What purpose do you have!" The disciples of Chiyang Zong seem to ignore Mingshu's words.

"Okay, if you say that the purpose is impure, then the purpose is impure." Mingshu didn't fight him, and he smiled, "How can you treat me?"

The woman in the red dress sat calmly in front of a table with empty plates.

A slap-sized face, fair-skinned skin as good as sheep fat white jade, and a charming color between the eyebrows.

The glamorous red lips were upturned, and the ripples in the eyes were particularly moving.

She looks like the reddish lotus blooming in the lotus pond.


But full of charm.

Everyone couldn't help feeling nervous, and breathing seemed a little difficult.

This demon girl looks so good too!

"Brother, don't be fooled by this demon girl!"

The boy's crisp voice broke the strangeness of this life, the obsession of everyone's eyes faded, and he stared at Mingshu angrily, "Demon, you dare to confuse us."

Mingshu supported her chin, and she wore a pair of bracelets on her wrists, and the bracelets were adorned with bells. Her voice rang slowly along with the bell’s light voice. It’s so pretty. Why don’t you blame your mother when you gave birth to you and didn’t make you the best in the world?"

"Bah, you must have used the demon method!!" The disciple of Chiyang Sect was even more angry.

"Hey, it's rude to disturb others' meals." Mingshu got up, "Fortunately, I finished."

Everyone: "..." What stuff?

Ming Shu smiled, "So I won't beat you a few times."

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