Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 861: Sword breaking sky (3)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Shi Shiran, the woman in red, stepped on a mess and walked past the counter, squatting on the trembling shopkeeper on the ground, "They first pick things up and seek compensation for them."

The dispenser opened a crack in his fingers and looked at the disciples of Chiyang Zong who didn't know what to do. He swallowed.

The woman in red had stepped out of the restaurant, and there was a lot of noise outside.

Moxiu hit people in July!

Moxiu beat people in Yuncheng in July! !

[Hidden Mission: Outstanding. Tip: Non-my family are all heterogeneous. 】

Ming Shu was shocked by the title of Harmony.

After experiencing the previous unhealthy titles, suddenly such a serious title...

What does Harmony want to do?

[The host has done a good job on the last plane, keep working hard! The hate value is in front, please host to make them want to kill you! 】

Exaggerating the host is beneficial to harmony.

"What does your uniqueness have to do with hints?"

[...] Harmony is silent for a while, [Don’t mind the small details. 】

"details make a difference."

[The host does not need. ] Harmony suddenly worshipped blindly, [and the host’s details here do not refer to details, the host should not bully me for reading less. 】

"Look what you can."

A Harmony who can only watch fights with goblins knows so much.

[All in order to better serve the host! ] Harmony issued a declaration.

"Hehe." I think you just have bad intentions.

Mingshu walked out of a certain distance and determined that there was no one around, so he held the wall and gasped.

The original owner was injured. He just pretended to be exhausted.

Eat it in vain.

How can I be so unlucky.

Mingshu took out a chicken leg, which he had just brought from the restaurant.

She took a bite of the chicken leg and wondered where she went to fill her stomach, no, healed.

The voice of the little animal hummed.

Mingshu looked down at the little beast that rolled back sometime and stepped on it, "Aren't you running?"

The little beast suddenly blows hair, shoveling shit, you let me loose!

The beast is also dignified! !

"What are you doing here, don't you want to run away from home?"

The little animal's body softened and slipped out of the sole of Mingshu's feet in a weird posture, shaking its hair.

If you don’t come back, you won’t come back.

The little animal snorted and left.

Mingshu: "..."

Leave me alone to eat solitary food, yes! !


Ming Shu was startled and quickly ran towards the alley, the group of people was not over yet.

Chasing me has no snacks to eat.

Mingshu turned left and right, and it took a while to get rid of the people behind.


A fart!

I am now injured.

Pretend to be cool, crematorium afterwards?

I'm not that stupid.

"This group of goblins are physically strong enough." Mingshu gasped against the wall.

"How can you call a goblin without lasting energy?" A sudden voice sounded from behind Mingshu. "Girl, you are blocking my door."

Mingshu turned around, and the people behind opened a fan. The man in the moon-white shirt stood inside, looking at her with a smile.

Men’s facial features are not particularly outstanding, but they can be put together to look particularly good.

Gives a comfortable and friendly feeling.

Ming Shu frowned.

Even if the body is injured, it should not be noticed that this person appeared in the door.


Mingshu gave way to the side.

The man came out and closed the door.

"The girl was not injured so badly, but she had to take care of herself, otherwise she would easily leave the root of the disease." The man's voice was gentle and polite, "Does the girl buy medicine?"

Someone on the street is pulling you to buy medicine, do you buy it?

"No money."

"That's it." The man was disappointed. "It's a pity that the girl takes care of her. If you have money, you can come to me to buy medicine.

After the man turned, he walked out of the alley. Mingshu only found that he carried a basket behind his back, which was a bit different from his temperament.

Mingshu looked back at the small courtyard, and it looked nothing special from the neighborhood.


"Have you seen a woman in red?"


Ming Shu: "..." Brother, even if I don't buy your medicine, you don't have to do this!

Mingshu took note of this place and will kill you when I'm ready!


After half a month.

Carrying a pack of oil paper, Ming Shu slowly climbed up the mountain, and occasionally small animals ran past, making a rustling noise.

The injuries suffered half a month ago are now much better.

But in the past half month, the group of goblins who chased her has not stopped, as long as she appears, it is a spectacle of tens of thousands of people watching.

Hey, looking good is trouble.

Mingshu climbed to the top of the mountain, bypassing a few big trees, and a giant python suddenly appeared on the ground.


The giant python's big head was draped on the stone, and its body was meandering to the cliff that hung behind.

Mingshu: "..."

She went to buy a chicken leg Kung Fu, why did this big brother hang up? Okay, wait for me to fight for 300 rounds? !

Mingshu walked to the cliff and glanced down.

"Brother, be careful..."

Under the cliff, two people hung.

Close to a small white flower on the cliff with a bud waiting to be placed.

The aura contained in this little flower is quite strong, but it is not mature yet.

Celestial treasures are guarded by spirit beasts, not that they do not want to eat, and it is useless to eat when they are not mature.

What should I do if I don't stay?

So guarding guarding, people came.

The spirit beast looked at it for so long and made wedding dresses for others in vain.

"Poor big brother." Mingshu touched the tail of the python. This thing is not yet wise, and can be eaten...

"Brother, someone!"

The two people below may have heard Mingshu's whisper, and looked up.

The woman in red with a gold sword squatted on the edge of the cliff and was looking at them with a smile. "Are you brain kicked by a donkey? You can pick it up by flying down. Why do you use climbing?"

"If we can fly here, do we have to climb?" The following people subconsciously accepted the sentence.

"Oh." This setting is absolutely amazing.

Routines are all routines.

Where there is a treasure, either power cannot be used, or there are various dangers, which triggers various dog blood plots.

The two below reacted.

No, when did this person appear?

Why didn't they notice?


Why look so familiar?

"'re a demon girl!" One of them pointed at Mingshu and shuddered.

"People of Promise Sword Sect." Mingshu saw the small sword-shaped logo painted on the man's body and raised his eyebrows slightly. "What a coincidence, where is your party night?"

Disciple Jia said angrily: "What are you doing, Fang Wan sister?"

Mingshu smiled softly, "Find her a meeting."

Both were goose bumps all together.

"You have to find Fang Wanshi sister trouble."

Mingshu supported his chin and said with a smile, "Then you can stop me only if you come up from below."

The clouds beneath the cliff are so kind, they don’t reach the bottom. It didn’t take long for them to climb up from the bottom of the mountain. I don’t know why the cliff here is so deep.

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