Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 862: Sword breaking sky (4)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu was on it, and they were on the cliff at this time, as long as she attacked, even if she could not fall, she would definitely not be able to take advantage.

Just when the two sides were deadlocked, they heard that there was a voice from Suo Suo.

"Brother just now said they are here."


It may be that the dead python was screamed in shock.

When Mingshu looked back, several disciples of Promise Sword Sect appeared one after another, and there was only one girl.

The disciple of Promise Sword Sect confirmed that the python was dead, and when he turned his head and saw the red woman squatting on the edge of the cliff, he immediately asked vigilantly, "Who are you? My brother, are they?"

Ming Shu's eyes turned around in this group of people, the only girl.

Fang Wan didn't expect to meet her here. She hid behind the tall, handsome man beside her. "Brother Ling, she was July, she took away the magic repair of Xi Xiejian."


Obviously not only the man heard it, but also the people next to it.

"Demon, what about my brothers and sisters!!! What are you doing to them!!!"

"Brother Brother, we are all right."

The two below immediately opened their throats and shouted. Mingshu threw a few stones at once, and immediately whispered below.

Ming Shu laughed, "It's okay now, but I don't know if it will happen next."

"You..." The Promise of the Promise Sword Sect didn't dare to act.

"Witch girl is mean!" The people below scolded.

Ming Shu smirked, "Nonsense, who is not mean to be a mean girl? Are you?"

Everyone: "..."

The Promise Sword Sect's people winked at each other, and then the two attacked Mingshu at the same time, and the others rushed to the cliff.

"Brother, come up!"

The two below couldn't care about what they hadn't picked up yet, and quickly climbed up.


The crushed stones fell from above and hit them with extra pain.


"Brother be careful!"

One person loosened his hand holding the rock wall and half of his body fell outside.

The person next to him immediately came to grab him, "Brother, don't let go."

"Hurry up and grab the rope!"

The rope fell in front of them, and the two grabbed at the same time.

However, before the force was used, the rope broke and the two almost fell off.

The woman in red grabbed a sword and cut off the rope.

"Demon!" The disciple of Wuji Sword cried with red eyes.

Ming Shu smiled at them with a smile, his long sword waved, and the two on the edge of the cliff rolled back at the same time. Where they stood just now, the stone and soil were cut in half and dropped.

"Brother Ling, come together!"

Brother Ling nodded, including Fang Wan, and at the same time he drew his sword.

The sword moves were messy, and the sword in Mingshu's hand was snatched, but in her hand, the power seemed to be more powerful than when its master used it.


The blades collided and the sparks splashed.

The disciple of the Promise Sword Sect retreated, his hand holding the sword numb, and he shivered uncontrollably.

He held the wrist with the other hand and couldn't stop shaking.

As if that hand was not his own.

"Hey, it seems that the sword skills of your Promise Sword Sect are not very good." Mingshu pulled out a beautiful sword flower.

"Yuck, don't be arrogant."

Everyone stepped forward again. They were all the best in their class. They believed that the swordsmanship was good and their strength was good. However, in the face of Mingshu, they felt a powerlessness.

She couldn't hit her.

Even if it hits, it will eventually be shocked by a brute force.

"Sister Fang Wan, be careful!"

Fang Wan was standing upright with perspiration. She was too late to defend her body. The long sword swept across her eyes and hung around her neck.

Suddenly it was as if the pause button was pressed.

Mingshu's soft voice was blown into the ears of the people by the mountain breeze, "Don't move, I'm not careful, your lovely and charming Fang Wanshi sister, will have to separate their heads."

Party night heart beating.

With a white face, try to make a white lotus that needs human protection.

"Don't you have the Xixie sword? Why didn't you take it out, I might not win the Xixie sword."

Fang Wan's expression stiffened for a moment.

"Xi Xiejian is clearly here with you, what nonsense are you talking about?" Fang Wan hadn't spoken yet, and the disciple of Wuji Promise Sect first exploded.

Fang Wan also spoke softly and weakly, with tears in her eyes, "I have never seen Xi Xiejian."

The voice heard the disciple of Promise Sword Sect, and he wished to comfort her in his arms.

"Can you speak well?" Mingshu poked her. "Looks scared of me with goose bumps."

Fang Wan: "..."

Fang Wansha's white face had a hint of blushing in anger.

She turned around and said that she was ugly.

"Xi Xiejian is not with you, don't you have any points in your heart?" Mingshu said again: "Otherwise call your natal sword to look at it?"

Fang Wan shook his body, denying: "I...I don't have a natal sword yet."

Everyone in Zongmen knew that she had no natal sword, so Fang Wan was much bolder.

"The demon girl, you took the Xixie sword yourself and dare to talk nonsense, how could Fang Wanshimei have the Xixie sword."

"That's right, demon girl, you're so arrogant here!"

The disciple of Wuji Jianzong supported Fang Wan.

Benming Sword is to accompany them for the rest of their lives. Every disciple who possesses this sword is recorded in the Promise Sword Sect.

Whether Fang Wan has a natal sword, they know it best.

Mingshu ignored the anger of the group of people, and showed a bad arc on the corner of his lips. "Then I will help you, you know that we can't do anything other than magic, so I learn a lot from the evil way. The sword force out."

Fang Wan's pupils dilated, and the bottom of his heart set off a storm.

Is there really such a way?

No... impossible!

This life sword is the life of their sword repair, how can there be such a vicious way.

But she is Moxiu...

Mingshu's hand was raised, Fang Wan's eyes moved with it, and the hand on his side clenched tightly.

She could not expose the Xixie sword. Once exposed, what would Zongmen’s brothers think of her?

Cannot be exposed.


Just when Fang Wan was worried.


The ground at the foot of Mingshu collapsed suddenly, Brother Ling's sword was inserted in the ground, and the crack extended from his side.

He drew his sword from bottom to top and waved it diagonally twice, forming an X-shaped sword momentum.

Mingshu was a little surprised. It takes talent to understand things like sword.

But then I thought about it, this girl is the male, and the male is awesome.

The fierce sword momentum swept from the front, and the wind burst.

The other party probably wanted Mingshu to let go of Fangye, but Mingshu pulled Fangwan tighter and let her block the swords for her.

Sword potential is not a sword, there is no way to recover it.

Fang Wan suffered two hard times and heaved blood more than once.

Ming Shu's body went down, and Fang Wan was no exception.

As soon as he fell off the cliff, Mingshu found that he could use his power, but he couldn't stabilize his body.

This is a place that fully follows the law of gravity, no matter how powerful you are, you have to fall.

Mingshu's eyes narrowed, and when he fell completely, he waved a sword at it.


The mountain wall was cracked, and the earth fell apart. The people above were like dumplings, and the remaining one fell down.

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