Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 894: 1990s (4)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

If Father Jian is here, Aunt Gui may still be able to rely on her for so many years, and the affection at the Jian family has a good result.

But it was Jane Shu.

Jian Shu is not so easy to speak.

Every time Jane Shu came, she behaved well, fearing he would find his fault.

Because she had determined what kind of nature the sick seedling was, she dared to be a blessing when Jane's family was away.

who knows……

The sick seedling suddenly changed?

"Aunt Gui, Jian's family treats you well." Jian Shu's voice was cold, "That's how you gave back to the Jian's family?!"

"What's wrong? It's noisy early in the morning."

The beautiful woman brought in two people with a smile on her face and reached out to touch Jian Shu's head. "Baby son, it's not good to lose your temper early in the morning."

The beautiful woman saw Mingshu in a blink of an eye, and immediately rushed over, "Oh, baby, come hug."

Mingshu quickly stood up in fear, with a chair behind her. She was tripped and leaned back.

Jane Shu reached out to catch Mingshu and said with a headache: "Mom, what are you doing! Frightened."

The beautiful woman was wronged, "I just want to hug my baby. I haven't seen the baby in twenty-three days and eight hours."

"Then you can't fall so suddenly, what to do if you fall."

The beautiful woman was even more wronged, "I'm sorry."

Mingshu feels like bullying her, and this Jane mother is too young... If it is not the memory of the original owner, she thinks it is possible for her sister.

"Baby, hug. Mom brought you delicious food." Jane's expression from grievance to temptation took less than a second.

Ming Shu immediately reached out.

If you hug it, it will be delicious.

Mother Jane finished contentedly and took Mingshu to see the delicious food. In addition to these, there were many clothes and jewelry.

Jane Shu may have been so mad at him, "Isn't it just a few days before you have time? Why did you come so soon?"

"The baby is sick, and the big things have to be pushed." Jane mother said of course: "It's you, how can you run faster than me."

"I'm close."

"Fart, your dad said you are in S City."

"Mom!" Jane Shu had a headache. "Why are you swearing in front of you?"

Mother Jane covered her red lips, "Did I say? Baby, mom just said nothing, right?"

Mingshu was holding a bag of snacks, um, ah, yes, twice.

Mother Jane was not happy, "Baby is so cute."

Jian Shu: "..."

Jian Shu asked Xiaoli to take Mingshu out first, he still has something to solve here.

Mingshu was sitting on the steps outside, and there was no sound in the room at first, but then Jane Shu's helpless cry and Jane's mother's utterly corrupted scolding.

Aunt Gui was fired on the spot, no matter what she said, she was blocked by Jane's motherly grunt.

Jane is married to Jane's family, and the old maid has the same feeling.

Of course, she cares more about her daughter.

Aunt Gui knew that it was useless to ask them, and packed her things back to the city. She was going to find Mr. Jane.

When Aunt Gui left, the beautiful woman threw herself out, holding Mingshu for a while, crying loudly, "I have long said that let the baby be in the city, what kind of quack doctor, have to let the baby come to the wilderness to raise up, baby eat Not full and not warm, woo woo, look my baby thin..."

"..." It's a bit exaggerated if you don't eat enough or wear warm.

Jane Shu pulled the beautiful woman away and rescued Ming Shu from crying.

The beautiful woman's emotions came and went quickly, and in a blink of an eye she was making Mingshu get here and there again.


Mingshu was afraid of this beautiful woman, but she could find delicious food from time to time...then bear it.

Good people are good people.

Jane Shu will take Ming Shu to the county, and Jane's mother will follow.

"Mom, don't make trouble, it's okay. There are many people in the county. Pay attention to your identity."

"Baby's mommy." Jane pushed her son away and squeezed into the back seat.

It was only when Mingshu remembered that Jane seemed to be an actor, and that it was of a special kind.

However, in the 1990s, actors in the eyes of many people still belong to a very lowly category.


"No matter what, I'm going. I pushed all the recent dramas and came back to accompany my baby."


"Humph! I'm going! You are such a big person, don't you know how to protect me and my sister? What do I do for you!!"



Li Meng and several other girls in the village also came out of the village, and were curious to see the car parked at the entrance of the village.

Those who can drive now are rich.

"Who is that, so beautiful."

"That man, his profile is so handsome..."

The people of the Jane family are very busy on weekdays. Most of the time they come at night, they leave early in the morning, and they rarely meet people in the village.

Li Meng saw the man standing by the car, her eyes lit up suddenly, she set aside those little sisters and trot past.

"Jane Shuge, are you looking at Xiao Xi?"

Jane Shuzheng argued with Jane’s mother and was suddenly interrupted. He looked back. When he came before, he met a few times and seemed to be a friend his sister knew.

Because Jane was nice to this friend before, Jane's attitude slowed down, "Well, take Xiaoxi to town."

"Oh, is this sister?"

Li Meng naturally knew Jane. She had seen her before rebirth, but now she doesn't.

"This is my mother." Jane Shu introduced to Li Meng, "Mom, this is Li Meng, a friend I met in the village."

"Hello hello, our baby can have friends, it's really rare, the girl's mouth is really sweet." Jane said with a smile.

Mingshu just wanted to refute that this was not her friend, who knew that Jane had already pulled people into the car.

Mingshu: "..."

Mother Jane looked at Mingshu expectantly, as if she had a friend, she was very happy, and even looked at Li Meng a little.

Her daughter has always been lonely, even in the city, she has no friends.

She didn't expect to make friends in the country. As a mother, she hopes her daughter will be happy.

Of course, Li Meng and Yan Yuese.

"Come on, I'm going to the county too. Auntie said I could be with you..." Li Meng said shyly.

Mingshu smiled at her, "Mom, sit on my side."

Mother Jane went down happily and sat on the other side of Mingshu.

Although Li Meng felt that Mingshu's attitude was a bit wrong, she was only unhappy when she was ill, and she smiled at herself just now.

Jian Shu drove in front, Li Meng kept talking to Mingshu, and Mingshu ignored her except eating.

Normal people should be embarrassed to shut up in this situation, but Li Meng seems to feel indifferent, trying to show his liveliness.

Because Jane is dull, if you want to be a friend, of course you need a lively talker.

Mother Jane was very happy at first, but her smile faded as she looked at Mingshu's attitude.

"Brother, stop the car."

"what happened?"

"Urine urgency."


Jian Shu stopped the car, Li Meng immediately volunteered, "I will go with Xiao Xi."

Mingshu smiled brighter at her.

Li Meng's back was inexplicably cold, and she touched her arm strangely. How could she smile so... strange?

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