Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 895: 1990s (5)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Brother, mom, seeing her in the future, ignore her, she is not my friend."

When Mingshu came back alone, when he got on the bus, he faced Jane Shu and Jane.

Jane Shu and Li Meng don't have much contact now, and she likes her because her sister added it.

So now it is no problem to kill this favor in the cradle.

"Throw her here, isn't it good?" Jane was a little worried, a girl in the wilderness.

"Mom, the county town is in front of you, just walk for a while." Jian Shudao said.


Mother Jane is not familiar with this place, and since the baby son said so, she has no objection.

The world is big and the daughter is the oldest.

Jian Shuxian first brought Mingshu to check. The doctor said that the cold was almost all right, but still had to take care of it.

That posture, as if she was suffering from secondary illness, was about to hang up.

After getting this right, Jian Shucai brought Mingshu to the flower market.

The flower market is blooming, and people are coming and going.

Mother Jane took a big sunglasses and took Mingshu to look here and there.

After a day of shopping, Jane's mother was too tired.

Because the time was late, Jian Shu did not plan to go back and found a place to live in the county.

"Baby, do you want your mother to sleep with you?" Mother Jane pulled the door and looked forward, "Mother can sing a lullaby."

"No, good night mom."

Ming Shu shut the expectant Jane's mother outside the door.

Mingshu rinsed, wiped his hair out, and when he walked to the bed, his heart suddenly had a cramp, his hands and feet seemed to suddenly lose strength, and the whole person was lying on the bed.


Someone knocked on the door, but Mingshu had no strength to open the door.

"Come on, I brought you a glass of milk, you drink... Come on!"

This was the last voice Mingshu heard.

When she woke up, she was already in the hospital. Jane was like a child doing something wrong, standing against the wall, and Jane Shu looked down at the ground, unable to see clearly.


"Come on."

Jian Shu tried to cover up the worry on his face.

Fortunately, it was found in time and there were no major problems.

Mother Jane also moved, crying with red eyes.

"Both are bad, and you shouldn't be allowed to stay so long outside." Jane Shu blamed herself.

"Sorry, my mother is also wrong."

"I'm fine." She is ill today and should be related to the previous fight with Li Meng.

This body...

I'm sick.

Literally mean sick.

Mingshu stayed in the hospital for several days. During the period, because the hospital facilities were not good, Jian Shu wanted to send Mingshu back to the city, and finally gave up because the road was far away.

"I'm fine, I can finish ten chicken legs!"

Mingshu looked helpless when he watched those who stayed in his ward.

Jane Shu glared at her, "What kind of chicken legs to eat, the doctor said you can't eat too many of those things."


Jian Shu: "..."

Mother Jane consciously made a mistake and didn’t dare to compete with Jane Shu. When he went out, she touched Mingshu’s bed and quietly said, "Baby, wait a while for your mother to buy you something delicious, but you can’t eat it. Too much, I asked the quack doctor, it’s okay to eat one."

Mingshu's eyes sparkled.

Mother Jane instantly felt that she was shouldering a heavy responsibility and left the ward secretly.

Mother Jane just went out, and the door of the ward opened again. Mingshu thought it was Jian Shu. "Brother..."

A figure quickly rushed over and covered her mouth, "No voice is allowed."

Mingshu opened his eyes and looked at the person in front of him.

He also wears a sick suit and looks as big as the original owner, but he wears sports clothes inside his sick suit. The sick suit is crooked and twisted, and he should not be a patient in a hospital.

The teenager was exquisite in appearance, with a blood stain on his face, which did not affect his appearance at all, but added a little bit of rebelliousness.

There was a sound outside the hallway, as if many people ran over.

The teenager carefully listened to the voices in the corridor, making sure that no one looked at Mingshu, "I let go of you, but you mustn't tell me?"

Mingshu didn't answer, and the teenager only accepted her.


The ward was suddenly twisted, and the teenager was shocked, propped up the bed, and jumped to the other side.

Mingshu babble twice.

"What's wrong with it?" Jane Shu walked over immediately, "What about mom?"

Mingshu wiped his mouth, disregarding the man under the bed to give himself a wink, pointing at him and complaining, "There are people here."

I can't fight now, but I can complain!


The teenager scolded and jumped up and ran towards the window.

Jane Shu's long legs stopped the boy's path, and the boy was arrested three or two times. He pressed it against the wall with a somber face. "What are you doing in my sister's room?"

The teenager looked back and stared at the boss, "Jane Shu, your uncle, it's me!"

Jane Shu saw the teenager's face clearly, his expression was somewhat cracked, but he didn't release him. Instead, he pressed down, "What are you doing here?"

"It hurts so much!"

The teenager screamed.


The young boy's name is Ye Xi, the younger name is Ye Xifeng.

Drink the northwest wind.

His dad took such a small name at first, probably because he thought he could feed the Northwest wind in the future.

But not many people call him Da Ming.

Ye Xifeng sat on the side, aiming at Mingshu while rubbing his arms, "This is your sister? Why don't you be as affectionate as you are."

"Are you arrogant to someone who ran into your ward inexplicably and covered your mouth?" Ming Shuyi went back, "You are really great."

Ye Xifeng: "..."

Jian Shu didn't have a good face for Ye Xifeng, he suddenly ran in, what to do if he scared his sister?

Nothing happened. If something happened, he had to beat him.

"Hurry up if you are fine."

"Jane Shuge." Ye Xifeng suddenly squeezed out a smile, his hands will be turned upside down, "Keep me for a few days, I am penniless."


Jane Shu knew how bad this stupid boy was in the scourge, and where did he dare to take in such a scourge.

"Jane Shuge, my life is bitter!" Ye Xifeng suddenly began to howl, "You don't know my stepmother, he just wanted to kill me, how can I live so hard, if you don't take me, I can only live on the streets, Maybe you won't see me again in the future, we have no fate and love, Jane Shu, you can't treat me like this..."

Jian Shu: "..."

Mingshu looked at Jian Shu, what a ghost without fate and love.

"You come out for me."

Jane Shu pulled Ye Xifeng away from the ward.

Half an hour later, Ye Xifeng's dog legs ran back and greeted Mingshu.

"Sister drinks water."

"Sister eats fruit."

"Sister is not bored, I will tell you a joke. Xiaoming received a call from younger brother: Brother, I just got into a fight with you. You asked 20 brothers to come over. Xiaoming asked: What kind of guy to bring? Younger brother said: buy some fruit basket, An apology must be sincere."

Jane Shu stared at Ye Xifeng, "Don't worry about it."

When Jane returned, she was not too surprised to see Ye Xifeng. Ye Xifeng greeted Jane skillfully.

Ye Xifeng didn't know what to say to Jian Shu. In short, Jian Shu didn't drive away Ye Xifeng.


Jokes come from the Internet.

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