Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 915: The 1990s (25)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Is it great to have a knife?

I also have... eh, what about the knife?

Forget it, the stick will also be used.

Li Meng looked at Mingshu and drew a stick out of thin air, but hadn't seen where she found it. The stick suddenly chopped towards her.

She avoided it a little bit embarrassed, and the stick rubbed her arm past.

At that moment, Li Meng stood up with his hair roots.

Cold all over.

It seems to be in the ice and snow.

The **** the opposite side seemed a little dissatisfied, as can be seen from her smile.

But what is she dissatisfied with?


The stick struck again, splitting Li Meng's thoughts from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't even make a line.

She is not her opponent.

This is Li Meng's only thought at this time.

Li Meng was in a state of embarrassment and evaded in a ruin. The stick hit her several times. The pain was not a dull pain, but a bitter pain, as if hitting the soul.

Uh, uh, uh--

"Don't hide, babies, didn't you just want to get in touch with me?"

Li Meng covered her numb arms and her expression was distorted. Whoever stepped on a horse wanted to get in touch with you!

She couldn't get close to her, and even if she had a knife in her hand, it didn't matter.


The stick hit her stomach, the knife in her hand fell off, and her back was lying on the ground. She seemed to puncture her skin at any time, causing pain and numbness.

She remembered that the stick fell from the top of her head and pressed against her throat.

[Li Meng's hatred value is full. 】


Mingshu tilted his head in doubt, how could it be full, I haven't started loving her yet.

"Where is my brother?" Mingshu squatted down and asked, "Tell me, or I will kill you."

"Dare you?" Li Meng's eyes turned red, and if his eyes could kill, Mingshu estimated that he had been cut into pieces.

Mingshu chuckled: "There is nothing to dare. I'm going to die anyway. It's quite cost-effective to pull you back."

"Don't you dare..." Li Meng was a little uncertain at heart, she was going to die? Her heart disease... Before rebirth, she had heard that she really did not live long.

But death...

How can she speak so casually.

A person who has died once, she is still afraid.

She doesn't want to die.

Mingshu picked up the knife that Li Meng had dropped and pointed it at her neck with a casual tone: "I have nothing to dare."

The knife pierced the skin.

Warm blood flowed out.

Li Meng's face paled in an instant.

The pupils filled with hatred appeared panic.

At this moment, she believes that the girl in front of her may really kill herself.

"You... your brother, your brother is in..." Li Meng pointed in a direction.

Mingshu looked over there, not the building Li Meng had asked her to go up to, but behind the building.

Li Meng suddenly attacked Mingshu while Mingshu looked there, and quickly rolled towards the side. The knife wiped her neck and pulled out a thin mouth, and the blood beads penetrated.

Li Meng didn't care about the injury on his neck, and climbed up with hands and feet.

She is leaving here.

This woman...

Is the devil.


There was a headache in the back of Li Meng's head, and the whole person fell towards the ground, with blackening in front of his eyes.

The last scene is the girl's smiley face.

A faint voice came: "I don't kill anyone."

A good actor is to believe that what he said is true.


In the dilapidated room, Jian Shu and Li Le were respectively tied to a chair and unconscious.

Han Ying sat across from them, staring at them somberly.

Jian Shu took the lead in waking up, and his head was dull, as if he had been beaten by others, and the pain hurt after another.

The blurred vision gradually became clear.

Several ghosts slowly overlapped together, and reflected in his eyes.


Jane Shu made a difficult voice.

This site is a bit strange recently. The workers always talk about haunting. He and Li Le come to see if anyone knows that Han Ying's way will be.

Jane Shu tried to move around and tied tightly.

"Jian Shu." Han Ying gritted his teeth bitterly: "You can count on me."

Jian Shu looked up at Shang Hanying, "What do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?"

Han Ying stood up with a sneer, and when walking around, there was obviously a slight slope.

He stood a few steps away from Jane Shu, and looked down from the top. "Shouldn’t I have to get back the things your good sister did?"

He pointed to his leg.

"What does this have to do with Xi Xi?" Jian Shu sullenly.

"Ah!" Han Ying grinned ecstatically, "It seems that you don't know yet, your baby sister, but a ruthless character."

"If it weren't for her, how could I be like this now!"

Han Ying's voice rose suddenly.

Not only did she hurt him in one leg, she also approached Han Qian.

He asked Li Meng to ask her, who knew that Han Qian had come, and Li Meng's idiot caused Han Qian to go back to suing, causing his Han's status to plummet.

Han Qian's dead girl kept stumbling on him.

All this is that simple...

"You talk nonsense." Jane Shu frowned. "Han Ying, what are you going to do with me? It's nothing to do with our grievances!"

He absolutely does not allow anyone to hurt his sister.

"Hahahaha...I'm talking nonsense..."

Han Ying laughed a few times.

He gritted his teeth and retold Jane Shu about the day's events, and even retold the things she had beaten herself before.

"This is the sister you want to protect. She is ruthless, but she is more courageous than you..." Han Ying tweeted, "I really should let you see what she looks like, to be honest, at that time, I think she was quite interesting."

Jian Shu did not believe what Han Ying said.

Han Ying didn't care, anyway, he just wanted Jane Shu to pay for his sister today.

"Jian Shu, you are also lucky." Han Ying pinched Li Le, who had not yet awakened. "Everyone will be with you when you die."

"Dare you kill me?" Jian Shu looked at Han Ying calmly. "Kill me, do you think you can run away?"

"Hahaha, who knows that I killed you?" Han Ying let go of Li Le's chin, "For today, I'm ready for a long time, how can I let someone catch you."

Jane Shuxin sank.

He knew this person very well.

He dare to say that, it must be ready.

"That's not necessary."

Han Ying suddenly turned around.

The girl didn't know when to stand at the door, carrying a stick, and looked at him with a smile.

"Come on..."

Jian Shu's calm expression ceased to exist.

"What are you doing, hurry up!"

Jane Shu shouted at Mingshu, because of anxiety, he vigorously drove the chair and fell to the ground.

Han Ying is crazy, who knows what he will do.

Han Yingchang stunned and regained his mind, and smiled secretly: "It was just right, so I won't go to you again..."

Mingshu took the stick off his shoulder and poked the ground, and said lightly: "I have called the police."

Han Ying: "..."

Jian Shu: "..."

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