Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 916: The 1990s (26)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

I don't know if it was Han Ying's illusion. He seemed to really hear a siren sound.


"You're welcome!" Ming Shu smiled in his eyebrows.

Han Ying shivered with anger, he turned back and dragged Jane Shu up, "I'll kill you now, how about the police coming."

"Oh." Mingshu's expression remained unchanged. "I have a question for you."

Han Ying held Jian Shu with a sharp gaze, sweeping towards Mingshu like a knife. The latter was too calm and calm, as if he didn't care about Jian Shu in his hand.

His threat did not work.

As if he did not answer, the person on the opposite side would not be doing anything.

She still figured out something to eat? Are you supposed to come to the show? ! is the horse riding different from what he thought?

Han Ying's eyes swept around. The siren sound just now should be an illusion, and now nothing can be heard outside.

He shouted, "What's wrong with you!"

Mingshu smiled, "Why do you want to kidnap my brother?"

Han Yingneng was reminded by Jian Shu several times to avoid her, proving that this person is not a small character that can be dealt with casually.

But kidnapping Jane Shu...

It doesn't pay off in any way.

Even if he really killed Jian Shu, what would he get?

Han Ying seems to be asked by this question.

His eyes moved back and forth between Jian Shu and Ming Shu, as if to find an answer.

There is no answer at all.

That's what he thought...remove Jane Shu.

Whenever he thought of Jane Shu, he wanted to kill him.

Jane Shu shook her head constantly at Mingshu and motioned for her to leave here quickly.

"You control so much, I just want to kill him!!!" Han Ying roared, "You can't run away today!"

Mingshu's eyes narrowed slightly, his smile was even brighter.

She lifted the stick slightly and stepped forward, "Why should I run, I don't run."

"Don't come over!"

Han Ying roared.

Mingshu continued to move forward, and every step was like walking on Han Ying's heart.

"Stop for me, if you go one step further, I will kill your brother!!"

Han Ying pinched Jian Shu's neck and threatened Mingshu.

"My brother died for me, there should be no complaints, right?"

The girl looked at Jian Shu with a smile.

Jian Shu was stunned, and nodded slowly after a while.


Han Ying: "???" This horse is two neuropathy, right?


Han Ying had a pain in his back, and he swept back to the back. Li Le didn't know when he had opened the shackles and smashed his chair towards him.

Out of instinct, Han Ying pushed Jane Shu to Li Le, and the whole person hid behind Jane Shu.

The chair had reached the top of Jane Shu's head and couldn't hold it at all.

The stick came across the sky, crossed the chair, and framed it. The feet of the chair were close to Jian Shu's scalp.

The chair lifted upwards, and Li Le was forced to let go.

The stick swept toward Han Ying with a chair.

Han Ying was hit by a chair. The chair was made of wood and hit Han Ying.

Han Ying snorted and retreated to the edge of the room.

He looked up at the people over there, and Li Le was untiring Jian Shu, Ming Shu was carrying a stick, and looked at him with a smile.

Han Ying smiled without anger, "Jane Xi Jian Xi, if you are not Jane Shu's sister, maybe I will really like you. Pity... pity..."

Han Ying's body was already attached to a window that had no glass protection.

"You all die!"

He stared at them fiercely, then grabbed the window sill and jumped.

At the same time the room dripped.

Jane Shu's pupils widened and flew towards Mingshu.


The air wave lifted the window, and Han Ying was shocked and fell on the ruins of the construction site. As soon as he got up, he saw the police rushing in from outside the construction site.

"No movement! Police!"

"Put your hands up!"

Han Ying: "..." The dead girl actually called the police.


Han Ying glanced at the restaurant that had collapsed and laughed heartily.

He is not losing.


"Cough cough..."

The dust chokes the nose, but the uncomfortable is the uncomfortable heart.

"Come...Come, are you okay?"

The surrounding light was dim, and a warm, **** liquid dripped onto her face, and then the familiar smell of medicine was pushed into her mouth.

"Come on...forbear, I will take you out immediately!"

"Ye Xifeng..."

"Xi Xi I'm here, don't be afraid, I can take you out." Ye Xifeng's voice trembled a little. He tried to put Mingshu as flat as possible.

Mingshu endured the discomfort of his heart, "Why are you here?"


Ye Xifeng dare not say that he has followed her.

The moment when the explosion just happened, he threw down Mingshu one step ahead of Jane Shu.

"Come on, don't talk." Ye Xifeng directly shifted the topic, "Are you still uncomfortable?"

Maybe the medicine was working, and Ming-shu felt less uncomfortable, but the air below was not good, she still felt a kind of suffocation.

"I'm looking for a place to go out right away. We were on it just now. I can still see the light here. I should be able to go out."

The space is slightly smaller, and when Ye Xifeng moves, it is inevitable that he will encounter Mingshu.

Mingshu curled up his body.

Ye Xifeng paused for a few seconds and moved towards the brightest side of the light. He moved away some obstacles and the light turned on a lot.

Mingshu stared at the shimmering light through his head, his eyes glaring, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

For a long time she turned her head to look at the teenager who could already see her figure clearly.

Ye Xifeng was trying to remove the obstacles, and the gap was getting bigger and bigger, but at this moment, Ye Xifeng found that the gap was enough for people to climb over. A beam was traversed from it, and both ends were buried by the ruins.

Mingshu reached out and touched his cheek, his fingertips stained with blood.

Ye Xifeng's back was tense and he tried hard to think about countermeasures.

Mingshu touched the little beast, and the little beast shook the colorful fur on his body, jumping silently to the side and squatting.

Mingshu poked it.

The little animal shook its legs in dissatisfaction.

Poke what poke!

Mao is all messed up!

Under Mingshu's gaze, the little beast reluctantly jumped over to Ye Xifeng.

Ye Xifeng only felt the wind blowing across his ears.

But he didn't see anything.


Ye Xifeng's nerves are tense and his body reacts faster than his brain. When he recovers, he has protected Mingshu.

Mingshu clearly saw Ye Xifeng's blood-stained clothes.

At such a short distance, Ye Xifeng could even see the fluff on Ming Shu's face.

Ye Xifeng felt his heart beating faster and his blood rising.

The whole person became hot without charge.

The feeling of shaking quickly disappeared.

Ye Xifeng quickly got up and twisted his head to the other side.

Don't let Mingshu see the wrong look on his face.

Ye Xifeng took a deep breath, barely calming down.

The most important thing now is to take it out!

Ye Xifeng

What are you thinking about.

Ye Xifeng turned to look at the place he had just cleaned, and the beam blocking the exit was broken.

Ye Xifeng was happy, "Come on, we can go out. Can you move?"


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