Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 917: The 1990s (27)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Li Le and Jian Shu were rescued first.

Jian Shu didn't find Mingshu and ignored the injuries on his body and stayed at the scene.

It was not until Mingshu and Ye Xifeng were rescued that he followed him to the hospital.

Ming Shu was sent to the hospital and entered the ward.

"Come...she..." Ye Xifeng was in a state of embarrassment. He stood in the icy corridor, looking at the same embarrassed Jane Shu, "She..."

She tried several times, but did not complete the sentence.

Jian Shu sat in a chair outside, covering her face, unable to see her emotions clearly.

The doctor's words were all in his mind.

——Operation must be done as soon as possible.

——After further delay, she still has at most half a year.

The current heart transplant surgery technology in China is immature and the survival rate is extremely low.

But this is not a problem, not at home, you can go abroad.

The important thing is that there is no donor.

"If you don't do surgery, can't you live?"

"Jane Shu, are you talking?"

Jian Shu looked up at the young man in front of him, and after a long while he opened his mouth, his voice hoarse: "Yes."

You can't live without surgery.

Ye Xifeng realized the feeling in the book that his whole body was exhausted.


Jian Shu did not dare to tell his father and Du Wanyu about the news of Mingshu's hospitalization, and found a reason to fool it.

However, the explosion of the construction site could not conceal his father, who was suspicious. The next day he knew the news of Mingshu's hospitalization.

Jian Shu couldn't hide his father, but Du Wanyu must hide it.

Mingshu lay in the ward for several days before being sent to the general ward.

Yomo estimated her body, and Jane Shu kept silent about the day.

Jian Shu entered the ward with a good soup, and there was something flashing next to Mingshu. Jian Shu glanced doubtfully at the ward, "How do you feel?"

"Hungry." Starved to death.

Jian Shu brought Tang Sheng out, and it was a little hot. He slowly cooled off.

Mingshu's eyes narrowed, "Brother, your saliva has fallen into the bowl."

Jian Shu: "..."

Jian Shu scooped a spoonful of feed to Mingshu, and Mingshu tasted the taste, and he would pick it up when he reached out.

Jane shrank back, "I feed you."

Mingshu: "..."

Mingshu looked at Jian Shu's eyes, just like when he was a kid, when he grabbed her toy, he was a little bit dissatisfied in the grievances.

Jane Shu was funny, but still fed her spoon by spoon.

Mingshu suffocated, can I let me do it all at once! !

Deep feelings, isn't it dull? !

Jian Shu saw that Ming-shu was in a good mood, and she was slightly relieved. She was afraid that she would be like before... saying nothing, being bored in her heart, which was even worse for her health.

"How is Han Ying?"

Mingshu remembered the culprit.

Jian Shu didn't want to mention this person, but Ming Shu asked him, he could only briefly explain: "Han Ying was caught on the spot, the evidence is solid."

Li Meng and Han Ying are together.

However, it was entirely her own idea to bring Mingshu to the table.

Han Ying was caught and Li Meng couldn't run away.

"Ye Xifeng is outside. I'll call him in. Do you guys talk?" Jian Shu asked Mingshu while collecting things.

In the past few days, in addition to him and Jane, he counted Ye Xifeng as the most diligent.

Mingshu chewed the candy and nodded at once.


If it wasn’t Ye Xifeng, she could walk away with a little beast.

Jane Shu went out to call Ye Xifeng. He first reached into his head and met Ming Shu's gaze. He suddenly shrank his head and hit the door frame with a muffled noise.

Ye Xifeng covered his head and came in.

"Come on..."

"Thank you before."

"...No, no need." Ye Xifeng suddenly stuttered.

He did not expect Mingshu to thank himself.

The ward suddenly quieted down and the atmosphere was awkward.

Ye Xifeng's eyes moved, not knowing where to look.

"Xi Xi..." He whispered, "Do you have anything you particularly want?"


"Uh... except this?"

Mingshu was silent, and she shook her head slowly.

Even if I tell you, you can't get it.

Mingshu's fingertips touched his chest.

She didn't even know where to look...

"Oh." Ye Xifeng thought for a while, "Then I will bring you something delicious next time."

The doctor said to avoid it, he had to ask the doctor.

"Wasting time on me makes no sense."

Ye Xifeng was stunned. He slowly tightened his palms. "Come on... I don't ask you to respond to me, and I don't need you to respond, but please. Please don't refuse me to do good to you anymore? Just do it. ...Is a friend, is it okay?"

He looked up and stared at Mingshu directly, "You said that you have to choose properly, but there are some things that don't mean you can give up."

"Come on... I will come to see you tomorrow..."

Ye Xifeng fled the ward in general.

Stepping out of the ward, he took a deep breath.

My heart hurts.

But when he is sick, he will be more painful than him.

Jane Shu patted him on the shoulder, Ye Xifeng looked at him blankly, "Brother Jane, what kind of person would you like in the future?"

What kind of people do you like...

Jane Shu really hadn't thought about it.

Before, he felt that his sister and Ye Xifeng were close. Later, they were really together, and it was nothing.

But now...

He dare not even think about his future.

The two were speechless, and finally Ye Xifeng got up and left to go home.

"Returned?" The stepmother, wearing an apron, heard the sound and came out of the kitchen.

Before, he said that his stepmother was not good to him. Actually, it was not that serious. The stepmother was not bad to him, but he couldn't accept it.

Ye Xifeng walked upstairs in silence. The stepmother was used to him and turned back to the kitchen.

"Aunt Qing, can you teach me to make soup?"

The stepmother was startled and looked back. The teenager stood at the kitchen door and looked at her seriously.

"But, yes..." The stepmother was a little overwhelmed. "How do you think of learning this, you are a boy, don't have to..."

"Trouble you."

The teenager interrupted her and approached the kitchen, which was about to start learning immediately.

The stepmother is a little square.

Fortunately, it quickly reacted, first taught him basic things, let him do it himself, and ran out to call Ye Father.

This child is not right.

Father Ye heard that his rabbit was wrong and could not sit still, so he hurried back.

Ye Father asked as soon as he entered.

"What about people?"

The stepmother pointed to the kitchen, "What's inside?"


The sound of something knocking over.

Father Ye and his stepmother looked at each other and hurried into the kitchen.

The boy stood in a mess, unable to tell whether it was low or expressionless.

"West wind..." Ye Father tried to cry.

The teenager suddenly clenched his fists and smashed them toward the chopping board, with a knife on it.

Father Ye stepped forward, terrified, and pulled the boy, "Dead boy, what are you crazy about?"

"Xifeng, if you say something, your dad and I will help you find a way." The stepmother also said quickly.

"Why am I so stupid." Ye Xifeng's eyes were a little red, "I can't learn anything as simple as this."

Father Ye: "..."

Stepmother: "..."

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