Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 921: See ghost ghost detective (1)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

#神探条条: If Chitose doesn’t agree, he will ask the ghost#

"Jingle Bell……"

Mingshu raised his head in a single glance, his eyes swept around, and finally landed on the landline phone that kept ringing in front of him.

She held out her hand.


"Miss Qian, has my affairs progressed? Are you going to do it? Don't take the money and do nothing..."

There was a woman's voice on the other end of the phone. She spoke quickly and urgently, faintly with anger.


Mingshu didn't know anything. He could only reply in a vague manner, and then hung up the phone decisively and unplugged the phone line, despite the angry anger of the other party.

The action was called a line of clouds and flowing water in one go.

The pseudo-feminine of this plane is named Yao Ying.

Yao Ying wants to be beautiful and beautiful, and to have an academic qualification, a typical Bai Fumei one.

Yao Ying likes Meng Han, but there are others in Meng Han's heart. Yao Ying did not know who that person was, nor had she seen it with Meng Han. She heard from Meng Han’s friend that the person was dead.

Yao Ying felt that as long as she was with Meng Han, Meng Han would definitely see her sincerity, be moved by her, and finally accept her.

But since Meng Han met a girl, everything was different.

Meng Han began to deal with the girl frequently.

Yao Ying asked Meng Han's friends, they all said that this girl and Meng Han's favorite people are not the same person, their appearance and names are different.

Yao Ying was angry.

Why Meng Hanning likes a person who has known her for a long time, can't see her heart.

Yao Ying found someone to investigate the girl, but the result surprised Yao Ying. She found that the girl had a face-lift and was close to Meng Han purposely, and she also had a child.

She thought that she had obtained important evidence, which would allow Meng Han to see the true face of the girl.

Unexpectedly, after knowing the existence of that child, Meng Han was even crazier.

Yao Ying realized that the child was somewhat similar to Meng Han.

Yao Ying felt that they could not be together, she continued to find someone to investigate the girl.

The person she was looking for was the thirteen-month office where the original owner was.

The original owner was alive at the time and could not make time, so he rejected Yao Ying.

After being rejected several times in a row, Yao Ying somehow remembered to hate Shangyuan.

Yao Ying caused a lot of trouble to the original owner, and even several orders were messed up in a few months.

And Yao Ying because Meng Han and the girl's relationship is getting better and better, the whole person is getting more and more wrong.

Later, Yao Ying and Meng Han went to a classmate's party, and Meng Han took the girl too.

The party was held in a mountain village, but one person died at the party. The police determined that he was killed, but the people who were present at that time all had proof of absence and no one was the murderer.

The family of the victim employed by Mingshu began investigating the case.

She hadn't figured it out yet. The police suddenly came to the door and said that she was the murderer. The evidence is conclusive, the evidence is personal, and there is even surveillance.

The original owner didn't want to go to jail, she ran away, but kept secretly searching for the truth.

However, several people died, showing that she had appeared or left traces of her, proving that she was the murderer.

It was not until the last girl died that the original owner discovered some clues.

It was Yao Ying.

It is a pity that Yao Ying did a very clean job and she could not find any evidence.

The original owner was anxious and wanted to make a break with Yao Ying.

Who would have thought that Yao Ying would prepare early, and she would die if she went.

But the original owner still ran away.

But after this time, the original owner also began to blacken, Yao Ying went in and out carefully, and was very cautious every day.

She couldn't find a chance to start with her, so she started with the people around Yao Ying.

In the contest with Yao Ying.

The original owner finally lost.

Yao Ying got rid of her biggest rival. Although she did not let Meng Han fall in love with her, she eventually married Meng family with the help of Meng family because she was pregnant with Meng Han's children.

The former owner spent the rest of his life in prison.

That's right, the pseudo-hostess of this plane is blackened.

A good-looking hostess came back to revenge after running with the ball, and she was abused and abused, and she played a murder plot.

The original owner is also unlucky...

[The original owner’s desire is to find his father. 】


Shouldn’t we know why I became the scapegoat for the false heroine?

What terrier is looking for a father?


She is the only owner and employee of the office in Thirteenth month.

In my usual work, Yomo always investigates whether ‘my husband is cheating, is my wife wearing a green hat’ or something.

There is a nice word called ‘private detective’.

The original owner also has a tall name.


Chitose Chitose Chitose Chitose.

Just ask if you are a cow!

If she is surnamed Wan, is she called Long live?

At first glance is the name taken by the dear father.

Speaking of dear...

The father of the original owner disappeared when she was eight years old and her whereabouts are unknown.

The ten-year-old mother remarried and abandoned her.

Since then, the original owner has been living in the orphanage and has never seen his mother again.

Although the original owner was not abused in the orphanage, but there are so many children in the orphanage, she can only enjoy the warmth.

The only thing that supports her is the time she spent with her father.

As he grew older, the original owner became more and more determined to find his father.

It can now be called obsession.

Little tadpole looking for dad!

Mingshu reached out and rubbed his brow.

She looked at this small office space, it was really small, not more than 20 square meters in total, because the stacked things looked very compact.

The key is……

What the **** is the ball crouching in the corner?

The plot does not say that the original owner can see non-human beings! !

The ghost in the corner showed a hideous face, trying to scare Ming Shu.

Mingshu copied the next book and smashed it over, "Go to you."

Dare to scare me!

Very daring!

The book passed through the ghost's body and smashed against the back wall with a mumble.


The ghost has been squatting here for a long time, but before this woman never ignored it, no matter what it did, the woman seemed to be invisible.

In the memory of the original owner, this ghost did exist for a long time.

Seeing ghosts is a natural ability of the original owner. She was also very scared when she was a child, but gradually discovered that these ghosts can't cause any harm to her except to scare her.

Ming Shu ignored the stunned ghost and went out to buy a bunch of snacks.

Now the timeline pseudo-hostess has found her, but after she refused.

The list she had was taken after she refused the false hostess.

However, the other party was the pseudo heroine.

Mingshu turned over his phone and found the woman who just called herself...

Customer 245?

The original owner's business is not bad!

Ming Shu flipped through the records above, and there was no information available.

She compiled a conclusion for the other party and posted it.

The other party quickly returned a message.

Customer 245: What do you mean, Miss Qian?

Chitose Chitose Chitose: Recreational play for you.

Customer 245: What are you talking about?

Chitose Chitose Chitose: You play me, I certainly play you.

There was a pause there. I wondered if it was because of Mingshu's words.

But soon the news came.

Customer 245: Miss Qian, is this your service attitude?

Chitose Chitose Chitose: Right. Not convinced? hit me! !

Mingshu replied a few special expressions, and then blacked out.


I don’t need snacks for fun?

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