Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 922: See the ghost detective (2)

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Some worn doors were knocked.

Mingshu lowered his feet resting on the table and got up to open the door.

"Will it be Chitose?"

Ming Shu looked at the neatly dressed policeman outside and looked back at the male ghost squatting in the corner. He looked back at him after a while, "I broke the law?"

The girl in front of her was amiable, her hair draped over her shoulders, and she was looking at him in confusion and innocence.

The room behind him can be seen from the outside.

Chen Wen was a bit dazed, he looked down at the photos on his phone.

Make sure you are not wrong.

"Are you Chitose?" The name is strange.

"Ah." Mingshu opened the door. "Is there anyone else here? Oh, yes, there is a ghost."

Chen Wen is an atheist. He glanced into the room, and subconsciously felt that the girl was blaming him.

The ghost had floated to Chen Wen, looking like a strange object.

The ghosts in this world are very strange. They are like a colorless and odorless air. There is no other kind of world. When the ghosts are standing by them, they will feel cold.

There will be no situation where ghosts can hurt people, anyway, the original owner has never seen it.

Chen Wen couldn’t see the ghost and didn’t have much trouble. He simply introduced himself, “Lady Chitose, this is Chen Wen, the criminal police of the Municipal Bureau.”

"Why are you looking for me? Where did I break the law?" The original owner should... haven't done anything to break the law?

Chen Wen shook his head, "No, I'm here to find you, it's not a crime."

"Oh, I still broke the law?"

Chen Wen: "..."

Can you chat well!

Doesn’t that mean she didn’t break the law?

Chen Wen looked at the small space outside and coughed: "Lady Chitose, why don't we go in and talk?"

Mingshu turned around and walked back, "Close the door."

Chen Wen looked at the almost crumbling door and closed it carefully.

He was afraid of his strength, and the door fell.

The room was smaller than he saw. He felt that their police station was small and messy enough, but was really unclear where to start.

There were no extra chairs in the room, and the host on the other side obviously didn't mean to greet him to sit or pour a glass of water.

Chen Wen took a slight breath: "Miss Chitose is like this, we have a case..."

"What do you want from your police case? I am not a policeman."

Mingshu interrupted him.

Chen Wen finished the sentence: "... need Chitose to help!"

"Are you looking for the wrong person?"

Mingshu subconsciously accepted the call, but the memory of the original master emerged.

The original owner helped the police to solve several cases.

Rely on her ability to see ghosts.

What ordinary people can't see, but ghosts can see.

The middleman is a professor at this city's university. I don't want to know how to meet them. In short, it is because of this professor that the original owner will help.

The old professor agreed to help her find her father.

But last year, the old professor passed away.

So she was disconnected from the police station.

In the plot, at about this time, someone came to invite her, but the original owner refused.

"No, are you a Chitose lady?" Chen Wen affirmed, "I am looking for you."

May be afraid of unbelief in Mingshu.

Chen Wen quickly said: "My teacher is Professor Zhou Li. This address was given to me by my master. I know it's a little awkward to find you, but..."

Zhou Li is the name of the old professor.

Mingshu waved his hand, "Okay, if it's a case, it's a charge to ask me for help."

Even the old professor, the original owner is charged at the market price.

After all, she wants to eat.

Now we have to charge more, otherwise will I drink the northwest wind?


Chen Wen looked at this shabby place and secretly wiped a sweat.

"No problem with money."

"Aren't you afraid that I'm a liar?" Mingshu asked with a raised eyebrow.

The case of the city a serious case.

Although sometimes the police station will ask for foreign aid, she would not ask for such a foreign aid from unknown sources, right?

"There is no breakthrough in the bureau. Everyone is trying to find foreign aid. Since Master recommends you to me, I have to give it a try."

"Come on, talk about the price."


Is this topic going a little bit faster?


There have been several homicides in the city recently, and various news on the forums and news keeps making the people panic.

The city council asked them to solve the case as soon as possible.

But they found no clue.

The victims are all women, aged between 16 and 25, except for women, they have nothing in common.

Different ages, different life backgrounds, there are students, white-collar workers, and special industries...

But the death phase is extremely miserable.

Chen Wen showed Mingshu several photos that he could look at.

It is indeed miserable.

The whole body of blood was randomly discarded in the wasteland. The abdomen was stuffed with strange things, some were stones, some were clothes, and there were plastic bags.


Ming Shu put down the photo and squeezed some potato chips.

Chen Wen's mouth twitched.

He couldn’t eat anything when he saw these photos...

"Every victim has been violated." Chen Wen turned his attention to the photo: "But according to the forensic test, it's not... that..."

Perhaps because of a little girl from Mingshu, Chen Wen subconsciously blurred.

"Cough... the murderer has a very strong anti-detection ability. The scene was handled very cleanly, and we couldn't find any evidence. The time of the occurrence of a few cases is not regular, as if the murderer just acted at will."

There was constant pressure on this case, but there was no progress on their side.

Coincidentally, he caught up with Professor Zhou Li's bogey day. When he went, the master asked him a few words, and he said it.

Whoever knew the master asked him to find the little girl in front of him.

He couldn't see anything special about her...

But the master can't talk about him?

"Maybe the murderer just acts at will?"

"Impossible!" Chen Wen immediately vetoed, "The victim was ripped open, using extremely professional tools, something in the victim's stomach... nor something near the crime scene, obviously brought by the murderer. If He just did it at will, how could he bring these crime tools."

"Don't guess the abnormal thinking." Mingshu got up.

Chen Wen looked at her, "Are you going to see the crime scene?"

Mingshu's tone was casual: "Six and a half years, at dinner time, I'm going to eat."

Nothing can bother me and snacking.

Chen Wen: "..."

During dinner, Chen Wen received two calls, both of which reported progress. Obviously Chen Wen's position was not low.

Mingshu looked at him several times through the light in the shop.

Chen Wen is quite handsome. Xu is running outside all year round. His skin color is healthy wheat, thin lips slightly pursed, frown frowning, his slender hand is holding the mobile phone, and he is constantly returning information.

Ming Shu bowed his head and continued to eat.

Chen Wen's phone rang again.

"Hello." Chen Wen stood up next second, "Where?"

There were a few quick words there, and Chen Wen hung up the phone: "It happened again, you just happened to come with me to see. Don't eat, hurry and go!"

Ming Shu fished the last piece of ribs. "You can't waste food. Anyone is cold. Anyway, it's useless to hurry."

Chen Wen: "..."

Fortunately, this product did not become a policeman.

Otherwise, you will be killed.

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