Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 947: See ghost detective(27)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Gu Zhi tossed around the house for a day, tearing down the bed, and what Mingshu came back to see was a large room that had no boundaries and merged into one.

Mingshu didn't say anything, just asked him: "Are you going to Sijingshan next Saturday?"

"Don't go." Gu Zhi wondered: "What do you ask about this?"

Just now, He Rennian called to ask him whether he would go or not. To accompany his wife, he refused!

No one is as important as a wife!


That's it!

But how did she know about it? Is it anyone who wanted the **** to hook up with his wife in private?

"Oh, I'm going."

Gu Zhi: "..."

The next second, Gu Zhi rushed into the bathroom, reached out his cell phone, and dialed the phone of a little bitch: "Who said, I will go to Sijingshan."

"... Captain Gu, why are you so fickle? You just rejected me just now!"

Gu Zhi said calmly: "I want to go now?"

Who lost the battle: "...Well, you won. Then I will drive over next Saturday?"

"No need to."

Gu Zhi refused and hung up.

Looking at the handsome man in the mirror, Gu Zhi tickled his lips.


It's so handsome!

Gu Zhi went out to order takeaway.

After eating, Gu Zhi shamelessly touched Mingshu and hugged her forcibly: "How about today's list? Do you want me to help?"

"I solved it."

Gu Zhi was caught off guard and almost missed his breath.

What do you want him to do?

Other men's heroes... aren't they all omnipotent? If the female host has any difficulties, the male host will solve it with a big wave.

Why is it useless when you come to him?

He finally had such a strong identity.

Why not give him the opportunity to force him! !

Mingshu thought of the old ghost: "There is one more thing."

Gu Zhi came to the spirit: "What, you say."

Ming Shu said aloud: "I want to dig someone else's villa."

Gu Zhi: "..." You say it again.

What does MMP do to dig someone's villa?

The villa invites you!

After knowing MMP for a while, he asked patiently: "Who digs?"

Who let this be his own wife, she just wants to dig Mars, he must agree.

"Meng Han..."

Gu Zhi: "..."

The knife!

Kill her first!

There are so many villas in Meng Han's house, which one does she want to dig! What does Meng Han have to do with you! You said! !

Mingshu added: "Neighbor."

Gu Zhi immediately said: "I will ask someone to do it later."

Not just Meng Han.

The hero is so charming that he is afraid that his wife will go astray.


Near bedtime, Gu Zhi had finished his bath and wandered around in the living room for several times.

"Sister-in-law, should I sleep?"

Mingshu calmed his face: "It's too early."

"It's eleven, it's not early."

Ming Shu glanced at him: "The nightlife has just begun."

Gu Zhi didn't say anything. He went to the sofa and blocked Mingshu from watching TV. He smiled at Mingshu: "The wife is right, the nightlife has just begun."

Mingshu's body suddenly vacated and wrapped Gu Zhi's neck out of instinct.

Gu Zhi bowed her head and kissed her face ambiguously, "I took my wife to live overnight."

The bed in the room seems to have been changed by him too, much larger than before.

"Gu Zhi, don't go too far."

"How is it too much?" Gu Zhi put Mingshu on the bed, deceived himself, and looked down at her from above: "I said before, I will provide you with three meals a day, three meals a day... I want to talk No."

One, day, three, meal.

Grandma drops a bear, is there a pit?

The soft quilt beneath him almost trapped her.

Gu Zhi's kisses fell so densely that she was so soft that she didn't have the energy to think about three meals a day.

"Gu Zhi..."

Gu Zhi blocked her, slipped her fingers into the clothes, and climbed up little by little.

Things in front of Mingshu began to sway, fluttering suddenly unreal.


The next day.

Mingshu got up from the bed and the sunlight fell on her, with the coolness of early autumn.

I don't know what kind of bird is outside the window, tweeting.

The warm hands held her shoulders, and pulled her back again, falling into a warm embrace.

Gu Zhi put her in her arms: "Wife-in-law, stay with me for a while."

"I'm hungry," Ming Shu said.

"Eat later..." Gu Zhi kissed her.

"I'm hungry." Mingshu repeated.

Gu Zhi sighed, wrapped around Mingshu's lips, turned over and got out of bed: "What do you want to eat? Deshan Square's porridge is good, do you like it?"

Mingshu lying on the bed, lazy response: "Well."

"Furong Tuan is also good, do you like it?"


"Do you like egg custard?"


"Do I like it?"

"Do not."

Gu Zhi: "..."

Can this all be reflected?

The MMP system cheated Lao Tzu points again! Bad review!

Gu Zhi took the phone angrily and asked people to bring breakfast over.

Then propped up the bed and leaned over to see her: "Is my performance last night?"

Mingshu's eyes were drooping, and when she heard that, she lifted it a little bit, and also took a bit of sleepiness: "Want to listen to the truth or falsehood?"

Gu Zhi did not listen: "You haven't tried it with others, okay, I will be the only one in the future."

Then you ask a fart!

Mingshu buried his head in the pillow and didn't want to deal with this early morning snake disease.

Gu Zhi did not let her go, haunting her.

Finally, a fight with Mingshu.

Literally fight.

In other words, they were beaten unilaterally.

Gu Zhi secretly thought: It must be that he didn't work hard enough last night, so that his wife had the strength to hit people early in the morning.

In the next few days, Gu Zhi was busy with the mayor's case. Although the murderer caught it and recorded it, it was still difficult to convict. The most important part involved the unscientific part.

Therefore, Gu Zhi was so busy that even the daughter-in-law's small hand could not be reached after that day.

Annoyed individual.

Resign and go back to inheriting hundreds of millions of properties!

During this time, the Yao family is not too good.

Old leather was caught.

The Gu family suddenly wants to suspend cooperation. If the cooperation is suspended, the Gu family will also suffer losses. However, the Gu family has great cause and does not care at all.

The Yao family is different. If you really lose the Gu family's cooperative relationship, you will be in trouble.

Father Yao also guessed that Gu's doing so might be related to Mingshu.

After all, she was seen with Gu Zhi last time.

Gu Zhi is the only seedling of Gu family. Although he is in the bureau now, he will definitely go back to inherit the family business afterwards...

Father Yao tried his best to save the reviewer's cooperation.

The Gu family saw them at first, but no one was directly behind.

Make up your mind not to cooperate with them.

Without the help of the old skin, what Yao Yao wants to do is not very convenient, and it is still Gu's home...A giant like this, who knows if there are any strangers?

Father Yao can only find other partners.

Gu Zhi was able to break through all kinds of dangers here. Before going to Sijingshan, he finally got things done and submitted his application for annual leave in one go.

The mayor's case was closed, and there were no other important cases. The bureau approved it altogether.

Gu Zhi happily packed up things and prepared to go on a date with his wife.

Good in the mountains, a good place to cultivate feelings.

He felt that his wife already liked him a little.


System: Nine Shao that is your illusion.

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