Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 948: See ghost ghost detective (28)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Sijing Mountain.

The name is called because you can see the wonders of the four seasons on this mountain.

Of course not always seen.

This season is invisible.

But visitors to Sijing Mountain are still endless.

There is a manor on Sijing Mountain. It is rarely open here, but this time it was contracted.

Gu Zhi took Mingshu up on the cable car.

He Rensaobao stood outside the cable car and hugged a strange beauty.

"I said, why did you suddenly change your mind? It turned out that you wanted to bring a thousand consultants." He Rennian and Mingshu squeezed their brows. "Thousand consultants have a bigger face than us. Since they graduated, they have not participated in any activities."

Gu Zhi did not appear in the plot, it turned out that he did not participate...

But this should be the character of Gu Zhi originally.

"Probably because I look good." Mingshu said with a smile: "You guys look at my beauty with the captain."

Gu Zhi: "..." I not only coveted your beauty, I also coveted everything about you!

"Ha ha ha ha." He Ren Nian poked Gu Zhi with his elbow, the fire of gossip was burning: "Are you really planted this time?"

Gu Zhi set He Rennian away from his side: "Just you talk too much?"

As soon as they talked, the cable car came up two more.

Meng Han took Hanghang mother and son out.

On the other side, Yao Ying, seeing Mingshu and Gu Zhi also, Yao Ying's expression is very ugly.

If Meng Han is not here, she may have a seizure on the spot.

"Sister!" Hang Zichen ran towards Mingshu.

Gu Zhi stared at a bear child and hugged his wife's thigh in a stately manner.

Gu Zhi didn't know what to think of, and picked up the bear boy with a dark complexion.


Meng Han immediately took the bear child.

Hang Zichen coughed over his chest, face grievances: "Sister..."

"Meng Han, take care of your son." Gu Zhi pulled Mingshu to his side: "Let me see him touch my wife again, I chopped his hand."

Meng Han: "..." I haven't asked you to take my son's account.

"Sorry Mr. Gu." Hang Hang took Hang Zichen from Meng Han's arms and explained softly: "Zichen just likes Miss Qian."

"I still like her."

Hanghang: "..."

The confessed Mingshu took the initiative to reach out and hug the wronged Hang Zichen, and even gave a piece of sugar to Hang Zichen: "Go away."

Hang Hang is embarrassed, this... don’t blame her son?

Meng Han had no expression on his face, but there was a little gloating in his eyes, hugging Hang Hang to keep up with Ming Shu.

Gu Zhi: "..."

The knife!

Laozi's knife! !

Gu Zhi raised his head and looked at Yao Ying's eyes. He glanced behind him, and a bold thought came out.

Yao Ying took a step back, this man...

How strange?

Yao Ying's red lips snapped and ran past Gu Zhi, catching up with Meng Han.

When Yao Ying ran past, Gu Zhi felt a bit cold, as if bringing a cold wind, and swept past him.

When the man was done, He Rennian lay on the girl and laughed: "Ha ha ha ha..."

Gu Zhi looked at him somberly: "What are you laughing at?"

"You also have today." He Rennian pinched the girl's face: "Baby, I tell you, evil has evil, it's not not to report, the time hasn't arrived, now is the time to repay."

Let him usually bully and crush them.

Now this evildoer has been cleared up!

Deserve it.


Gu Zhi went up and Mingshu had obtained the room card with the help of Meng Han and Hang Hang.

There are many people in the hall, each standing in a circle and talking.

Mingshu leaned on the door to drink milk.

Gu Zhi came over and she handed the house card to the past.

Gu Zhi's depressed mood improved slightly.

He squeezed the room card, his head dropped slightly, his voice muffled: "Don't hug that Hang Zichen in the future, OK?"

"Why not, I think he is cute." The bear child who gave me snacks is more cute.

Gu Zhi frowned: "I don't like it."

"Gu Zhi." The girl's voice was clear: "Are you pointing fingers at me?"


Gu Zhi's voice is weak.

He just expressed his opinion.

He doesn't like people touching her.

Especially male.

Not for children.

Mingshu was a little helpless, he was okay to blow hair. With such a grievance, she couldn't bear to continue to be angry with him.

"Back to the room."


Why do you go back to the room?

Do you want to beat him?

He will say it when he beats him!

He just doesn't like it! !


Passing the hotel lobby, many people greeted Gu Zhi, Gu Zhi casually dealt with two sentences, followed Ming Shu back to the room.

Gu Zhi just closed the door, a hand was stretched out next to it, the door was locked, and the other hand supported the side, pushing him against the door.

The girl is not as tall as him, but the arc of her mouth makes Gu Zhi inexplicably feel short.

Gu Zhi's heartbeat inexplicably accelerated.

Bang Bang Bang——

Seems to jump out.

He swallowed.

The face in front of him was getting closer and closer, until she felt her breath, Gu Zhi really knew that she really took the initiative to kiss him.

Gu Zhi did not remember later.

Last time he was at home, but this time it was her home, he had no strength to resist, and she was taken away by the whole process.

After Yun Yu, Mingshu lay on his body, closed his eyes, and his breath fell gently on his chest.

The chest was hot and hot.

Gu Zhi knew that she was not asleep or what she was thinking.

Gu Zhi hugged his body: "Wife-in-law, I like you so much."

The room was very quiet.

I don't know how long after that, her voice slowly sounded: "One day, you found that you were just having a dream. I was just that dreamy person, what would you do?"

Gu Zhi shook her fingertips, what did she know?

Gu Zhi tempted: "What do you mean?"

"Look how much you like me."

The tone is normal, and no abnormalities can be heard.

Her memory should have been cleared, so it was just a coincidence?

Gu Zhi opened his mouth and was silent again, and finally his body began to be out of control.

Gu Zhi quickly pressed down the impulse, and his body slowly returned to control.

"Then I will be immersed in my dream and be with you forever."

Gu Zhi said in a firm tone that he had already decided.

If you can't bring her into his world.

Then he entered her world.

Mingshu propped up from his arms, the silk was slipped off, revealing her round and smooth shoulders, with a little red mark on it, ambiguous and delicate.

Gu Zhi saw the smile on her face.

Not like the usual hypocritical smile.

Not intense, but warm.

She bowed her head slowly, covering his lips.


Gu Zhi's eyes were dark, and even his consciousness was a little unclear.

The body was burning, like something, flowing into his body, and finally fell into the darkness completely.

"I hope you will not let me down."

Mingshu turned and lay down beside her, her whole body trembling.

The little animal Xu was aware of something wrong and woke up from a deep sleep, howling.

What are you doing, that is the power of the source, you really do not die! are you crazy? !

"Not crazy." Mingshu whispered softly: "If you go back later, it's more convenient to find him. Don't be nervous, I didn't give much."

Mingshu said in the bottom of his heart: "That broken system is unknown, I have to beware of it."

you you you……

I'm furious.

What good is the biped! ! Ugly and hairless! !


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