Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 950: See ghost ghost detective(30)

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So those who want to deprive the ghost control technique are all disappointed.

But some people have taken a different approach.

At that time, thousands of family members were killed and wounded, and a large family almost fell apart, and their respective names became incognito.

The strength of a thousand family members is related to the number of ghosts. The greater the number of ghosts, the stronger the power.

With the passage of time, the blood of thousands of families has become less and less.

About three hundred years ago, a group of people tossed out something similar to ghost control.

It's just that the last degree of ghosts turned into - refining ghosts.

People without thousands of bloodlines can't spend ghosts.

But it is precisely because of this, their power is greatly reduced.

However, since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the power of ghosts has gradually weakened. Now, normal ghosts can't do harm to others.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China is not allowed to become fine Is there such an operation?

Liuquan explained that because there are fewer and fewer thousands of family members, if the power of ghosts is too strong, this world may be the world of ghosts in the end.

The rules are biased towards humans.

So the power of ghosts is weakened.

Mingshu didn't bother with that one: "What is Heavenly Condemnation?"

"Heavenly condemnation is used to restrain your thousand family members. Once you accept the ghost's request for obsession, it must be completed. Unreasonable demands cannot be accepted. If you accept it, you will also be condemned."

Accept a reasonable request for obsession, and complete the obsession of the ghost.

Kill the unreasonable...

No wonder when the old ghost said, dodge.

"Then how to determine whether it is reasonable or unreasonable?" There is no standard, is it reasonable that it is reasonable?

"The specific rules are handed down from your thousands of families, and I am not a family of thousands. Where do you know what the criteria for judging are reasonable and unreasonable."

Ming Shu asked again: "Do you know my father?"

Liuquan waved his hand: "I don't know, I will tell you everything you want to know, let's go."

"You all know what my father's name is, why don't you know?"

"Your father's generation, he has a thousand family members active, I know what is strange in his name?" Liuquan didn't lie about this, she really didn't know Qianli.

But this activity is only Qianli, seeing thousands of family members, of course, subconsciously think of Qianli's descendants.

Mingshu thoughtfully went down the mountain.

Thousands of family members are so good...

There is a future.

Yao Jiaxiu's improved ghost-controlling technique. Father Yao wanted a complete ghost-controlling technique. Unfortunately, ghost-controlling technique is not a cheat book. It exists in the blood of thousands of families.

and so……

Father Yao did not kill her.

Maybe it was because Father Yao didn't even know this.

Does the disappearance of the original owner's father have anything to do with Father Yao?

If it doesn't matter... Yao Ying needs to deal with her so much in the plot?

It seems that after going back, I have to chat with Father Yao and talk about reason.

Guimian Mountain is some distance from Sijing Mountain, and Mingshu returns along the way.

The night was vast, and something seemed to float in the distance...

The speed is extremely fast.

Blink to Mingshu.

Yin Qi struck, Mingshu went to the side, avoiding the attack of the shadow.

Numerous shadows emerged one after another.

Heavy ghosts, densely packed.

"Huh..." Mingshu looked at these ghosts: "So many ghosts, want to scare me to inherit my snacks?"

The ghost didn't know if he didn't understand Mingshu's words, and he rushed towards her.

The overwhelming shadow, Mingshu also raised his head and sighed.

So many ghosts...

It is a pity not to eat.

When the first ghost was about to approach her, her figure disappeared suddenly, and a group of ghosts emptied.

Then the cry of the ghost and the wolf spread among the mountains.

Not far away in the wilderness.

The man sitting cross-legged on the ground spit out blood.

"What's going on?" Father Yao stepped forward immediately, more shocked than worried.

The man vomited a spit of blood and was angry with the hair: "That Chitose... is very powerful."

"A little girl's film, where can it be great." Father Yao was not convinced: "We could deal with Qianli at first."

The man shook his head pale: "Not the same."

He is the man who controls those ghosts, he can feel it clearly.

"Chitose does not use ghost control."

It is a strange, but more powerful force.

"It's not ghost-control?" Father Yao grabbed the man's shoulder and asked anxiously: "What is ghost-control? What's more powerful than ghost-control? Qianli's old thing, what is left for it? she was?"

Where is the man clear? He was caught by Father Yao. At this time, he vomited more blood and turned his eyes white.


Seeing the man fainted, Father Yao yelled with rage.

"When I meet me, I really don't blame him for waste."

Sudden voice came from the darkness, Yao father sweated up: "Who!"


In the darkness, the girl walked away from the weeds, carrying a branch in her hand, and the branch was full of fruit, while the girl was picking the fruit above to eat.

That laid-back look is like a picnic.

Father Shen Shensheng: "Chitose!"

Ming Shu smiled: "You don't need to be too gifted."

Father Yao was stunned for a while, and it took a while to react, and he was taken advantage of.

"Are you looking for me?" Mingshu paced forward: "Just ask me to post a post, why bother with it? In the wilderness and wilderness, bring so many ghosts to me and scare me to eat two fruits. ."

Father Yao thought that this time he was able to catch him, so he only brought one person.

After all, this kind of thing, the less people know, the better.

But now the man is dizzy, leaving him alone.

Although Father Yao didn't believe that Mingshu was so powerful, he was very honest and backed up alertly.

"Chitose, do you think you are my opponent?"

"I don't think so." Mingshu shook the leaves and chuckled. "I am."


Father Yao nearly spit up blood three liters without being angry.

Is this girl with yellow hair talking so arrogantly?

When Father Yao waved his hand, a tall ghost appeared out of thin air, overflowing with anger, and the temperature of the whole space dropped rapidly.

"You brought it to your own door, don't blame me."

Father Yao sullenly gave instructions to the ghosts around him to catch alive.

Mingshu carelessly picked the last fruit on the branch, and waved the branch when a few ghosts approached.

Fortunately, it was an elite monster. None of them were killed, but they were also taken off.

Father Yao shook his face in shock.

how come……

Qianli struggled to deal with the ghosts he had cultivated. Now that he has been refining for so many years, he can't even carry the yellow hair girl at will?

Father Yao began to retreat.

Yu Guang swept somewhere, his eyes suddenly fixed, rushed towards the other side.

At the same time a ghost appeared, quickly trapping the person coming over here.

"Stop!" He shouted at Ming Shu: "Stop! Otherwise I will kill him!"

A branch of Mingshu waved on a ghost's head, and the ghost suddenly disappeared.

She looked towards Yao Yao. Gu Zhi seemed to be standing a bit confused, her body stiff and unable to move.

"You can kill if you have the ability." Mingshu continued to wave the branches, sweeping towards the remaining ghosts.

Gu Zhi: "..." Pro-wife, no problem.

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