Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 951: See ghost ghost detective (31)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

As a normal person, Gu Zhi must not be able to kill ghosts.

Until the last moment, we will not collapse.

Wait for the wife to save! !

Father Yao saw that Mingshu didn't care so much, and his heart was a little weird, didn't he say that the two were communicating?

What does she mean?

"Chitose, you stop me, I will really kill him."

"Oh, you kill it." Mingshu is stepping on a ghost, crushing it, and the ghost is annihilated instantly. She looked slowly and her lips turned upwards: "I will definitely tell Gu family how you killed their young master."

Gu Zhi: "..." MMP don't stop Lao Tzu on horseback. Lao Tzu will hammer her today.

How could I like this kind of snake disease.

Others have been crying and begging not to kill, but she can be better, and she still encourages him, afraid that he will not die fast enough?

What made Gu Zhi even more blown was the next second, Mingshu took out his mobile phone video: "Come on, start your performance. That one, make a light."

Little, who, lighting engineer, beast: "..." doesn't want to.

Father Yao was suddenly irradiated with strong light, and his eyes were instantly blind.

"Exposure, darken!"

Father Yao snorted when he heard something over there.

Then there was a cold wind blowing next to him, and the body threw up uncontrollably and fell again.


Father Yao smashed on a small soil slope, vomiting blood.

What scared him even more was that all ghosts in refinery had lost contact with him at the same time.

Gu Zhi was held in her arms by Ming Shu, and the temperature in her body dispelled the chill just now.

"Why are you here?" Mingshu asked him.

"Find you." Gu Zhi gritted his teeth.

"I think you are looking for death." Ming Shu sterned him.

Who is he for MMP?

The play is careful to take a deep breath, and the words are affectionate: "I will die for you."

Willing to fart!

I'm dead, don't you want to live!

"Is there any discomfort? Say it earlier, otherwise I am not going to amputate."

"Hehe..." Mingshu looked at him, and Gu Zhi immediately sneered: "The daughter-in-law went back to help me to check it out a while, maybe there is something internally injured..."

Mingshu withdrew his arms around him and pretended not to understand: "Wait and stay still."

Mingshu went to his father's foot to make up his feet and made sure he couldn't get up, so he squatted beside him.

Father Yao stared at Mingshu with a grudge.

He never imagined that he would be planted in the hands of a little girl.

"Don't look at me like that, how embarrassing." There is no hatred, you look at me like this, I won't like you either.

Father Yao is **** again.

In order to prevent being splashed by blood, Mingshu moved to the side: "Why don't you feel dizzy when you vomit so much blood?"

Father Yao: "..." You are sick!

Ming Shu smiled and said: "I'm not teasing you, I'll ask you a question."

That tone, as if they were old friends who could sit down and talk.

Father Yao gasped, expressing his disagreement with his eyes.

Mingshu only saw it: "Where did my father go?"

Father Yao thought she wanted to ask herself why she dealt with her, but she didn't expect to ask Qianli as soon as she came up.

Father Yao squeezed a few words from his teeth: "I don't know."

Mingshu poked him with branches: "Don't be like this, you have vomited so much blood, be a sunny person, I ask you to answer, save your energy, how good."

Be a sunny person? !


Is this word used here?

And what is the causal relationship before and after your sentence?

Is your language taught by a physical education teacher? The teacher's coffin board can't be suppressed! !

Father Yao's face was blue, and he didn't look at Mingshu at the beginning: "If you have the ability, you will kill me..."

"What do I kill you, I don't kill." Ming Shu said.

"what are you doing!"

Father Yao watched Ming Shu touched his phone out of his body and pressed his hand to unlock it.

Mingshu slided his phone and said, "Snack... send your baby girl a video appointment application, I like her."

Such a good opportunity to pull hate value cannot be wasted.

"No! You stop!" Father Yao struggled with a trace of panic on his face.

"Then tell me where my father is." Ming Shu stopped and tilted his head to look at Father Yao.

Father Yao's chest fluctuated very fast, his face was blue for a while, and his face was white for a while. The hatred and resentment in his eyes were like a snake.

Father Yao's voice was hoarse: "Dead."

"You killed?"

Father Yao said nothing.

The default attitude.

"What did you do to catch me? Do you still want to kill me?" Mingshu asked again: "Still want to find a complete ghost control technique from me?"

A flash of cold light flashed through Yao's father's eyes, and he snorted: "I didn't want to kill Qianli either, because he didn't cooperate. Your thousand families possess the technique of controlling ghosts, but they violently die and do not know how to use it."

Mingshu twitched his mouth: "Well, how is this a thing of thousands of families, how is it used by thousands of families, and how much does it have to do with you?"

Thousands have ghost control skills, but they also bear certain responsibilities.

Help those ghosts who can’t leave because they are obsessed with the world.

Mingshu presses the video call application.

"I have told you all." Father Yao shouted: "You're going to go back!!!"

"Oh, it's a pity, I didn't promise you." Ming Shu smiled.


"Dad?" Yao Ying was not asleep yet. After receiving a video from Father Yao, she subconsciously said: "I have already found Gu Zhi today..."

Mingshu interrupted her: "What are you doing to find Gu Zhi?"

Dare to harass my little goblin, I owe him a lot.

The network is not very good. Yao Ying couldn't see the situation over there until he heard a familiar voice.

Father Yao was lying on the ground, not her familiar study or home, with gravel and weeds all over the ground.

Outside the light, it was dark.

"Dad..." Yao Ying rubbed and stood up: "Dad, where are you? Chitose, what did you do to my dad?"

"Yingying, leave Sijingshan, now immediately!!!" Yao father shouted at Yaoying.

"Dad..." Yao Ying shook his head: "How do you want to treat my dad?"

"No, just to show you your dad, how is it, not angry?"

Yao Ying felt angry in his heart: "You let my dad go."

What Yao Ying wanted to say, the video suddenly broke.

Yao Ying was startled and panicked to dial it back, but when his hand slipped, the phone flew out.

Yao Ying quickly picked up the phone.

She hadn't pressed it yet and the video call jumped out again.

She was almost connected for the first time, the picture was a little shaking, and the clear voice of the **** the opposite side came over: "Sorry, the signal is not very good, I have changed a place now."

The signal is not good?

Yao Yingqing jumped, playing with her?

But the shaking picture was still, and she lifted her whole heart.

Yao Ying grabbed the phone with both hands and stared at the phone screen.

Father Yao was hung on a tree, the trunk was extremely slender and would break at any time.

Yao Ying's scalp is numb.

She hissed and roared: "Chitose... you stop! What on earth do you want to do! You let my dad go!!"

She couldn't see Mingshu.

But she knew that she was there.

This woman...

She is going to kill her! !

"Oh, he threatened me with Gu Zhi just now. I just gave my teeth back. How do you taste? How angry? Are you angry? I'm happy."

The goblin also dared to move.

If I don't live well, I want to see the landscape of the death line.

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