Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 952: See ghost ghost detective (32)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Yao Ying found the place where Ming Shu said, the sky was white and the sky was hazy.

She saw Father Yao at a glance, entangled in strange trees and vines, hung on the tree, the mist drifted, and the dangling, like ghosts.

Yao Ying trembled all over, his anger and worry intertwined in his head, and his heart was pounding.

She quickly ran towards Father Yao.

"Dad...Dad, you wake up, how are you?"

The tree and vine was hung directly from above, slightly higher than the ground, and Yao Ying could not find a way to let his father down.

Father Yao was hanging for so long, his mouth was dry and his consciousness was blurred.

Hearing the sound, he opened his eyes hard.

"Ying... Yingying..." Father Yao was sober consciously: "Go, go, find your second uncle..."

"Come so slow, I thought you weren't coming."

A clear voice came from the side, Yao Ying looked at it suddenly, and Ming Shu walked alone from the morning mist.

She was shrouded in mist, unreal and unreal, but unreasonably depressing, not daring to look directly at it.

Yao Ying blocked in front of his father: "Don't come over..."

Father Yao just called her away.

"Dad, I won't leave you behind." Yao Ying looked firm.

I have to say that Yao's father and Yao Ying both care about each other.

This is the difference between their own children and those of others.

Someone else's family is ruined, and there are even conscience fathers and filial sons.

Such people--

It should be just cannon fodder.

Hmm... The breakfast of the villa is about to start?

It seems to end soon.

Mingshu squeezed his wrist and smiled toward Yao Ying.

Yao Ying's help with ghosts is not Mingshu's opponent, let alone no help from ghosts at this time.

She wondered why this woman was so keen on beating her.

Is her brain sick?

"Chitose I won't let you go!" Watching his daughter beaten, Father Yao's eyes split.

"It just so happens that the mayor may not let you go." Ming Shu dialed the mayor's phone in front of his father.

Old skin drives ghosts to kill people.

But the real mastermind behind this is Father Yao.

Where did the mayor let Father Yao go.

Father Yao rolled his eyes and passed out directly.

In the hands of the mayor, can he still have a good one?

Originally this matter, Yao father had full confidence, kill the mayor, and then let his people take the position.

Unexpectedly, the mayor did not know why, and Lao Pi had no way to start.

That's why he chose a roundabout tactic and started with the people around the mayor.

Anyway, they are exorcism and murder, what can the police find out?

But who knows that Cheng Chengjin was killed halfway, and old skin was caught...

If this is not the case, he will not take the risk and come to catch Mingshu.


Mingshu bypassed the wild grass.

Chaoyang broke through the clouds and fell on the man.

Gu Zhi leaned his head slightly on the tree trunk and shattered his hair to block most of his face.

As Mingshu approached, his fingers touched his hair, and his fingertips circled their hair tips, gently flicking aside.

She reached out and picked up the little animal curled up next to her and tucked it into her pocket. Then she leaned over and kissed the man's lips.

Gu Zhi's eyelashes were shaking.

Mingshu stood upright, kicking him when he was about to open his eyes: "Get up."

Gu Zhi clutched the back of his head, his head ignorant.

The girl stood against the light, blurred her face and figure, and the light was holy and warm, just like a fairy coming from below.

Gu Zhi felt inexplicably inconsistent.

But my heart is still warm.

This is his wife.

The wife is so beautiful.


"What did you hit me last night?" It hurts.

"I'm afraid you will see a **** scene." I don't want to beat you.

Gu Zhi looked around: "What about people?"

"Kill it."


Gu Zhi stood up from the ground, his head dizzy, his body shook slightly, and Mingshu extended his hand, but Gu Zhi stood still with just one shake, and Mingshu quickly withdrew his hand, pretending nothing happened.

"You killed him?"

"Do not kill to keep the New Year? It is not a pig."

"..." What about the body? Where did you throw it? Are there any witnesses? No... he is a policeman! !

He was afraid to resign...

How much does it cost to buy a murderous crime...

"Poof, lie to you, the mayor's people took it away." Ming Shu said: "Go back."

Gu Zhi's mood is like riding a roller coaster.

He reached out and wanted to grab the person in front.

The golden sunlight penetrated his fingers, and he suddenly caught empty.

The people in front of him moved away.

Gu Zhi had no reason to panic.

Just when he was stunned, his hand was held, and Mingshu's voice also followed: "Want to take root here, do you want me to water you?"

The temperature of the palm of his hand made Gu Zhi's restless heart calm down, as if stepping from the cloud to the solid ground.

"daughter in law."

Mingshu led him in front: "What are you doing? I'm hungry, don't talk nonsense, or I'll beat you."

"Let's... get married."

Ming Shu said seriously: "I think it's better to leave you here to take root and sprout."

"I am serious."

"I am serious too."

Just want to get married?

Is my marriage so easy?

Few snacks, don't even think about it! !

Gu Zhi said no more.

The petite girl led the tall boy, and drifted away towards the sunrise.


He Rennian and the girl he brought were crazy all night. When he got up in the morning, the whole person was depressed and yawned to sit opposite Mingshu.

"Early, why did you two get up so early?"

"I haven't slept all night, what got up early." Ming Shu was drinking porridge, and he should say something vague.

"Ah..." He Rennian expressed a strong feeling of gossip: "Let's take care of Captain Gu so good?"

One night, babbling...

"He? Okay..."

He Rennian: "..."

Who looked at Gu Zhi in horror, what did she mean? Wasn’t it with you last night?

Gu Zhi showed a gruesome smile.

He Rennian immediately retracted his head and bowed his head to drink porridge.

Miss sister is amazing.

Mingshu went back to make up after eating.

Of course Gu Zhi had to follow, but Mingshu was too sleepy. Gu Zhi didn't have the heart to toss her and hugged her to sleep all morning.

In the next activity time, He Rennian's eyes drifted from time to time to Mingshu and Guzhi.

Because Yao Ying was not there, no accident happened.

Hang Zichen visited Mingshu several times.

Hang Zichen looked for her once, and Gu Zhi tossed it back at night. The very ruthless kind, Mingshu, couldn't stand it anymore, disturbing her for snacks.

After a lesson, I dare not do it again.


Back in the city, Gu Zhi received the case, and Mingshu also had a list. The two were busy with their own.

Gu Zhi didn't mention anything about marriage.

But Ming Shu always felt that he was holding back some big tricks.

Every day I went back, I was afraid to see him demolish the whole house.

That day Mingshu just got a client and received a call from the little girl before.

She met about Mingshu.

The case was closed. At first, the police did not investigate carefully. This case really needs to be investigated. Actually, there are many loopholes.

The little girl’s father was an accomplice and sentenced.

Now the guardian of the little girl is a relative on the mother’s side, and what his father left is enough for her to worry about food and clothing.

The case was closed, and Mingshu went back and heard Gu Zhi say that the villa she was going to dig was bought and ready to be digged.

Mingshu took time to dig out the bones of the old ghost.

According to the old ghost's request, he buried it and established a monument.

Obviously there is no descendant, and I don’t know what he has to do to build a monument. One hundred years later, it will not be the same.

The old ghost almost killed her.

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