Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 954: See ghost ghost detective (34)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Yao Ying bumped all over the wall, and the house leaked into the night rain, and all departments followed them, either the card here, or the information there was not good.

Under such circumstances, the company began to become restless.

On the ground that Yao Ying caused the company to suffer heavy losses, she took part of her rights.

Yao Ying also tried to find her second uncle, but unfortunately the second uncle closed her door and saw no guests.

The second uncle has not been very close to her dad, but the family, how can he see death without help?

Yao Ying waited for several days, and the second uncle gave only a note.

There are only four words-obey fate.


Why is she destiny...

"Mr. Yao, what options do you have now?"

Yao Ying looked at the dog-like man opposite him, and his heart was bleeding.

She is a spoiled daughter of Qianjin, but now she is here to deal with such a man.

Endure the unwillingness of men to look up, and all kinds of unreasonable demands.

Yao Ying got upset and said: "I still have something to do. Let's take a step first."

"Eh, Mr. Yao." The man reached out and stopped her: "I've come here, I can't go home empty-handed? I said just now, as long as you stay with me for one night, funding is not a problem, you know I am the worst Is money."

"Step aside!"

The man did not force her, shrugged, and raised his hand to let it go.

Yao Ying stepped out on high heels and saw the two people kissing in the lonely corridor as soon as they opened the door.

The brain was like a thunderbolt.

The person she likes...Why wouldn't she look at her more.

She also went to Meng Han, but Meng Han said... She offended Gu's family, and the smart people would not help her at this time.

Meng Han is not afraid to face Gu family, he just...

I just don't want to help myself.

Yao Ying shook himself and was caught from behind.

"Mr. Yao, be careful." The man's frivolous voice sounded.

Yao Ying shivered, and for a long time she gritted her teeth: "Can you really help me?"

The man froze for a while, then smiled: "Of course."


"Gu Shao, the Yao family got a sum of money over there, shall we continue?"

"Who is so rich?" Gu Zhi said while turning over the files: "So rich, let him do some public welfare."


Gu Zhi hung up the phone and called Mingshu again: "Wife, come here as a consultant."

Ming Shu didn't know what he said on the phone, Gu Zhi's teeth grinned for a while, and took a deep breath: "Okay, I'll come to pick you up, you're waiting for me."

Gu Zhi received Mingshu, paid her the bill, and then took her back to the game.

The case is the case of the missing child mentioned by Chen Wen.

The last few children who followed Chen Wen, Mingshu still had an impression.

So many...

And they can follow Chen Wen to leave, this ability is a bit awesome.

This matter has to find Chen Wen.

Those little ghosts followed Chen Wen's words and could be asked soon.

A few bear children did follow Chen Wen, and wherever Chen Wen went, they followed it without any extra movement, like a bunch of little zombies.

If Chen Wen could see that scene, it would have been scared to death.

"According to what they said, they were killed here." Ming Shu pointed to the building not far away, this is a deserted building in the suburbs.

Gu Zhi gave a gesture to the people behind, and the people spread out and approached the building.

Gu Zhi waited until there was no problem, and went in with Mingshu.

There was an unpleasant smell in the building. Gu Zhi walked in front and looked back at Mingshu from time to time, fearing that she might bump into it.

"After checking, no suspicious person was found..."

"Gu team, there is a discovery here."

Gu Zhi walked towards the team members, Mingshu stood in the staircase from the first floor to the second floor, looking at the female ghost standing on the corner.

"They ran, they ran, killed them, killed them..."

The female ghost repeated these two sentences constantly.

"Where did you run?" Ming Shu asked her.

The female ghost raised her head and accurately met Ming Shu's smiling eyes.

"You... can you see me?"


The female ghost floated suddenly: "Then help me catch the animals."

"This is your request?"

The female ghost didn't understand, but she nodded.

"After I finish it for you, you will disappear." Ming Shu said again.

"As long as I can catch the animals, I will do whatever I want."

"Tell me about their appearance."

According to the female ghost, the group of people was very cautious. They were a gang. They abducted children and women to sell to the field, emptied the white wolf, and made money.

During this time, what seemed to happen to the head responsible for this place, disregarding their previous rules, made a big vote and caught the attention of the police.

This used to be their foothold. Some children were disobedient, or they made a lot of noises.

The children that Mingshu saw were not missing recently, but the children who died for so many years.

Ming Shu recounted the description of the female ghost, and the portrait of the suspect soon appeared.

But the police officers looked at Mingshu's expression a little strangely.

This advisor... God is nagging!

And she just came here, how did she know what the suspect looked like?

The identity of the suspect was quickly screened, and many had a case, but this group of people now does not know where to hide, and it takes some effort to catch people.

However, they hadn't figured it out yet. The consultant invited by the Gu team carried the buns early in the morning, followed by a bunch of people, and slowly walked into the police station.

I didn't know that I thought it was here.

The whole police force: "..."

What do you want them to do?

Suspect the police.

Mingshu grabbed the suspect quickly, but...

The police checked the evidence and vomited blood.

This case is not certified, she thinks it is.

The murderer surrendered himself, and it didn't matter.

If it weren't for the last evidence, the person she caught was indeed the murderer.

They all suspected that she grabbed an individual on the road and beat her, forcing others to admit that she had done it herself.

[Yao Ying's hatred is full. 】

Mingshu suddenly received a reminder from Harmony.

Yao Ying's hatred is full... she seems to have done nothing recently.

Never mind.

Just fill it up.

One step closer to one million.

"Wife-in-law, our dad wants to see you." I promised to take her back before, and the old man urged him several times.

Before Ming Shu refused, Gu Zhi said first: "Dad prepared a table for you."

"Oh." Then go chant.

Father Gu is a very easy-going person, but this group that manages a large group is definitely not a Buddhist elder.

The meeting was smooth.

Gu father used to pick and choose, but now Gu knows that as long as he brings back a woman who will gasp, he has no opinion.

After that, Mingshu's daily life was to find ghosts — solve crimes — buy snacks — and occasionally fall asleep.

Gu Zhi's daily life is so angry that he turns to heaven, and he has to smile and discuss with his wife what to eat at night.

With the unremitting efforts of Mingshu, the crime detection rate of the whole city has risen linearly, while the crime rate has fallen linearly.

Everyone in the police station knows that there is a fast-moving consultant who can find her in an unbreakable case.

The premise is-

Prepare snacks.

Consultants love snacks but not money.

Very Buddhist.



Uncle Ai Ming’s little lovers, vote in your hand!

Uncle Ming needs your love! !

This plane will end tomorrow.

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