Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 955: See ghost ghost detective (end)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Gu Zhi is a little uncomfortable these days.

The bear child Hang Zichen came to her daughter-in-law all day long, so that he had no time to do indescribable things with his wife.

On this day, Gu Zhi and Meng Han met unexpectedly, and the two people's cars were just right, no one was allowed.

Gu Zhi flicked the door and walked to Meng Han's car, knocking on it.

Meng Han lowered the window and showed a cold face.

Gu Zhi rolled his eyes at the bottom of his heart: "Meng Han, take care of your son! What are my daughter-in-law doing all day?"

"If you can't manage your own daughter-in-law, you should find your own reasons, and don't always blame others." Meng Han said indulgently.

"Huh..." Gu Zhi sneered: "Whoever hasn't said anything to you right now, my wife and I have just received the certificate, it's legal."

Hurt each other right? ?

I'm afraid of you!

Meng Han: "..."

Gu Zhi thought that he had broken back and returned to the car arrogantly.

Meng Han didn't know if it was hit, making people give way.

However, within a few days, Gu Zhi received Meng Han's invitation, marriage invitation...

Gu Zhi who didn’t know when the wedding could be held: "..."

Meng Han's wedding can be said to be a very luxurious event in the city and even the whole country.

"Wife-in-law, this kind of prosperity must be avoided." Gu Zhi squeezed Ming Shu's hand and forced himself to make an excuse for not having a wedding.

"Well." It makes sense.

Gu Zhi's heart immediately balanced.

The wife is toward Laozi.


Halfway through the wedding, the bride's side suddenly screamed.

Yao Ying did not know how to get in, just stabbed at Hang Hang, and Meng Han reacted quickly before Yao Ying stabbed for the second time.

Gu Zhi was guarding Ming Shu, looking coldly there. Yao Ying hid well during this time. He didn't find her, and he didn't expect to appear today.

Yao Ying took advantage of everyone's concern for Hang Hang, turned around and squeezed into the crowd, and ran away.

The bride was injured and the wedding could not go on.


"where did you go?"

Ming Shu was bored in the car, Gu Zhi came up, she raised her eyebrows and looked over.

Gu Zhi shook the bag in his hand: "It's hard to buy, the wife eats."

Deshan Square's cakes are indeed in short supply, one of the most difficult to buy in the city.

Ming Shu glanced at him, Gu Zhi said calmly: "Don't be too flamboyant, Meng Han is a typical example."

Continue to find a balance for not being able to hold a wedding.

Mingshu pinched a piece of pastry and put it in his mouth, with a little hot pastry, the entrance melted and the fragrance was soft and silky.

Gu Zhi looked at her sideways, his eyes lightly smiling.

He leaned over and gave a small sip in the corner of Mingshu's mouth: "Let's go home."

The next day Mingshu saw Yao Ying commit suicide in the news.

Gu Zhi was just as tidy up in the living room as he was, and even tuned up in a very good mood.

Mingshu watched the news release and turned to lie on the sofa: "Gu Zhi."

"Wife-in-law, can you call me by name and surname? Not at all intimate."

"Then how do I call you? Xiaozhizhi? Xiaogugu? Are you close enough?"

Gu Zhi shivered: "Call her husband."

He found that his wife especially likes to call him by name.

Although she cried nicely, her voice was clear and crisp.

"There are many things." Ming Shu said: "Divorce it."

Gu Zhi: "..."

"Gu Zhi Gu Zhi, your name, your name." Don't even think about your uncle's marriage.

Being so distracted by Gu Zhi, Mingshu didn't want to ask Yao Ying anymore.

She jumped off the sofa.

"Wear shoes!"

Mingshu entered the room barefoot.

Gu Zhi helplessly akimbo.

It seems that the floor must be removed.


The phone on the table vibrated and Gu Zhi shouted into the room.

"Wife, please call."

"Take it in."

Gu Zhi took the phone in and it happened to hang over there, and the phone suddenly returned to the lock screen.

On the lock screen...

Ahhhh! ! !

Isn't this photo deleted?

Why does it appear on the lock screen of the wife's phone! !

The lock screen is awe-inspiring.

This angle... seems a bit wrong.

When those people deleted, he looked at the deleted one himself, and there was no picture from this angle.

So...was taken by the wife in person?

At that time, the daughter-in-law conspired against herself?

He also said he didn't like himself.

Little liar.


Gu Zhi tried to unlock, but he needed a fingerprint.

When Mingshu looked over, Gu Zhi immediately pressed the phone and handed her the phone: "Chen Wen is looking for you.

Ming Shule was happy: "Isn't it good for you as long as it is a man?"

"That's for sure."

"Then you admit that you did not feel well?"

Gu Zhili was straightforward: "I have a certificate!"

Mingshu seemed to laugh, not laugh: "That certificate..."

"You call back, maybe there is a case." Gu Zhi interrupted Ming Shu: "I'll go to see if the take-out has come. I can only talk about the case, not other things."

I was scared to death.

Obviously it is true evidence, why does Lao Tzu feel that he is taking false evidence...


Mingshu found that his lock screen had been changed, and Gu Zhishuai had a messed up picture of the fruit, that sultry look and figure...

At first glance, Mingshu thought that Harmony had used her mobile phone to go to an amazing website.

"What are you doing to change my lock screen?"

"Please ask my wife to know more about me, and don't stay on the superficial appearance."

Gu Zhi said seriously, but his heart was a little nervous. He secretly changed it, and he must be beaten.

"Tonight..." Ming Shu laughed: "I'll trouble you superficially."

Gu Zhi: "???

When Gu Zhi put on the same skirt as last time, he was depressed, what was wrong with his wife.

Do you humiliate Lao Tzu? ?

definitely is!

She must be dissatisfied with her mobile phone.

To a certain extent, the probability of a divorce between a couple because of a peek at a cell phone...

He secretly glanced at WeChat...and didn't look at the others.

The daughter-in-law's WeChat except the customer 123456789...the rest are people he knew.

Gu Zhi held his mobile phone in the past: "Wife-in-law, I was wrong, I will never look at your mobile phone again."

Mingshu: "???

What did this little goblin make up?

She just wanted to take the lock screen back.

The goblin not only changed the lock screen, but also deleted it.

Gu Zhi looked at her.

Mingshu: "..."


Mingshu only lived in this world for less than ten years. The cause of death was killed by a flower pot that fell downstairs.

Dead without dignity, Mingshu was used to it.

Name: Ming Shu

Hatred value: 820000


Branch task: unfinished

The hate value of the last plane is not much, the hate value of this plane is still not much... this is after doubling.

It seems that the hidden task is really a good task to pull the hatred value.

Unfortunately, in the modern plane, Harmony seems to rarely issue hidden tasks.

Probably... There are few non-my family.

"Hey, what will you eat next?"


The twenty-seventh plane is over.

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