Company Development: I Build A Conscience National Enterprise

Chapter 136 Automatic Loading And Unloading Robot

After the newspapers were delivered, it was already six o'clock in the morning.

Huang Zhongtian moved up and down, so tired that he couldn't straighten his waist.

His cervical spondylosis has occurred again.

Rubbing his stiff neck, Huang Zhongtian leaned on the car to eat breakfast.

At this time, another message popped up from the magic mirror.

[Hello user, the "automatic loading and unloading robot" you ordered has been successfully placed, and you can pick up the product at the designated battery replacement point. 】

【I wish you a happy use!】

[Automatic loading and unloading robot], this is the robot designed by Gao Lingfeng.

The latest sign-in [multifunctional robotic arm technology] is adopted.

【Multifunctional Robotic Arm Technology】: A flexible robotic arm capable of lifting objects up to a ton.

This robot looks like a spider.

In the center is a square tray, with four spider-like mechanical arms extending from the tray.

The [automatic loading and unloading robot] in the photo has four spider legs carrying a tray, just like a square table.

Is this thing capable of loading and unloading cargo?

Huang Zhongtian was a little puzzled.

I looked at the nearest battery replacement point, and it happened that I didn’t change the battery yesterday, so I went to change the battery now, and went straight to the automatic loading and unloading robot.

At the battery replacement point, the boss of 21 took out a cardboard box.

He patted the cardboard box and said, "The company just sent it over, and you are the first user!"

Huang Zhongtian looked at the cardboard box, is this thing reliable?

Unpacked the box with the boss of the replacement point, and a silver four-clawed robot appeared in front of them.

"How do I use this thing?" The boss of the replacement point asked, looking at this technologically-sounding thing.

"It seems to be manipulated by a magic mirror."

Huang Zhongtian finally found a QR code on the box.

Open the magic mirror and align it with the QR code, and a prompt will pop up in the magic mirror store.

"Do you want to download the automatic loading and unloading robot app?"


The download was completed soon, at this moment Huang Zhongtian's eyes changed.

Cardboard boxes on the ground, garbage not far away, and discarded tires piled up by the owner of the replacement point.

These things turned into a dark color, and he clicked on them with his hand, and an option for loading and unloading appeared on it.

Huang Zhongtian said to the boss: "Boss, let me try, do you still want those tires?"

"It's useless, it's useless, it's all waste, try it!"

Huang Zhongtian nodded, he clicked on the three discarded tires in the corner, and clicked the loading and unloading button.

[Automatic loading and unloading robot] The control light in the center turned red, and the robot flexibly walked to the edge of the tire with four feet.

How is it so flexible?

[Automatic loading and unloading robot] crawling like a spider, very light and fast.

Moreover, there are still the remaining cardboard boxes in the middle, and the automatic loading and unloading robot bypasses these cardboard boxes very flexibly.

Very smooth!

I only saw this [automatic loading and unloading robot] walking to the edge of the waste tire, and then the central platform fell to the ground.

Four robotic arms stretched out, grabbed a tire, and placed it on the central platform.

Immediately afterwards, the four mechanical arms flexibly grabbed the second tire and stacked it on the first tire.

Grab the third tire.

This is too great!

Huang Zhongtian couldn't help admiring.

The boss who replaced the electricity was also shocked.

Although car tires can't be said to be heavy, they are also very difficult to lift.

The owner just doesn't want to pile up the tires and that's why it's still here.

Unexpectedly, this [automatic loading and unloading robot] can do such a laborious job for ordinary people.

After the three tires are installed on the [automatic loading and unloading robot].

In Huang Zhongtian's magic mirror, [Automatic loading and unloading robot] turns green.

The app pops up a prompt: [Drag with your hand to command the robot to move. 】

Huang Zhongtian immediately clicked on the robot with his hand, and then directed it to move towards the corner.

The robot's four mechanical arms touched the ground again, and then stood up with a squeak.

After standing up, the robot crawled towards the corner flexibly.

The speed is still very fast, and the tires on its back are stable and there is no shaking at all.

The eyes of the replacement boss are bright, this is a good thing!

The owner is the owner of a car repair shop, and these car parts often need to be moved.

With this robot, a lot of effort can be saved.

The app pops up another prompt: [Click the trunk to automatically load the cargo. 】

Can it be loaded?

Huang Zhongtian discovered that his glorious future van was blue in the magic mirror.

Click on the trunk, and the automatic loading and unloading robot immediately climbed to the side of the van.

The trunk of the van opens automatically.

The body of the [Automatic loading and unloading robot] lies on the ground again, and the mechanical arm stuffs the three tires into the rear compartment one by one.

This is also very useful!

Huang Zhongtian also felt incredible!

The boss of the replacement point immediately said: "Brother, where did you buy this thing? I want to buy one too!"

Huang Zhongtian immediately said, "It's the official website of Lingfeng Motor."

"Good! This thing is really useful!"

The app pops up a prompt: [Click on the goods that need to be unloaded, and the robot can automatically unload the goods. 】

Huang Zhongtian walked to the back of the van and clicked unload on the three tires.

[Automatic loading and unloading robot] stretches out the mechanical arm to take out the goods from the back of the carriage.

This robot is quite intelligent, it will not only put things neatly in the compartment.

When unloading, it will also start unloading from the outermost cargo.

There is no need for Huang Zhongtian to do anything at all.

The unloaded goods are also firmly loaded on the platform of the robot.

The arm of the [Automatic loading and unloading robot] is quite powerful, and only one mechanical arm is needed to hold the tire tightly.

After 053 unloaded the three tires, Huang Zhongtian used the magic mirror to manipulate the [automatic loading and unloading robot] to the corner.

Point to the place where the tires were originally stacked and click Unload.

The three tires were neatly stacked in place in order from largest to smallest.

Really convenient!

Now Huang Zhongtian is really convinced!

Produced by Lingfeng Group! It must be a boutique!

But how can this robot be received in the car?

At this point, the tutorial for the app reaches the final step.

[Use the loading function on the "automatic loading and unloading robot", and it can be stored in the Rongguang future car. 】

Huang Zhongtian shouted to the robot: "Get in the car!"

This robot is like a well-behaved puppy, running behind the van.

Then the back door of the van opened, and the robot climbed into the car flexibly.

It stuffed itself in the corner of the rear box, and the four mechanical arms firmly pressed against the car.

So convenient!

[The robot can be charged using the charging port of Rongguang Future, and it can be charged automatically while driving. 】

【Welcome to the automatic loading and unloading robot, you can control the robot by voice. 】

【Wish you a happy use!】

Huang Zhongtian immediately opened the mall and helped Zhang Hui place an order!

This robot is awesome! You won't have to work hard to load and unload goods anymore!

Huang Zhongtian immediately got into the van, full of anticipation and began to take orders!.

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