Huang Zhongtian opened "Lucky Man Man", and soon received a business order.

This is a bill from a machine shop, and the bill states that heavy cargo needs to be loaded and unloaded.

There are additional handling charges.

This kind of list is what truck drivers call a bitter list.

This kind of order for extra loading and unloading fees is an order that ordinary drivers are unwilling to accept.

The mechanical parts in the machinery factory are very heavy, not to mention the power consumption for transporting them, and it takes a lot of effort just to carry these things on the car.

When we arrive at the place, we have to unload the goods, which is very time-consuming.

Sometimes after receiving one order, other companies can run three orders.

Huang Zhongtian just entered the industry a few days ago, and he has also received several difficult orders.

But today he found this list on purpose.

Use the magic mirror to connect to the phone: "Brother Sun, I bought you an [automatic loading and unloading robot], it's so easy to use!

"You're not being polite, you introduced Rongguang Future to me, remember such a great kindness brother!"

"It's only 1,000 yuan, don't be too polite!"

"I called you to eat barbecue after running work today!"

After a while, Huang Zhongtian arrived at his destination.

This is a machinery factory on the outskirts of the city, producing metal products such as screws and nuts.

Two large wooden boxes were stacked in the loading area.

This is the cargo that Huang Zhongtian needs to transport today.

After seeing Rongguang Future docking, the warehouse keeper of the machinery factory came out.

"Master, thank you for your hard work. The two boxes are very heavy, so handle them with care!"

The warehouse keeper is an old man in his seventies, don't expect him to help with loading and unloading the goods.

Huang Zhongtian got out of the car, opened the rear compartment, and activated the magic mirror.

"get off!"

[Automatic loading and unloading robot] Like a spider, it crawls out of the rear compartment flexibly.

Then, Huang Zhongtian pointed to the two boxes and said, "Put these two boxes into the car."

【Automatic loading and unloading robot】Walking over, lying on the ground, the four robotic arms will grab the box full of screws and nuts.

Putting it on the central platform, the [Automatic Loading and Unloading Robot] walked steadily to the side of the van.

The robotic arm stuffed the two boxes into the trunk.

"Get in the car" 々!"

[Automatic loading and unloading robot] flexibly climbed into the car, found a place next to the two boxes, and stuffed himself in.

The warehouse manager was dumbfounded.

He looked at the time, only three minutes!?

Ready in three minutes?

For the last order, the young master took half an hour to finish loading.

Done in three minutes?

Huang Zhongtian easily climbed into the car and drove towards the destination.

After arriving at the destination, Huang Zhongtian commanded the robot to unload the cargo easily.

This order plus the loading and unloading time took less than 40 minutes.

Huang Zhongtian earned 150 yuan for one order!

Take it easy!

Now Huang Zhongtian's cervical spine no longer hurts.

Technology really changes life!

Now Huang Zhongtian changed his strategy of receiving orders.

He began to look specifically for those bitter orders to do.

These loading and unloading goods are tiring, but there is a list of additional handling charges to do.

At the end of the day, Zhongtian earned more than the previous few days.

And the whole person is much more relaxed.

Here Hu Yan also came to the report.

The first batch of [automatic loading and unloading robots] are all sold out.

In addition to the future car owners of Rongguang, there are also some bosses of replacement points who have also ordered [automatic loading and unloading robots].

The customer service received a lot of calls, asking if there are any (automatic loading and unloading robots.

The orders for Glory Future also exploded. In addition to the Shanghai stock market, customers in several other big cities also asked when they would be able to sell Glory Future in their cities.

Glory Future is different from others, because it needs battery replacement points, and the battery replacement points must be laid before opening a 4S store.

At first, Huang Zhongtian thought it was Mr. Gao's superfluous, why not let users charge it at home.

Later found that this is the most subtle.

These battery replacement points are gradually becoming Lingfeng Motor's service stores and publicity stations.

Although it is difficult to lay the battery replacement point at first, it is very convenient after the replacement is completed.

These car wash shops and repair shops can cooperate with Lingfeng Automobile to solve the technical problems encountered by drivers.

The order placed by the driver can also be sent to the nearest replacement point.

These truck drivers have no parking spaces to charge, and the owners of replacement points can also generate income.

Everyone is very satisfied.

The influence of Lingfeng Automobile has also increased with the laying of replacement points.

Hu Yan immediately opened up markets in ten major cities across the country, laid battery replacement points, and opened 4S stores.

Here, Lingfeng Motors is thriving and developing vigorously.

Sure enough, Zhou Deng encountered a crisis.

The investors joined forces to attack Zhou Dengfu.

Customers of the second generation of Joyo returned the goods, causing huge losses to Lighthouse Motors.

Many factories have already placed orders, and canceling orders will cause huge losses.

The word-of-mouth avalanche of Joyo II also affected the sales of several other models.

The board of directors used Zhou Deng's physical condition as an excuse to continue leading the company.

A board meeting was held to ask Zhou Deng to step down.

Today is the day of the board meeting.

Suddenly Zhou Deng walked into the conference room with a woman with short hair.

The directors who were having a meeting felt a thump when they saw Zhou Deng.

This guy really won't stand still!

However, major shareholders have reached a consensus that Zhou Deng cannot continue to lead the company.

The directors even proposed a plan to buy Zhou Deng's remaining shares with a large sum of money and take him out of the game.

As soon as Zhou Deng walked in, he said: "...I know you want to replace me."

Zhou Deng said: "I came here today to tell everyone that I have sold my shares!"

There was a lot of discussion in the conference room.

Zhou Deng continued: "I sold it to Meris Motors!"

Comparable comparable comparable!

Everyone gasped!

Merius Motors is the biggest competitor of Lighthouse Motors!

Zhou Deng actually sold his shares to Meris Motors (good Li Hao)!

Zhou Deng said at this time: "Mr. Malpus has already acquired some shares from small shareholders, and his original stake in Lighthouse Automobile has reached 12%."

"With my 13% stake, Mr. Malpus already owns 25% of Beacon Motors.

"He is now the largest shareholder of Beacon Motor."

Now everyone exploded!

The largest shareholder!

"This is the representative of Mr. Malpus, Zhou Xianiu!"

"Mr. Malpus is the number one representative and proposed a board proposal!"

Zhou Wen cleared her throat and said, "Mr. Malpus believes that the reputation of Lighthouse Automobile is already irreparable."

"He suggested that Merius Motors should acquire Beacon Motors!"


All directors stand up.

Zhou Wen then offered a rather high price.

Now everyone is stunned, what should we do? They gave too much!.

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