Company Development: I Build A Conscience National Enterprise

Chapter 180 A New Currency That Replaces The Hegemony Of The Us Dollar!

Zhao Jiangjun looked at Gao Lingfeng suspiciously.

What does Mi Yuan hegemony have to do with his export of solar panels?

Gao Lingfeng said: "Power coins, power coins are the most important thing!"

Gao Lingfeng talked about Power Coin and Zhao Jiangjun.

While speaking, Zhao Jiangjun's expression became a little more serious.

When he heard that tens of thousands of households in South China had already used power coins.

Zhao Jiangjun's expression finally changed.

He vaguely understood the importance of this thing!

The most important value of currency is circulation!

This is difficult to say, and it is not difficult to say that it is not difficult.

At present, the currencies all over the world have canceled the standard system.

To issue currency in the past, it was necessary to prepare equivalent precious metal collateral.

So the previous currencies were real gold and silver.

But modern currencies are all credit currencies.

That is to say, the government credits "two seven three" with the currency endorsed.

Modern currency has no collateral, and its stability and instability depend entirely on the strength of the country that issues the currency.

The dollar is the most circulated currency in the world.

Mastering the currency of international circulation is of great significance to a country!

This is economic hegemony!

Gao Lingfeng added: "But any currency has the possibility of over-issuing."

"In recent years, there have been several economic crises, and Caiguo has also printed a lot of money to release water.

"But this kind of printing money to release water has also made the whole world dissatisfied."

"The emergence of a large amount of currency in the market is equivalent to diluting the wealth of the whole society."

"And this kind of release of water, the poor and the rich get different money."

"The poor have no assets, their purchasing power is limited, and their daily expenses account for a large proportion of their total income. Even if they get money, they still need to have enough to eat!"

"The rich are different. They have high credit, assets, and news."

"The rich can even take advantage of the economic crisis to buy the assets of the bankrupt poor."

"That's why there are virtual currencies."

Zhao Jiangjun has also learned about virtual currency.

Originally, the emergence of this currency was to fight against the sovereign currency.

The inventor of the virtual currency believes that the virtual currency will not be overissued, and everything is controlled by algorithms.

So virtual currency will never depreciate.

Some countries are now hoarding virtual currencies to deal with inflation.

But in fact, these virtual currencies are virtual, just a concept.

Gao Lingfeng said: "Our power currency is directly benchmarked against electricity."

"1 power coin can be exchanged for one kilowatt-hour of electricity."

"As long as you have 1 electricity coin, you can buy a kilowatt-hour of electricity."

"No matter how the price of electricity rises, no matter how the dollar depreciates, the power currency is stable.

"Electricity is the lifeblood of modern society. If power coins take root in the United States, what will be the result?"

Now Zhao Jiangjun seemed to understand but half understood.

The economic principles are actually very complicated.

But the world also needs a unified currency for settlement.

Otherwise, everyone's currency is not unified, and international trade will return to the era of barter.

Therefore, there will always be a currency that becomes the currency for international commodity circulation and settlement.

What if this currency becomes electricity currency?

The result is so wonderful!

Zhao Jiangjun couldn't help thinking that if ordinary people in the United States would be more willing to buy things with electricity coins.

Then the power currency can replace the rice dollar and become an international settlement currency.

In that case, the power currency can really defeat the rice dollar hegemony.

Although Zhao Jiangjun didn't fully understand Gao Lingfeng's words.

But he understands that Gao Lingfeng's issuance of electricity coins in the United States is definitely not as simple as making money.

These contents also need to be reported by him, and the economists will evaluate whether it can be successful.

Zhao Jiangjun said: "I misunderstood you! I need to apologize to you."

Gao Lingfeng quickly said: "No, no, I didn't report in time."

Zhao Jiangjun said: "Send me the information, and I will explain it to the higher-ups."

Gao Lingfeng immediately passed the information to Zhao Jiangjun.

Zhao Jiangjun looked at Gao Lingfeng appreciatively.

Didn't expect him to be able to see this layer!

If it can be done! It is worth thousands of troops!

Even if it fails, power coins can disrupt the economic order of the United States.

Anyway, it’s a worthwhile thing!

Moreover, Gao Lingfeng represents a company, not a government action.

Now, Zhao Jiangjun secretly made up his mind that he must continue to support Lingfeng Group.

If Gao Lingfeng's plan is really feasible, it will not only encourage the export of their solar panels.

You can even apply to subsidize their exports in turn.

Lingfeng Group is really a national enterprise that can bring surprises to people!

Only then did Zhao Jiangjun remember his other purpose for coming...

That is to ask Gao Lingfeng, how is the progress of the pilot training system.

Zhao Jiangjun continued: "In addition, how is your pilot training system doing?"

Gao Lingfeng said with a smile: "The main part of the program has been completed, and now we mainly need the information of the aircraft.

Zhao Jiangjun nodded and said: "Your staff is still reviewing. After the review is over, you can get the relevant parameters."

When Gao Lingfeng and Zhao Jiangjun were talking.

Because of the [Automatic Mobility Electric Vehicle] and the lawsuit of the Southern State Government, it has also attracted the attention of the entire United States.

Under the cover of this lawsuit, it is indeed the rapid expansion of Lingfeng Energy in several states near Nanzhou.

The southern states are sunny states for several weeks.

During this period of time, due to the economic crisis, international shipping was blocked.

This led to a wild rise in oil prices.

As a result, electricity prices are also skyrocketing.

Many countries have experienced power shortages.

Although there is no electricity shortage in the United States, electricity prices in many states have doubled.

The common people are naturally complaining about this kind of crazy electricity price.

Taking advantage of this increase in electricity prices, the solar panels of Lingfeng Energy have successfully entered these areas.

With a one-time purchase, you can use electricity for free.

Isn't this delicious?

When these residents discovered that the solar panels of Lingfeng Energy can really meet the 5.8-household electricity demand.

They, like the residents of Southern States, began to sell solar panels like crazy.

The power currency has also invaded these states with the expansion of solar panels.

【The number of users of Powercoin has exceeded 100,000!】

When Gao Lingfeng saw the system prompt, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

[Automatic mobility electric vehicle] is just a point he throws out to attract firepower.

If Lingfeng Group wants to enter new energy vehicles, it can directly produce vehicles.

[Automatic mobility electric vehicle] In addition to testing the market's response.

It is also to cause a topic in the United States and let more Americans know about Lingfeng Group.

At this time, Lingfeng Energy can be dispatched. They continue to expand their solar energy business, and the power currency can also expand accordingly.

In the courtroom, Liu Qingcheng looked at the state prosecutor coldly, and began to fight with each other. .

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