This lawsuit was performed by Liu Qingcheng alone.

Her fluent English, citing classics, had nothing to say when the opponent's prosecutor refuted it.

Ma Yuan said to Li Bo beside him, "I didn't expect Lawyer Liu to be qualified as a lawyer in the United States."

Li Bo said: "I heard that she graduated from a world-class law school."

Ma Yuan sighed with emotion and said, "Mr. Gao's employing people is really amazing."

Li Bo also nodded.

When he knew, he was Gao Lingfeng who ordered to enter the company himself.

And his power coin plan was also personally approved by Mr. Gao.

Li Bo admired Gao Lingfeng completely.

To be able to trust a company so much, and to entrust such an important task to myself.

Li Bo felt that Gao Lingfeng could trust him so much, and he also had the idea of ​​repaying it wholeheartedly.

Ma Yuan also laments that Gao Lingfeng can always discover talents.

As an intern in the investment department, he was suddenly promoted by Gao Lingfeng to be in charge of the park's projects.

Now he is sent to the United States to take charge of the entire branch in the United States.

Ma Yuan never thought of such an opportunity.

He can have this position because he is Ling Feng's discerning eye.

Liu Qingcheng easily defeated the state prosecutor by 21.

In the end, the Southern Court ruled:

[Automatic scooter] It is considered a pedestrian scooter, but it is still a dangerous means of transportation.

The court does not prohibit [automatic electric vehicles] from going on the road, but prohibits [automatic electric vehicles] from going on the highway.

[Automatic mobility electric vehicles] also need to apply for a motor vehicle license, and the user must also have a driver's license.

The last point is that if there is a problem with the [automatic mobility electric vehicle], it will hit someone or cause damage to the owner.

Then Lingfeng Group must be responsible for compensation.

This result can be said to be a complete victory for Lingfeng Group.

After knowing this result, Malpus of Merris Motors directly smashed the desk in the office.

This beautiful lawsuit made Lingfeng Group famous in Nanzhou.

And the solar panel business, along with the continuous expansion of Lingfeng Group, spread to the countryside of Nanzhou.

Nanzhou is not only a state of science and technology in the United States, but also an agricultural state in the United States.

It is unbelievable to say, but the land conditions in Nanzhou are very good, the climate is warm, and the water is abundant.

A large number of plain areas are very suitable for large-scale planting.

Nanzhou's farms are highly mechanized, and a family farm can cultivate several hectares, or even tens of hectares of land.

But the owners of these family farms have long since ceased to be farmers.

Over the years, the wealthy in the United States have been very keen on buying farmland.

The economy of the United States has been very bad in recent years, and a large number of farms have gone bankrupt.

After these family farms went bankrupt, rich people bought their land.

As a result, these original farmers became tenant farmers of the rich.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the leisurely life of American farmers has long been crushed to pieces.

However, there are still some farmers who refuse to sell their land.

Harry is such a farmer.

They are a big family, living with difficulty.

Modern agriculture is not the process of sowing, fertilizing, and harvesting as imagined by ordinary people.

In fact, these large farms in the United States are more like a factory.

The use of large agricultural machinery allows one person to cultivate several hectares of land.

Manipulating these machines is more like a worker working on a construction site.

A great expense of the farm is the dyes for these machines.

Tillers are used to level the land.

The seeder sows the seedlings.

Drones spread pesticides.

The fertilizer machine fertilizes the land.

Then there are harvesters and threshers, which process the crops into semi-finished products.

Then sell it to a specialized acquisition company.

This is still the level of the farmer.

In the entire agricultural link, the level of science and technology is also very high.

Specialized seed companies are constantly cultivating better seedlings.

And these seedlings are all castrated seeds, and they are all disposable.

That is to say, farmers must buy seeds every year for cultivation.

It also gives seed companies control upstream of the farm.

The same is true for the pesticide and fertilizer industries.

Pests of all kinds will gradually develop resistance to pesticides.

This also makes it necessary for farmers to replace and upgrade pesticides.

And it takes more money to buy new pesticides.

This is the upstream of the farmer.

The downstream purchasers of grain are also multinational companies.

These big companies can work together to suppress the purchase price when the harvest is good.

When the harvest comes, they don't raise the price too much.

The entire industry is advancing in technology, but the hardest farmers are bearing higher and higher seed prices.

bear higher and higher pesticide prices.

Bear higher and higher fertilizer prices due to inflation.

However, the purchase price given by the multinational grain group is getting lower and lower.

This is also the truth about the bankruptcy of a large number of farmers in the United States.

The Harry family survived with difficulty.

However, the recent higher and higher electricity and oil prices will also knock him down.

Harry's wife suddenly brought back a group of engineers.

Harry looked at his wife suspiciously.

His wife said: "Harry, I participated in the farm renovation project of Lingfeng Energy, and they are willing to give us a farm renovation for free!"

Harry doubted 910.

Intuition told him that free things are the most expensive.

But the wife said that as long as the solar panels are installed, the farm does not need to buy electricity from the damn grid.

And the wife said that their farm is a demonstration project, which can be remodeled without spending money.

Harry finally agreed.

Engineers have replaced the roofs of houses, barns, barns and agricultural hangars with solar-powered canopies.

Then these engineers still erected the wiring, and finally installed a large battery in the small power station on the farm.

After Harry used the electricity generated by his home, his mood improved a lot.

This can save a lot of electricity bills.

Many machines on the farm also use electricity, which can save a little electricity bills, which is also quite cost-effective.

The engineer introduced the power coins to Harry's wife and said they could sell excess electricity to others.

Harry was not interested in these things, so he got on his tractor and was about to go to work in the farmland.

And a technician came up and said: "Mr. Harry, are you interested in trying our Lingfeng Motor's electric tractor?"

Now Harry was also stunned, electric tractor?

Can the small motor of the electric motor be used as a tractor?

Harry was skeptical, but the other party quoted a price that moved his heart.

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