Company Development: I Build A Conscience National Enterprise

Chapter 074 Containment (One More, Please Subscribe)

Now [Panda] is also interested.

She stepped onto the dueling ring.

[Player "Panda", challenge the player "Megatron"].

[Megatron] is really a good name for Secondary School.

Seeing a beautiful woman on stage, the boy also smiled.

"Miss, please be merciful."

"let's start."

【Panda】throws out his mountain and sea roll: "Come out! 【Iron Eater】!"

A naive, black and white cutie appeared on the ring~.

Seeing that it was 【Iron Eater】, 【Megatronic】 showed a relaxed expression.

[Iron-eating Beast] is the characteristic mountain and sea-elf of Rongcheng.

Many people will choose to cultivate 【Iron Eater】.

But this guy's fighting power is not too strong.

[Ghost Car] It can be regarded as a mountain and sea spirit that can fight.

[Megatronic] is a [ghost car] that was captured in a museum in Rongcheng.

This is an ancient tomb. I didn't expect there to be mountain and sea elves in the museum.

However, the [ghost car] was found in the ancient tomb, and it seems that there is no problem.

"Ghost Car! Use Dash!"

The wheels of the 【Ghost Car】 turned rapidly, and rushed towards the 【Iron Eater】 of the 【Panda】.

Collision is the trick of 【Ghost Car】.

Will-o'-the-wisps ignite on the wheels, as long as it hits an enemy, it will not only cause impact damage.

It can also carry negative attribute damage.

As long as it is not a mountain and sea elf with Yang attribute, this flame will last until the end of the battle.

Unexpectedly, that naive [Iron Eater] picked up a stick and jumped over the [Ghost Car] with a pole.

Is this juggling?

The onlookers applauded one after another.

This [Iron Eater] landed, and immediately swept away thousands of troops against the [Ghost Car]!

With the wind, the stick hit the wheel of [Ghost Car].

[Ghost Car] Staggered and almost fell.

"Ghost car! Use drift!"

This is the special skill of this 【Ghost Car】.

[Megatron] I like to watch racing movies like Fast and Furious.

Unexpectedly, after watching [Ghost Car] once, I also comprehended a new skill [Drift].

After using [Drift], [Ghost Car] becomes very flexible.

And the dark fire on the wheels is even bigger.

【Panda】Looking at the flaming 【Ghost Car】: "Is this the hearse drifting?"

This complaint made the onlookers laugh again.

However, 【Iron Eater】had changed from the casual look just now, and became very serious.

It took out a gourd and poured the wine inside into its mouth.

Then,【Iron Eater】began to wave the stick drunkenly, playing a set of【Drunk Stick】.

This is the trick [Iron Eater] learned from martial arts movies.


Seeing the naive [Iron Eater] wielding a stick, everyone couldn't help laughing.

However, the power of this stick method is not small.

The speed of the stick is very fast, and it also takes damage from gold stones.

Every time it hits the 【Ghost Car】, sparks will be thrown.

And [Iron Eater] is very flexible, it can hit [Ghost Car] every time.

[Ghost car] was very fast, but it didn't hit the [Iron Eater] once.

Now there is no suspense in the fight.

【Ghost Car】Scarred soon.

【Iron Eater】Victorious!

A treasure chest appeared in front of 【Panda】.

[Megatronic] on the ring was a little frustrated, he lost the consecutive rewards for defending the ring.

"Do you want to open the treasure chest now? You can also continue to defend the challenge. Every time you succeed in defending the challenge, the level of the treasure chest will increase!"


[Panda] is here to test her strength, and she is ready to go back.

The treasure chest opens.

"Congratulations [Panda], you got the Thunder Bamboo Stick!"

I only saw a blue bamboo stick weapon appearing in [Panda]'s hand.

【Iron Eater】Come over immediately and grab the bamboo stick.

It flicked the bamboo stick vigorously, making a crackling sound.

Then electric sparks jumped out of the bamboo stick.

nice weapon.

[Iron Eater] is satisfied, and [Panda] is also in a good mood.

[Megatronic] summoned up the courage to come up: "Miss, let's add a friend and communicate with each other."

"Okay. Vx or q?"

"Just add game friends directly, it's convenient."

After finishing speaking, a virtual business card appeared in [Megatron Bafang]'s hand.

[Panda] also took out his virtual business card.

After the two parties exchanged business cards, a reminder that the friend addition was completed jumped out.

Really convenient.

"Shan Hai Ji" is originally a social game.

The friend system in the game is pretty good.

There are functions such as chatting, sending pictures, and sending voice.

You can also send "Express Delivery" to your friends.

Of course, these "express" can only send virtual items.

Each player has a [Crane] courier.

Just hand over the things you want to send to [Crane], and [Crane] will hold the things in its mouth and deliver them to your friends.

...asking for flowers...0

This feature has also been well received by players.

The only downside is that it takes time for the crane to deliver things.

At present, players have not found a way to increase the courier.

The frenzy of the magic mirror swept the country.

Foreign game lovers are sour.

Lingfeng Games is a company! It's too unfriendly to foreigners!

This time, the Magic Mirror will be broadcast live globally.

Although it is available in various languages, the magic mirror is not sold overseas at all!

According to Lingfeng Games: "On the premise of giving priority to domestic supply, then consider selling overseas!"

As far as the current output is concerned, within a few months, it can't meet the huge internal demand of **.

Overseas players can only look at the players on the national server and drool.

These overseas players raised several protests, but Lingfeng Games remained unmoved.

Protests by overseas gamers are less of an issue.

But at the headquarters of the Sol Group, a meeting is taking place.

The protagonist of this meeting is not a member of the Sol Group.

But an American who looks very honest.

"This is the investigation of the impact of the magic mirror on the mobile phone industry. Mr. Les, you should have seen it." Lixiang Xiyuansi flew back to the headquarters overnight and said to the white man in front of her.

Ruth is the president of the Greater China region of Alpha Corporation.

Alpha is the largest mobile phone company in the United States.

Alpha's mobile phone is also the best-selling mobile phone in the world!

"Then what is your suggestion? Miss Lixiang?"

Xiyuanji Lixiang immediately said: "In the mall of Alpha Phone, remove the app of Magic Mirror!"

"What's the reason?"

"Stealing user privacy, there is a risk of sneak shots, etc. Isn't this easy to find?"

"But in this world, there are not only our Alpha mobile phones, but also other brands of mobile phones."

Xiyuan Temple Lixiang said: "As long as you take the Magic Mirror app off the shelves, we can force other manufacturers to encircle and suppress Lingfeng Group together.

Les said: "Siege? You know, there are still many big mobile phone manufacturers."

"You can see the threat of the magic mirror, they can't? If this product continues, the phone will be replaced!"

Xiyuan Temple Lixiang said: "We need time, the time to decipher the magic mirror technology, what do you think?"

Les sighed and said, "What if Lingfeng Group makes its own mobile phone? With their financial resources, it's not difficult to develop a mobile phone, right?"

"They don't have chips, how can they make mobile phones and phones?".

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