Company Development: I Build A Conscience National Enterprise

075 2Nm Chip! (Second Update, Please Subscribe)

January 20th.

In the Electronics Industrial Park where Guangming Electronics Factory is located.

The engineering team is building a new factory area.

Here is another electronics factory acquired by Gao Lingfeng.

This electronics factory was originally a hard disk factory invested by foreign investors.

After rising manufacturing costs in Japan, foreign companies moved their factories to South Asia.

So the factory was abandoned.

Sioux City was worrying about this abandoned factory.

On behalf of Lingfeng Group, Li Tao took out a letter of intent for acquisition.

Su Cheng's mind was ecstatic, and the transfer procedures were quickly completed.

After getting the factory, Gao Lingfeng immediately asked Li Tao to take over and started building a new factory.

[Bio-etching technology] also requires a precision workshop.

The factory already had a precision workshop.

Gao Lingfeng simply made a simple modification on the basis of this workshop.

The next step is to cultivate special microorganisms.

This special microorganism can be controlled by the computer "230" to etch integrated circuits on the electronic board.

Cultivating this kind of microorganism is not complicated. In the huge cultivation tank, add some nutrients, and the cultivation is completed quickly.

This kind of microorganism has no harm to the human body, and integrated circuits can be manufactured through the control of electronic signals.

After the main workshop was built, Zhang Ming, the new factory manager, led his workers to look at the huge etching pool.

A huge slab of silicon is soaked in an etching pool.

Both Gao Lingfeng and Li Tao stood aside and watched.

Li Tao looked at the huge pool, and said with distrust on his face: "Mr. Gao, can this thing really make chips?"

At the beginning, when Gao Lingfeng said that he would invest in the construction of a chip factory, Li Tao was both happy and worried.

Chips are very important strategic materials, if Lingfeng Group can really make chips!

Then Lingfeng Group can become a giant in the electronics industry!

However, in the production of chips, countless domestic companies have followed suit.

But no chips below 10nm have been produced.

This is also impossible, in this field, the domestic chip technology is still too backward!

If you fall behind, you will be stuck, so Li Tao can fully understand Gao Lingfeng's desire to produce chips independently.

Can microbes produce chips?

How can this be?

Li Tao didn't believe it from the bottom of his heart.

However, Gao Lingfeng insisted on going his own way and insisted on building a bio-etching factory in the new factory building.

Li Tao can only accompany Gao Lingfeng.

Li Tao felt that Gao Lingfeng went to the doctor in a hurry.

No matter how you look at it, this technology is not reliable.

Li Tao sighed, the life of Lingfeng Group is not easy this month.

No one expected that those technology giants moved so quickly.

January 10th, ten days after the release of Magic Mirror.

The largest smartphone company, Alpha Phones, issued a statement.

Alpha Company accused Magic Mirror app of illegally collecting user information and suspected of illegal candid photography.

The Magic Mirror app has been completely removed from the shelves.

Next, the five-star mobile phone of Bangguo, the Sol mobile phone under the Sol Group, and several other foreign mobile phone giants.

Jointly issued a statement to boycott the magic mirror app.

In addition to domestic mobile phones that also support the Magic Mirror app, overseas brands cannot install the Magic Mirror app.

That's nothing.

Foreign companies that provide Bluetooth chips to Guangming Electronics Factory have also announced a ban on the sale of Bluetooth chips.

And several big foreign chip giants demanded that domestic mobile phone manufacturers also remove the Magic Mirror app.

Otherwise, they will stop providing chips to these domestic mobile phone manufacturers.

For a while, several big mobile phone giants in China also began to waver.

This is the rhythm of total ban!

The magic mirror is just a pair of glasses. What really makes the magic mirror work is the app running on the phone.

This move made the magic mirror lose its carrier directly.

If there is no mobile phone support, the magic mirror is just an ordinary glasses.

Really underestimated these guys.

Sure enough, in the face of interests, those technology giants who advocate progress have changed their faces one by one.

They stuck the neck of Lingfeng Group with a chip!

That's why Gao Lingfeng is so eager to build his own chip factory.

But how could a chip be made so easily?

This is a state-of-the-art product!

Moreover, Gao Lingfeng's bio-etching factory is completely different from a normal photolithography factory.

Normal chip factories use lasers as tool knives.

Lasers are used to carve integrated circuits on tiny silicon plates.

This technical difficulty is very high, and a single mistake can make a whole silicon board scrapped.

Although Li Tao doesn't understand technology.

But he has never heard of any electronics factory that uses microbes to etch chips!

But these days Gao Lingfeng spends his days in the factory.

Prepare the solution, build the circuit, and build up a huge sterile factory little by little.

Looking at this strange workshop, Li Tao couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation.

From the purchase of the factory area to the purchase of equipment, this factory is the largest investment of Lingfeng Group.

A total of two billion yuan has been invested in this factory.

Now is the last moment.

"Into the silicon plate."

Zhang Ming stood in front of the speaker, and the robotic arm put a silicon plate into the culture solution...

The device starts to pass electric current, and under the control of complex programs, microorganisms carve circuits on the surface of the silicon board.

Complex integrated circuits are molded on the surface of silicon plates.

But no one can see this process.

These circuits are too small! Circuits are only 2nm in size and can only be seen clearly with the most sophisticated microscopes.

However, the speed of biological etching is very fast. After half an hour, an integrated circuit board was sent out of the assembly line.

Zhang Ming took the board and started the test.

Even when he saw the integrated circuit board leaving the assembly line, Li Tao still asked:

"Mr. Gao, is this really useful?"

"Taozi, as I said, this is the latest technology."

"But Mr. Gao, I haven't seen any factory that produces chips like this."

Li Tao is right. The technology Gao Lingfeng obtained from the system is completely different from the lithography machine.

However, the biological etching method takes less time to manufacture chips.

Zhang Ming deserves to be an employee with SSR quality inspection.

He tested the performance of the chip very seriously.

By the time he finished the test, it was already two hours later.

Zhang Ming said excitedly: "President Gao! It's a success!"

Gao Lingfeng was still sitting firmly on the chair.

Li Tao stood up excitedly: "What? You said it was successful?"

Zhang Ming said: "Success! This is a 2nm chip!"

"2nm!? Are you sure?"

"Mr. Li, I have passed strict testing, this chip is a 2nm chip!"

Li Tao took the chip, and he said to Zhang Ming: "Have you tested it on a real machine?" 0.1" Not yet.

"Go and try!"

It's a simple bluetooth chip.

It is impossible for ordinary Bluetooth chips to be produced in a luxurious 2nm process.

But at present, Lingfeng Group does not have the ability to design such a large integrated circuit as cpu.

So simply use the Bluetooth chip to practice hands.

After powering on the chip, Li Tao took his mobile phone and began to search for nearby Bluetooth devices.

can be found!

Li Tao immediately clicked to connect the device!


Li Tao sent a picture to the chip.

On the computer connected to the chip, the same picture popped up.

It worked!

Li Tao felt that Gao Lingfeng was doing magic tricks.

There is no chip in this world produced in this way.

This workshop is a gold mine!

Seeing the successful manufacturing of the Bluetooth chip, Gao Lingfeng finally smiled.

It worked!.

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