[Ninja World Comparison - The Light of Humanity, which explores all things in the universe, is about to be played. 】

When everyone was arguing over the custom shop, the movement from the sky screen made them come back to their senses.

With the lessons of the past, everyone has understood that this video represents another fate of the big snake pill.

[Ape Flying Sun Slash: The light of mankind, such a big breath, louder than the name of the son prophesied by the big toad immortal, the old man still does not believe that the rebel disciple of the big snake pill can have such a force. ] 】

[Jiraiya: Don't say that, old man, at least in the last video, Orochimaru has become a hero in the ninja world. ] 】

[Sarutobi Hinata: So what? He did make more than enough, so what about those who died innocently because of the big snake pill? 】

[Onoki: Three generations of Hokage, what are you calling a dog?] How do I remember that Orochimaru first experimented with it with your Konoha agreed, or even led? 】

[Terumi: That is, you can say that Orochimaru violated Konoha's rules, but you are not qualified to morally condemn him, don't you do the same thing? 】

[Sarutobi Richo: Hehe, how many of you, just because you know that the big snake pill saved your life in the future, help him speak? Don't forget, that's just one of the fates, maybe in this video, you died at the hands of the big snake pill? 】

[Fourth Generation Thunder Shadow: Hokage Old Man, don't confuse everyone, I don't believe that a person who killed us can still be called the light of humanity. ] 】

The sky screen starts to appear.

Outside Yuyin Village.

Uzumaki Ma handed over the clothes and ring to Orochimaru.

It means that the big snake pill returns to the Xiao Organization.

"We have set up a new department called the Scientific Research Department.

Orochimaru, you will serve as the head of the headquarters of the scientific research department, and at the same time the head of the biological division.

Also, introduce to you.

One of them you know, the Red Sand Scorpion, the Jade Girl of Xiao, is also the head of the Machinery and Artificial Intelligence Division.

The other, Deidara, Xiaozhiqinglong, is the director of the Physical Engineering Division and the Thermonuclear Reaction Research Division. "

After the introduction, Orochimaru was taken to a glamorous laboratory.

"Don't worry about research funds, if it's not enough, go to the corner."

Uzumaki Ma put down two boxes.

"What a great place."

Orochimaru looked at the precision instruments around him and licked his tongue, "Are these all scorpions made by you?" "

"Hmph, Orochimaru, I hope you don't let us down."

The scorpion snorted coldly and turned away directly.

[Deidara: Wow, what a branch head, that's a good title. Well! 】

[Chiyo Mother-in-law: Scorpion, you disappeared for so long, and you actually joined that organization? What exactly do you want to do? 】

[Red Sand Scorpion: Old woman, you talk too much nonsense. 】

[Chiyo Mother-in-law: That organization is not a good thing, scorpion, you can't learn from them! ] Let's go back to the village. 】

The next video begins.

In the same lab.

Orochimaru was wearing a white coat at this time, holding a report in his hand.

Vortex Mian Ma took a scroll and came to the big snake pill: "The cultivation of intercolumn cells has been completed, right?" It just so happens that our organization owes a favor to Chiyo's mother-in-law in Sunahide Village, just last time, you should remember.

We promised Wind Shadow to help transform the desert of the Land of Wind, so let's plant trees with intercolumn cells. "

"By the way, during the tree planting period, Orochimaru, send your Otobi team to the Land of Wind for archaeology and find those ruins hidden by wind and sand."

[Thousand Hand Pillars: What kind of stuff?] My cells are used to plant trees? 】

[Chiyo mother-in-law: That Xiao organization actually owes the old body a favor? How could the old body have intersected with that organization? No way! 】

[Red Sand Scorpion: With the character of the old woman's old antique, how can you cooperate with the organization? ] What the hell is going on? 】

[Temari: The Xiao Organization will actually think of helping our Wind Country purify the desert, there will be no conspiracy, right? 】

[Luo Sha: So who is the next Wind Shadow? 】

[Sarutobi Sunchop: Next?] Your Excellency Wind Shadow is in the prime of life, and he wants to step down? 】

[Luo Sha: Well, yes, I have mastered the art of placer gold, and I have long wanted to abdicate and spend my time increasing the economy of the village. 】

[Thousand Hand Pillars: Anyway, helping the country of wind plant trees is a meritorious thing. You see, I said that the organization is full of good boys. 】

The screen continues.

The camera overlooks the land, and the vast desert of the Land of Wind gradually turns green.

However, it seems to be deliberately controlled, and the desert is not completely covered.

I don't know how long it took.

In the only remaining piece of desert, a huge steel behemoth appeared.

The camera zooms in.

Orochimaru handed a scroll to a man with long black hair.

"Sasuke, inside the scroll are the 10,000 chakra eyes that I cloned and cultivated you, if there is danger, don't hold it up, just use Izanagi directly."


Orochimaru took out another mini scroll, "This is a recently developed scientific ninjutsu, which can store and release ninjutsu, which stores the four generations of Hokage's Flying Thunder God Art, if Izanagi can't defeat his opponent, then use it directly back." "

After watching this scene, everyone fell silent.

Most people don't know what Izanagi is, but with 10,000 chakra eyes, this number still shocked them.

As for those who know what Izanagi is, they are even more strained.

10,000 chakra eyes, pinched hemp for resurrection coins, right?

[Senjukuma: I...].

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)


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