[Uchiha Fugaku: I didn't expect that in the second video, Sasuke still appeared with Orochimaru, but this time the relationship between the two seems to be good. ] 】

[Mikoto Uchiha: Where is Sasuke going in the video, it feels very dangerous...].

[Thousand Hand Pillars: Can it not be dangerous?] 10,000 Sharingan Eyes for backup, but also leave a Flying Thunder God to escape, my God, is this junior of the Uchiha clan going to kill the Six Dao Immortals? 】

[Senju Jima: Big brother, you are realistic, I think he may be going to kill the six immortals of a village. ] 】

[Terumi: So what is the use of that Izanagi?] 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: It's complicated to say, simply put, it can be resurrected once at the cost of losing light. 】

[Terumi: So powerful? Then why didn't you use it when the Uchiha clan was exterminated? Is an eye more important than life? 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: The former Uchiha abused Izanagi, and was later cracked by a clansman, and Izanagi became a forbidden art, and the clansmen didn't know it, and I didn't learn it as a patriarch. 】

[Senju: I think there is another possibility that Sasuke Uchiha became a rebel and joined the Xiao Organization, and he wrote chakra eyes in order to start a war with the five major ninja villages and start a ninja war! ] 】

[Senjukuma: You almost got it, you look at Uchiha Sasuke in the video, he is almost a middle-aged uncle, and this baby was still a teenager in the fourth ninja war before. ] 】

[Senju Kuruma: Hmph, I didn't say that it was the fourth ninja world war, the naturally evil Uchiha imp, maybe it was the fifth ninja world war. ] 】


Sasuke was in his room, trembling with excitement.

He was still struggling with whether to go to the Great Snake Pill.

Orochimaru was killed by himself after watching the previous video, and it is very likely that he will not teach him again.

But the second video gave Sasuke unlimited confidence.

The big snake pill returned to the Xiao Organization, isn't this what the Uzumaki Mian Ma just announced not long ago?

That is, he will experience not the fate of the first video, but the second!

Then there is no need to get tangled at all.

Look at the picture again.

The middle-aged Sasuke took what Orochimaru handed him, nodded, and walked towards the high platform.

In the audience, rows of ninjas with strange tattoos stood densely.

Sasuke seemed to be giving a pre-war speech.

However, the protagonist of the video is Orochimaru.

As expected, the picture flashed.

All that could be seen was that the steel behemoth spewed out a fierce chakra flame and flew straight into the sky.

[Fourth Generation Thunder Shadow: Wait, this huge ninja tool is flying straight into the sky, is the enemy in the sky? ] 】

[Onoki: It's at least certain now that they probably didn't want to attack the Five Great Shinobi Villages. 】

[Zhaomei: Those ninjas in the audience are very imposing, and their foreheads are all from Yuyin Village, it seems that it is not surprising that the headquarters of the organization is in Yuyin Village. ] 】

[Senju Jima: I thought that the big snake pill in the last video would have enough means to develop the Oto-Ninja Village to that scale, but that Oto-Ninja Village is a world away from this Yuyin Village. ] 】

[Kiki Kakashi: The momentum of those ninjas, I'm afraid the strength is not low, so many powerful ninjas, all of them have been sent, it seems that there will be a lot of peace between the ninja villages in the future. ] 】

[Senjukuma: Is this so?] Then I'm relieved, haha. 】

[Senju Jima: Idiot big brother, can make the five great ninja villages work together, there is only one possibility, that is, they have a common enemy that is difficult to defeat! ] 】

[Sarutobi Hinata: I still don't see where the big snake pill is a human light, at most, like the previous video, it played a little role in the ninja world war. ] 】

[Tsunade: Don't be hard-mouthed, old man, didn't you see the eyes of other ordinary ninjas looking at Orochimaru in this video? Including the ninjas of the other ninja villages who passed by just now, they all carried respect. 】

[Jiraiya: So what exactly did the big snake pill do? 】

The screen turns again.

This time it is no longer a saber rattling battle, but a laid-back ninja school.

Unlike ordinary ninja schools, the ninjas in this ninja school have braces.

- That is, they have graduated from ordinary ninja school and become a ninja.

So why are they still here?

If you look closely, you will find that these ninjas' foreheads are different.

They turned out to be "international students" from other major ninja villages.

As the teacher, Orochimaru slowly walked in front of the ninja students.

"Have you completed all the homework you assigned to you last time? Check them one by one below, and go home to practice without the consciousness of finishing. "

"It's done!"

"Professor Orochimaru, look at me!"

"No, look at me, I'm much more accomplished than him!"

One by one, the students below raised their hands excitedly, and then...

Layers of steam came out of the body.

"Well, good."

Orochimaru nodded slightly, knocked on the blackboard, and a machine and a bunch of formulas appeared on the blackboard, "Last month, I told you about the principle of the steam engine, and if you apply this principle to Chakra, you can form a boil."

Last time I let you learn to use the Boiling Monster Matchless, it seems that you have all succeeded, and your current strength is already comparable to the original Tsunade. "

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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