[Ninja World Comparison Opens Again].

[The theme of this comparison - the behind-the-scenes mastermind who failed in the millennium plan and was the enemy of the world vs the righteous partner who got his wish and fought with the whole world! ] 】

[Sampling Q&A questions...].

[Question: What is the ultimate purpose of the mastermind behind the millennium? 】

[A. For the peace of the ninja world].

[B. Resurrection, my love].

[C. Return to Mom's Arms].

[D. Destroy the World].

[This question is banned: Swirling surface hemp.] 】

[The muted person cannot tell others about the answer in any form. 】

[Answer Reward Label: Unknown.] 】

[*Thousand hands have been rushed to answer, the number of people remaining: 2]

[*Naruto Uzumaki has snapped up answers, number of people remaining: 1]

[*Thousand hands have been rushed, the number of people remaining: 0]

[The preemptive answer has ended.] ]

[Senjukuma Choice A. For the peace of the ninja world].

[Naruto Uzumaki chooses C. to return to his mother's arms].

[Senju D. Destroy the World].

[End of preemptive answer.] 】

[The Ninja World Comparison will be broadcast tomorrow at 8:00.] 】


[Onoki: The old man is really a dog in the sun, why do you Konoha grab it so fast every time? ] 】

[Fourth Generation Thunder Shadow: Konoha's, do you have any special information? What is this "millennium plan"? Who can live a thousand years? 】

[Ape Flying Sun Slash: My rebel disciple Great Snake Pill completed that forbidden technique, if nothing else, it is no problem how long to live. ] 】

[Jiraiya: But hasn't the big snake pill already appeared? ] Wait, this doesn't say it must be a human, if it's a psychic beast? 】

[Tsunade: Psychic beast? Zilaiye, you mean...].

[Zilaiye: The big toad immortal of Miaomu Mountain, and the white snake immortal of Longdi Cave, have lived for thousands of years, right? ] 】

[Terumi: Don't pretend that you Konoha, answer the questions and explain it. ] 】

[Senjuma: There is nothing to explain, this is intuition, an evil existence that has been plotting for thousands of years can never be for peace. 】

[Thousand Hand Pillars: You have said everything to death, so what do I say? ]

Anyway, I think that since the title of the second video behind is "A Righteous Partner Who Fights with the World", then he will definitely not be an evil person, maybe he just went astray. 】

[Senju: Yo, big brother, have you learned to relate to the context? ]

It's just a pity that you forgot, big brother? When the two videos are contrasted, they must be opposite each other, the second is extremely good, and the first must be extremely evil. 】

[Zi Laiye: Second-generation adults, this is not necessarily, isn't the ending of the big snake pill quite happy? ] 】

[Senjuma: How many times have you said it, the disciple of the monkey, you don't look at the problem from your point of view, in the perspective of the big snake pill, not being able to freely explore the unknown is hell. ] 】

[Terumi: So after a long day, you guys are guessing there? What about that nine-tailed man pillar force? What do you think about the most outrageous answer you chose? 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Hehe, I just met my mother, and I chose this by the way, in case it's right. ] 】

[Terumi: I...].

[Nagajuro: Lord Terumi, envy does not come, the people Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan Chakrado, can be buttoned casually. ] 】

[Zhao Meiyu: This is not a speech, it can be resumed if it is deducted, but the upper limit of Chakra must be deducted for answering the question! ] 】

[Nagajuro: No way, people deducted the upper limit and the Nine Tails. 】

[Four generations of thunder shadow: Abominable, than, you ask Yao, can it answer the question, next time directly let it go to grab the answer! ] Bichakra, huh? Not afraid to buckle, right? 】

[Kiki Kakashi: Your Excellency Raykage, isn't this a bit of a ripe? 】

[Fourth Generation Thunder Shadow: Raipi? Where did it go? Aren't there tailed beasts in every village? Do you use it?

Oh, forgot, the tailed beasts of your village are not controlled at all, and the human pillars are all monsters who are discriminated against.

Yugito, you also ask Nio by the way, and it will grab an answer next time if it wants to or not. 】

[Yukito: No problem. 】

[Lao Zi: Hmph, I also asked Sun to help me answer. 】

[Terumi: Damn it, all of them cheat, right? Bullying us Wuyin Village tailed beast didn't... Damn it! 】

[Kurotsuchi: So, the three rush answers are all chaotic, and I don't even know who the protagonist is? ] 】

[Thousand Hand Pillars: Could it be Madara, this survival for a thousand years may not refer to the past, but the future Madala has lived for thousands of years. ] 】

[Senju Kuruma: Big brother, you reminded me that the entire ninja world must pay attention, and you must be careful not to resurrect that bastard Madara ! ] 】

[Senjukuma: Kuruma, do you think it's Madara?] @宇智波斑, is Madara, is it you? As you can see, you can also be a companion with the All Ninja Realm! 】

[Uchiha Madara: Haxi hot mother shut up! ] I don't want to talk right now! 】

Uchiha was confused.

He also feels that the protagonist of this comparison is himself.

But why is the first title a failure?

The second title fights with the entire ninja world, why did it get what it wanted?

His wish is to read the infinite moon, how can he fight with the entire ninja world?

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)


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