Uchiha was tangled in the Pure Land.

The mask man is also entangled in the yang.

Although he accepts Madara Infinite Moon's dream of peace, he is not prepared to let Madara be the man.

Therefore, the mask man also thinks that the protagonist of this video may be him.

Then looking at the two titles, the same tangled emotions as Madara's came in.

And compared to Madara, the title behind it profoundly aroused the dream of the mask man.

Fortunately, the ruthless reality quickly sobered up the mask man.

Whatever the future, the past has already happened.

Then he certainly won't just give up.


[Fugaku Uchiha: Actually, I also think that the protagonist this time may be Madara, and... I think I probably know why Madara has reincarnation eyes. 】

[Senjukuma: Oh? What do you know? 】

[Shimura Danzo: I knew that the Uchiha clan had colluded with Madara a long time ago! ] The Nine-Tails Rebellion must be yours too! 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: Danzo, don't talk nonsense! ] 】

[Senjukuma: Danzo, which pants didn't show you properly? ] Shouldn't you already be imprisoned? Why are you still wasting Chakra nonsense here? 】

[Shimura Danzo: ......].

[Uchiha Senna: Yo, isn't this Kuruma?] Wasn't Uchiha, who was born evil just now, shouting there? 】

[Sarutobi Hinata: Fugaku, don't listen to the words that sow discord, you Uchiha will always be part of our Konoha. 】

[Deidara: Poof, sorry, laughed, isn't the Uchiha clan a Uchiha Sasuke except for the Itachi who has already rebelled? ] He will always be a part of Konoha, and this one is too small. Well! 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: Alas, no matter what Konoha does to us Uchiha, for the safety of all ninja worlds, I still say. 】

[Fourth Generation Thunder Shadow: Look, this is the courage that a clan leader should have. ] 】

[Ohnogi: That's right, I'm starting to wonder if the rumors that the Uchiha clan want to rebel are rumors released by the third Hokage. 】

[Terumi: You two don't let the rainbow fart go first, hurry up and listen to him.] 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: There is a stone tablet in the Nanga Shrine of the Uchiha clan, and there are some things engraved on the stone tablet.

The content on the stone tablet evolves with the Sharingan, and the more content is revealed.

And when the Sharingan evolves into the kaleidoscope Sharingan, you will see a paragraph ...].

[Senjukuma: Wait, you mean you also have kaleidoscope chakra eyes? 】

[Fugaku Uchiha: That's right. 】

[Senju Kakuma: Originally, the old man was still just a little suspicious, but now it is basically certain that you and Tuanzo really didn't do a good deed. ] 】

[Terumi: Also has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and opened earlier than his son, has more combat experience, but was killed without much fighting, no matter how you look at it, there is a conspiracy. ] 】

[Onoki: Mizukage, you shut up first, don't care about Konoha's conspiracy, even if Konoha has a big conspiracy, it's none of our business to play yourself! ] 】

[Terumi: That's right, but I'm not a water shadow.] 】

[Onoki: You are not Mizukage, where did you get so much chakra to send so much nonsense? 】

[Yuanshi: Terumi is a candidate for the fifth generation of water shadow, and is now learning, and it won't be long before it is water shadow. 】

[Terumi: Uh, Master Yuan, why are you so exposed? 】

[Yuanshi: It's okay, the ninja world is about to undergo drastic changes, the pattern should be enlarged, according to the beauty, the old body believes that you can lead the Mist Hidden Village to prosperity. ] 】

[Four Generations of Thunder Shadow: Stop! ] That Uchiha patriarch, hurriedly said, what is the text that requires a kaleidoscope to write chakra eyes? 】

[Uchiha Ban: The current Uchiha Patriarch, you have to think carefully about whether you want to say it or not. 】

[Senjukuma: What are you doing Madara?] Do you threaten another dead man with one dead man? 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: It says that a god divides his power into two poles of yin and yang for the stability of the world, and the combination of the opposite two forces will produce the power of all things! ] 】

[Senjujukuma: Hey, this is so familiar, it seems that Madara called me over and told me. 】

[Senjuma: Then big brother, didn't you say it earlier? 】

[Thousand Hand Pillar: Isn't this forgotten, and what does this passage mean? ] Isn't that uniting us? 】

[Senju Jima: Idiot big brother, if I'm not mistaken, this should be the way to open the eye of reincarnation, two opposing forces, referring to Senju and Uchiha! ] 】

[Terumi: So it is, is this the truth of the opening of Uchiha's reincarnation eye? 】

[Senjujukuma: No, how did that Madara get my power? 】

[Senjuma: Big brother, have you forgotten my research? Madara is not stupid, if he wants to learn, those fur-like knowledge, he can learn it quickly, he just needs to get your cells...].

[Senjukuma: No, I clearly remember everything with Madara, he definitely didn't take my cells. 】

[Terumi: Is it possible that some of the fluid that the original Hokage left in Uchiha's body in the first place. 】

【Thousand Hand Pillars:???? 】

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