[Thousand Hand Pillar: This little girl chose to die at the hands of her companions in order to prevent the tailed beast from erupting in the village and hurting innocent people? ] 】

[Senju Kakuma: An unsung hero, look at your reaction to Yong Daijie, if it weren't for this video, I'm afraid you wouldn't know it, right? ] 】

[Terumi: Poor little girl, the same age as the flower, sacrificed herself for the sake of the village. 】

[Sarutobi Richo: Alas, the old man didn't know at the time, otherwise it wouldn't matter if he brought it back to the village.

As long as he doesn't enter the village and storms outside the village, the old man should be able to stop the three tails and prevent it from destroying. 】

[Iso: Made! You are so strong, you tell me!

I don't know if the human pillar force dies, and the tailed beast will also die!

If you threaten me with your own life, I will definitely not break out!"

Die so quickly, I can't help but persuade you! 】

[Senjuma: Who is this, such a big resentment? 】

[Yuzu Yakura: It's Mio. 】

[Shouhe: Haha, fool Iso, how does it feel to pretend to be cold and die once? ] You should be the weakest tailed beast now, right? 】

[Bull Ghost: Shouhe, you don't seem to be much better, right? In the previous video, you didn't cooperate with Renzhuli, otherwise you wouldn't have been caught by the mask man, and you ended up eating. 】

[Moritsuru: Dead octopus! ] Don't mention eating anymore~!! 】

[Shouhe: And Uncle Ben knows that mistakes can be corrected, and now he has reconciled with Renzhuli, don't force Lai Lai anymore! ] 】

[Kankuro: Huh? Are you sure? 】

[I love: That's right. 】

[Temari: That's great! ] 】

[Kiki Kakashi: What about Obito?] You come out and talk! Uchiha deceived you, stop doing things for him!! 】

[Senju Kakuma: Hmph, it is estimated that like Madara, I can't accept deception and escape reality. 】

It's the same as Senjuma said.

Faced with the cruel reality, the mask man chose to escape.

But he wasn't really running away.

Uchiha deceived him, only to make the mask man angry, and did not subvert his mind.

Because originally, the mask man was not ready to resurrect Uchiha Madara, but was ready to realize the plan himself.

Since the self in the previous video chose to collect the tailed beast alone, there is no need to change in reality.

The Mask Man was outside Konoha Village at this time.

Kuroki asked him to come to Konoha before to get rid of Sarutobi Asma.

Although it has now been exposed that Hei is definitely his identity, the mask man is not ready to stop.

Kill the son of the former Hokage, Konoha's elite Shinobi, and let this ninja world be turbulent first!

The station of the Ape Flying Clan.

Asma was lying on a recliner looking at the sky screen, when suddenly there was a twist behind him, and by the time he reacted, his body was already covered with detonation charms.


"Next is Ichio Moritsuru, Sand Hidden Village..."

The blurred mask man looked at the disappearing figure in the flames, silently waiting for the explosion to end, and then used the pupil technique to transfer.

However, he forgot one thing.

Asma, indeed, is dead.

But dead people can also speak.

[Sarutobi Asma: Everyone of Konoha, be careful! ] That bastard mask man appeared in Konoha, and he assassinated me with an explosive charm! Next, he will go to Shayin Village to capture Shouhe!! 】

[Fei Duan: I go, who grabs people's heads? ] 】

[Kakuto: It's really fleeting.] 】

[Sarutobi Sun Chopper: What? Asma, you even too...].

[Nara Shikamaru: Asma-sensei?! ] 】

[Kiki Kakashi: What?! ] Obito, are you this mask man, how did you become like this! Stop!! 】

[Senjukuma: Kakashi, stop calling, he is definitely not ready to read the contents of the chat room now, instead of thinking about this, it is better to quickly prepare for defense. ] 】

[Terumi: We were slack before, but we didn't expect that someone would really take advantage of the sky screen to sneak attack, and now we must first do a defensive enchantment. ] 】

[Temari: What?] He came to Shayin Village? So what about I love Ro... By the way, Xiao Organization, can Xiao Organization come to support us? 】

[Kankuro: What about the people who know the organization?] Just like in the video, come and support us! Shayin Village is willing to cooperate! 】

[Senju Kusuma: I'm afraid it's difficult, don't forget, the key to defeating the mask man in that video is Kakashi's pupil technique.

He had asked him before, and he had already said that he could not control the power of that eye for the time being. 】

[Nara Shikahisa: Sunahide Village, in addition to Ichigo Zhuli, that Chiyo mother-in-law should also be careful.

That masked man may kill her in order to prevent you from cooperating with the Xiao Organization to resurrect her, and then destroy the body to prevent reincarnation and dirt rebirth! 】

[Darui: It's really troublesome, the entire ninja world is going to be in turmoil again, or because of one person. 】

[Fourth Generation Thunder Shadow: That weird time and space ninjutsu is too suitable for assassination, damn it, I can only try to guard against it. ] 】

[Senjukuma: Guys, no matter what, we still can't give up watching the sky screen, there is a good possibility that there is a key to cracking his time and space ninjutsu! ] 】

[Senju Jima: Don't forget, he is just a pawn of Madara, and Madara is just a pawn of that black peer, what consequences the real conspiracy will lead to and how to solve it, we still have no clue. ] 】

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