At this time, Shayin Village entered the first-level guard.

He had just been fooled by the Great Snake Pill into carrying out the Konoha collapse plan, losing a wave of backbone combat power and damaging four generations of Wind Shadow.

The future wind shadow I love Luo has not yet grown up.

Right now.

The masked man is coming to capture the tailed beast.

A few of the only remaining combat forces in Shayin Village who could be named had a discussion.

The only top combat power, Chiyo's mother-in-law, who has been in seclusion for a long time, had to go out of the mountain.

Even if Konoha's wise man, the Nara clan, had reminded her, the other party was likely to target her as a target.

But Chiyo's mother-in-law will never see her village destroyed and remain indifferent.

"Konoha has also just died three generations of Hokage, and the fifth generation of Hokage has not yet been inherited, and will not support us like in the previous video."

"Only the Xiao organization, only them."

"Whether or not they can't implement it because of that outrageous deterrent method exposure, they have restarted the plan to collect tailed beasts..."

"Only they will come to support."

"If they also want the tailed beast, they won't sit idly by and watch the tailed beast be snatched away by that masked man."

Chiyo's mother-in-law was worthy of being an elderly elder and quickly analyzed the situation.

"That's it, so what do we do now? Mother-in-law. "

Kankuro sighed helplessly.

"While guarding, continue to watch the video of the sky screen, try not to act alone, at that time space ninjutsu is too suitable for assassination, at the same time..."

"If the other person shows up, then delay as much as possible."

After Chiyo's mother-in-law finished ordering, she wanted to say something.

Then I thought that Kankuro, this kid, as a puppeteer, would not make puppets at all.

If you want to set up some mechanism in the room, you have to look at her old man.

[Senjuma: What about the people who know the organization? Are you ready to support the Sand Hidden Village? 】

[Deidara: Support a hammer, why are we idle and bored to support them?] 】

[Big Snake Pill: If you can't find a way to crack the time and space ninjutsu, there is no point in going to many people. ]

It's better for me Ai Luo to simply commit suicide, the human pillar force dies, and the tailed beast dies.

It will take at least a few years for the tailed beast to resurrect naturally, at least this time is absolutely safe. 】

[Senjukuma: Oh? Big Snake Pill, this suggestion is good, you Sand Hidden Village think about it. 】

[Temari: What to consider! ] I love Luo Du killed himself, what else do I have to do safely! 】

[Orochimaru: I'm talking about the safety of the ninja world, and it's just dead, just keep the body. 】

[Thousand Hands Pillar: I go, since when did "dead" turn out to be "only"? 】

[Nara Shikamaru: Actually, this is a good idea. 】

[Onoki: That Ichigo Renzhuli, you see that little girl in Konoha can sacrifice herself, if you want to be a wind shadow, do you also have to sacrifice yourself? ] 】

[Temari: You bastards! Forced me to die in Ero!! I love Luo, you don't listen to them! 】

[Uzumaki Noodles: In this case, Konoha gave us the forbidden art of the second generation Hokage, and we will consider whether to support the village of Sunahi. 】

[Sarutobi Sunchop: You want to be beautiful! ] That's the crisis in Sunahide Village, and it's not our Konoha's! Why do you want us Konoha to give away benefits? 】

[Kiki Kakashi: That, three generations-sama, after you left, we released the ninja of Sunahide Village, and then Konoha and Sunahide formed an alliance. 】

[Sarutobi Sun Chopper: Alliances are not okay! ] Sending out the teacher's forbidden technique, that is basically tearing the cover of Konoha's sealing technique and giving it to them! 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Third generation grandfather, please, save me Airo! ] 】

[Sarutobi Sun Chopper: No! ] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: If you don't agree, I'll beat Konoha Maru every day! ] 】

[Sarutobi Sun Chopper:?] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Anyway, the third generation of grandfather, you are gone, Uncle Asma is also gone, no one is his backer, that uncle wolf in sunglasses can be defeated with a casual astringency....

In short, if you don't agree to save me Airo, I'll beat Konoha Maru every day!" 】

[Uzumaki Shinna: Naruto, well said! ] You should beat the grandson of that old thing and beat back all the suffering you suffered in the first place! 】

[Bofeng Shuimen: Jiu Xinnai, this...].

[Sarutobi Hinata: Then Naruto, you fight, just because the old man owes you. ] 】

[Sarutobi Hinata: Konohamaru, you have to remember, ninjas, are people who can endure what ordinary people can't endure, you must hold on, grandpa is proud of you. 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Then I take Konoha Maru to the kind of custom shop that the lecherous fairy goes to every day, so that he is surrounded by big sister every day. ] 】

[Sarutobi Konohamaru: And this kind of good thing? Naruto Ni-chan?! 】

[Sarutobi Sunchop: Nani?! ] Konoha Maru is still a child!! Jiraiya, you bastard, what did you teach Naruto to be? 】

[Jiraiya: What does it matter to me?] I remember that before I taught Naruto, he had some weird ninjutsu, right? 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: I don't care, anyway, if you don't agree with the third generation of grandfathers, I will let Konohamu be besieged by the big sister every day, and like Jiraiya-sensei, he was pressed under those big sisters and screamed! ] 】

[Jiraiya: Uh...].

[Onoki: Is there a possibility, it's not a scream. 】

[Zhaomei: It is worthy of being the head of Konoha Huang gambling and drugs, and the disciples taught are also so brave and fierce, and they are bowing down. ] 】

[Ape Flying Sunchop: Isn't that right? I remember Tsunade saying earlier that the custom shop was closed because of Mr. Kuruma.

Naruto, you can't threaten your husband. 】

[Senju Kusuma: What is because of me, monkey, you owe a beating, right? 】

[Jiraiya: Uh, but hasn't the second-generation adult been sealed by the ghouls, and there is no way to reincarnate the soil? ] 】

[Sarutobi Sun Chopper: Jiraiya!!!!! 】

[Sarutobi Hinata: Jiraiya, I misread you! ] Originally, because of Sensei Kuruma, the entire ninja world had completed the anti-pornography.

I didn't expect that because of your own selfish interests, you actually broke this hard-won purity, and you disappointed the teacher too much! 】

[Jiraiya: Old thing, why didn't you say it when you peeked at the women's bathhouse with a crystal ball and used the technique of binoculars? ] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Don't argue! ] Three generations of grandfathers, do you promise me?

If you don't agree, even if there is no big sister in the custom shop, I will personally use my harem art to go into battle!" 】

[Jiraiya: My God, Naruto, did you sacrifice so much? It seems that you have a really good relationship with that I Ai Luo. 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: I love Luo, like me, who has been discriminated against since childhood.

Compared to me, who had no parents, he was more painful to have a father but was regarded as a monster by his father.

I can understand the pain, so I will never allow him to be killed! 】

[Sarutobi Hinata: Naruto... Alas, since this is the case...].

[Mito Menyan: Hinata, you don't want to be soft-hearted, right? That's Konoha's wealth, you dead Hokage, not qualified to order! 】

[Turning to Bed Koharu: That's right, Hinata, you are not a child anymore, how can you be shaken because of such a trifle? ] 】

[Senjukuma: Tuan Zang stopped talking, and the two of you came out again? ] Why, do you also think that I am also a dead Hokage, so I am not qualified? 】

[Mito Menyan: Don't dare, teacher. 】

[Senju Jima: Don't call me teacher, the biggest mistake in my life is to accept a few of your disciples! ]

I tell you, my forbidden technique, I have the qualifications to deal with it.

Make a copy, give it to Uzumaki Noodles, and go, immediately, immediately! 】

[Terumi: Or the second generation of Hokage has courage, so why not give us a copy of the Mist Hidden Village? ] 】

[Onoki: Iwahide Village also wants it. 】

[Senjukuma: I want to develop it myself! ] The two leaders of the Xiao Organization, one leader, are both from the Uzumaki clan, and they have a lot to do with our Konoha, what are you? 】

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