Uchiha Madara,"This little guy has taken the right path. Only when you have power can you have the right to speak."

"What bond, what will of fire, all that is bullshit"

"In the face of interests, only if your fist is big enough and your power is strong enough can you make everyone quiet."

Senju Tobirama,"This generation of Jinchūriki is too dangerous. We must guard against him strictly. I will not allow the village we built to be destroyed by him!"

Hatake Kakashi,"I have also experienced such dark times. I know how difficult it is to get out of it."

"The Uzumaki Naruto in this world is so powerful......"

Mei Terumi:"If I could live in the same era as Naruto, it would be wonderful."

【Naruto took the knowledge of these ninjas very seriously.】

【"Only by becoming a ninja can I have enough power to live a better life. This is the foundation of everything!"】

【Naruto knew that chakra was the foundation of ninja, so he carefully read the"Chakra Refining Method" and constantly absorbed knowledge.】

【After reading this, I immediately started to refine my chakra.】

【Just like eating and drinking, Naruto did not encounter any obstacles in the process of refining chakra. Strands of blue energy gathered in his meridians and quickly flowed throughout his body.】

【Chakra was increasing rapidly, making Naruto feel an incomparable sense of fullness.】

【He is getting stronger.

Jiraiya,"The Uzumaki Naruto in this world has an incredible understanding. He extracted chakra so quickly!"

Hashirama Senju,"His performance is really amazing. I have a feeling that Uzumaki Naruto may be a ninja who surpasses me."

Tobirama Senju,"Am I the only one who feels that it is getting more and more dangerous?"

"Such a person must be firmly controlled in Konoha, otherwise, it will be a disaster for Konoha."

Orochimaru," Genius, I am very interested in this little guy."

Uzumaki Naruto,"The me in another world seems to be quite powerful."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Come on, Naruto!"...

【Naruto's mind is highly concentrated】

【Suddenly, he realized that in addition to the blue chakra that had just condensed, there seemed to be red chakra escaping from his body.】

【He could feel that the red chakra did not belong to him.】

【But it has more or less connection with me, and it exudes a very dangerous feeling.......】

【When Naruto came into contact with this chakra, his originally calm mind changed and he even had the intention to kill.】

【Naruto sensed danger and immediately stopped his chakra training.】

【I opened my eyes and continued thinking.】

【"this......Could it be that this is why others call me a fox demon?"】

【"The reason why others hate me is because they hate this special energy in my body?"】

【"So, there is actually a hidden danger hidden in my body?"】

【Naruto has no idea what this hidden danger is.】

【He only knew that what he could do now was to make himself extremely powerful. Strength was everything.】

【With the power, any hidden danger can be dealt with! 】

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"What's going on? He actually came into contact with the Nine-Tails Chakra in his body!"

"Has the seal been loosened so early?"

Uchiha Madara,"It seems that this child is a natural Jinchūriki."

Orochimaru,"A natural Jinchūriki, suitable to be my experimental subject."

"I wonder if this little guy will become the biggest change in Konoha."

"Will I overturn Konoha before I overturn Konoha?"

"Hahahaha, the world is becoming more and more interesting"

【Naruto became more diligent, frantically extracting chakra and practicing physical skills.......】

【With a regular life and daily exercise, Naruto is also growing taller.】

【He is five years old this year, but his height has reached that of an eight or nine-year-old boy, and he is very strong.】

【According to the judgment, the amount of chakra stored in his body has reached the level of Chunin.】

【Before entering the Ninja Academy, Naruto had already won at the starting line, running several hundred meters ahead.】

【Naruto also thinks about the abnormally surging chakra energy in his body.......】

【He knew that he was indeed special. Naruto became curious about the mystery of his life.......】




【Naruto formed hand seals at an extremely fast speed, so fast that it was almost invisible, and his body also changed rapidly along with the smoke.】

【The Three Body Technique is the most basic technique. Naruto succeeded immediately after learning it for the first time.】

【Well, it is indeed the most basic, and you should learn it all at once.】

【Moreover, Naruto discovered another thing】

【When he performs these basic techniques, he hardly consumes any chakra.】

【Because, before it has time to be used up, new chakra has already filled it up.】

【"It's time for the third generation to teach me some other techniques."】

【Naruto, with a determined look in his eyes, said in the empty room that he wanted to find the Third Generation.】

【He had already discovered that someone was always watching him.】

【These people are from the Third Generation, and Naruto has more ideas about whether the Third Generation Hokage is good or bad. 】

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