The screen went dark at this point.

The life of Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world paused.

Uzumaki Naruto was about to cry,"Compared to the me in that world, I am just trash."

Uchiha Sasuke was speechless,"Five years old, this Uzumaki Naruto is only five years old!"

"The chakra reserve has reached the level of Chunin?! The three body techniques are easy to use, and the physical techniques are also very good......"

"How strong would he be when he entered school at the age of six? Could it be that he graduated as a Genin right after entering school?......"

Haruno Sakura,"I think if things continue like this, there shouldn't be any problems......."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Kakashi became a jonin at the age of twelve, which is already amazing. Why do I feel that my child in this world is more talented than Kakashi."

Kakashi,"Master, I am sure that his future achievements will definitely be higher than mine."

"Because his mind is so strong and mature......"

Uchiha Madara was also shocked

"Although the Three Body Technique is the most basic technique, it can be successfully learned once, as simple as eating and drinking. Unbelievable."

Hashirama Senju," His hand seal speed has reached the limit of ordinary ninjas."

"With the talent and hard work of Uzumaki Naruto in this world, perhaps soon he will be able to release ninjutsu without making hand seals."

Orochimaru, I really want to travel to that world. Uzumaki Naruto's body is too suitable to be my carrier.""

"Compared to him, the Uchiha clan is totally insignificant."Sarutobi

Hiruzen's heart became more and more nervous.

If Naruto continued to develop at this speed, according to the character of his world ,...

It won't be long before the other party will confront me directly!

I always feel that all the dark things I have hidden will be dug out by the other party and put on the table to be whipped!......

The screen with a white border starts playing again

【As time went by, the disliked and mischievous Uzumaki Naruto finally reached the age of six and was able to go to the Ninja School.】

【In order to attract everyone's attention, he even painted the Hokage Rock......】

【"This troublemaker is causing trouble again. How could he draw so carelessly on the Hokage Rock?"】

【"It's really a headache. I strongly suggest that we drive him out of our village."】

【"Yes, it is a small trouble now, but it will become a big trouble later!"】


Uzumaki Naruto was indeed very energetic.

However, Uzumaki Kushina, who was watching the live broadcast, cried.

She could deeply understand how much her son longed for recognition.

She was so lonely.

Namikaze Minato sighed and said with a wry smile.

"At least his personality is not weird, he is still quite lively......."

But he knew it too.

How pitiful is Naruto when he behaves like this?

Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina both began to doubt whether their original decision was correct.

Uzumaki Kushina gritted her teeth and said

"Who leaked Naruto's identity as the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki? Let me find out and kill him!"

Orochimaru,"What a poor child. He has been brainwashed by Sarutobi Hiruzen since he was a child. Doesn't he know how to resist?"

"You don't know how powerful the energy is hidden in your body. Just let it out. Destroying Konoha is your only way out."

【Uzumaki Naruto's mischievous character continued throughout his ninja student career.】

【People describe him as a middle school student, a silly last-place student.】

【As for the poor application of chakra, the three techniques are a mess and can't be used at all. The physical skills are poor and mediocre. The throwing of ninja tools is not accurate at all.......】

【I can't understand the cultural lessons and just want to sleep......】

【These failures made Naruto feel inferior and he couldn't hold his head up among his classmates.......】

【Although no classmates would bully him, no one really looked up to him. In the class, he was basically an insignificant existence.】

【Just like every other person who is at the bottom of the list, Naruto also has a great dream.】

【That is to become the Hokage, to become the most powerful person in this village, to prove it to everyone.】

【However, this was just his fantasy. How could he become Hokage in this state?】

【Naruto was very confused and didn't know what to do next. He could only laugh loudly and force himself to show that he was optimistic to cover up his inner fragility. 】

Uzumaki Naruto,"My eyes are filled with tears. Please don't let go anymore. It's too heartbreaking!"

"Am I really that bad? I think I'm fine......."

Uchiha Sasuke,"I didn't feel that way before, but I just thought Naruto was annoying, like a psychopath."

"Now looking at it again, he is not only a psychopath, but also a failure in life."

Haruno Sakura,"This kind of Naruto is a world away from Sasuke-kun."

"How could any girl like him?"

Akimichi Chouji,"I really didn't have a very good impression of Naruto at that time."

Uchiha Madara,"It's disgusting."

Senju Hashirama,"It's meaningless."

Senju Tobirama,"If it was in the war years, such a child would have died long ago."

"It's not enough that you have average abilities, but you don't even want to make progress."

Uzumaki Kushina,"It's all my fault that I didn't grow up with you."

【Fortunately, this last-place guy still has some justice in him.】

【When she sees Hinata being bullied, she will stand up for her, even though she will be severely punished by others.】

【Facing the exterminated Uchiha Sasuke, he felt a familiar loneliness in him.】

【Naruto himself was soaked in the rain, but he wanted to hold an umbrella for others. He would go looking for trouble with Sasuke from time to time, perhaps with the intention of enlightening him.】

【However, it seems to be of no use, and it gives Sasuke a headache.......】

Uzumaki Kushina,"My son is as gentle and kind as his father."

Uchiha Mikoto, who is a close friend of Uzumaki Kushina, said

"Our two children are natural brothers."

"One is aloof, the other is passionate."

Haruno Sakura,"It seems that Naruto is not completely useless. At least he has a good heart." Hyuga Hinata

,"Naruto-kun, Naruto-kun is the best."

Senju Hashirama,"It reminds me of my childhood relationship with Madara."......

The screen with white borders dimmed.

The movie viewing in the original world ended.

The screen with black borders lit up again, playing the picture.

Everyone's attention was focused on it.

Everyone was obviously looking forward to the black Uzumaki Naruto.

The original Uzumaki Naruto was a naughty little warm boy.

But he lived too cowardly.

Compared with him.

Everyone would rather watch the calm and scary Uzumaki Naruto.

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